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After leaving Saumya in her room, Nishtha rushed to the hall to find Vikrant, just to end nowhere. Returning to her room with a sad face, her eyes fell on a body sitting in the garden alone. 

Holding the heavy lehenga in her hands, she slowly walked to the person. Taking a seat beside him, she folded her legs on the bench.

"What's the matter Krishiv?" She straightaway addressed his mind, cutting short the formalities.

"Why do you think there's a matter?" Krishiv asked, slightly looking at her with a smile.

"Aye... Get to the point without trying to change the topic" She looked at him with scrutinized eyes.

"She's not understanding the reason behind my denial for marriage" Krishiv said in a small voice pulling his hair in frustration.

"Did you explain your reasons?" She asked, holding her arms at her chest.

"Yeah, but she still isn't agreeing to wait for me for a while"

"Krishiv..." She sighed deeply before speaking again. "Though we live 21st century, there are still a few societal norms that are believed, and you can't fight them. If she's so insistent on getting married then try looking at the matter from her perspective, place yourself in her shoes" She explained calmly to him, making him look at her as if his brains were churning absorbing the information.

"But bhabhi.. I don't want to get tied in a marriage at a young age. A marriage means responsibility, adjustments, sacrifices, leaving things that you like, losing your freedom. Its like becoming a new individual without individuality" Krishiv expressed his concerns.

"Arey baba... Who said you become a new individual? For example take bhai and bhabhi, none of them have changed for the other. Marriage isn't about sacrificing or losing your freedom, its about experiencing new things together. It isn't a rope that you'll be tied with, its a thread that links her to you and you to her. Marriage doesn't practically change your living style though ofcourse there are a few things that change like your family number increases, you start thinking about your significant other before about yourself... Trust me, you do all this because your heart says to, not because that's what the marriage asks for" She ruffled his hair lovingly and stood up to return to her room.

"Thanks bhabhi" Krishiv said with a smile.

"Its okay devarji. Don't over analyze the situation and place yourself in her shoes before taking any decision. Incase you need someone to speak to, you have my number" She gave him a soft smile and started walking slowly to her room with sadness written all over her face.

A hand suddenly gripped her wrist, pulling her behind a pole and covering her mouth. Upon seeing the person, her racing heart calmed down and eyes sparkled with happiness.

"I was looking for you" Vikrant whispered to her. She hugged him tightly.

"What happened between Saumya and Ruhaansh won't affect us, right?" She asked nervously.

"Ofcourse not Nishu, they are themselves, we are spectators of their relation, our relation is on its own. What happens on the outer world won't affect us unless we are involved in it, okay" He said cupping her face with love.

"I love you" Saying that she hugged him again.

"Nishu" Vikrant said sweetly.

"Hmm, kahiye" She wrapped her hands around his neck and raised her eyebrows.

"Bhaag chale? (Shall we run away?)" He asked holding her by her waist.

"Let's go, but let me first change this lehenga, its difficult to walk in it so forget run" She played along with him.

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