Time traveller (story #1)

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Destiny, incessantly pesters one. Like a fly, it's presence is undeniable, yet one could never grasp it, it could be so close, yet so far at the same time.
To harith, ever since the ripe age of 15, when he was forced into seeking protection from the moniyan empire,and set out into the ever-glorious journey of bringing his people back, his life had been the perfect picture of "destiny" . A young hero, the last of his kind, on his way to save his clan and defeat the evils lurking. Bystanders would gasped in awe at his talent, enthralled by his feats.
Yet, his young soul could only shoulder the "perfect" life for so long, eventually, life wears down on one, and for harith, that day came sooner than desired.
One day, while drinking at a pub(yes, he is about 17 at this point) with Alucard, his mind wandered off into what he would have wanted.

He desired many things, to be the hero of the leonins, to kill every last abyss creature , to save his family, but in the very back of his mind, a selfish part of him can't help but desire a normal life.
Harith hated that selfish part of him.

So, when news spread of a rock that could allow the user to time travel , harith felt as if something snapped in him. Maybe this life of his wasn't meant to be, maybe what he needed was to chase his destiny.
Following this train of thoughts, it wasn't long before harith found himself in front of the magical rock, carrying nothing more than a few days worth of biscuits and instant coffee he swiped from the palace.
Looking up at the rock, a wave of self doubt clouded harith'a mind. Taking a step back, he sighed deeply, shaking his head to get rid of any intrusive thoughts.
Of course he wont die, right?
Time travel is a novel concept after all, no one knows how far this rock can bring one, nor does anyone know where this rock came from.
Information on it was strictly limited to, it appeared, we found it, it's now ours.
Despite the overwhelming sense of danger harith felt, he can't help but yearn for it. Destiny was just out of his reach, like a ripe, red apple ready for picking. All he needed to do was to take the first step and pluck it.

Fuck it,he was doing it.

Taking muffled steps, he padded his way to the rock, even though there wasn't anyone around him. Reaching out a hand, he felt something inside him twitch. This was it, destiny was waiting for him on the other side of the smooth, unsuspecting stone.

" what are you doing?"


There was someone else here.

In all his excitement to pursuit destiny, he failed to notice a small, pink haired leonin girl staring at him. Harith cursed his negligence inwardly.
If word got out that he, a light born knight, was seen in front of the stone, word would spread that he was a hoax, a fake hero searching to escape his duties.
Taking a deep breath, Harith tried his best to look professional.
He turned towards the girl, flashing her a charismatic smile.
"Hello! I'm Harith, here on official orders from her majesty."
" Her majesty?"

Harith felt his ear twitch, how did she not know the ruler of Moniyan Empire?

"Yes, Queen Silvanna, the ruler of Moniyan Empire."

Harith shot a glance at the girl in front of him. Shocked when he came face to face with a huge frown.

"Queen Silvanna..."

The leonin girl looked deep in thought, hands pulling nervously on her dress.
Speaking of her dress, she looked straight out of a 18th century drama, her dressed decorated spectacularly with bits of gold and silver. Heavy gold bangles adorned her delicate wrists, while a pearl necklace draped across her neck.

Harith knew that aspiring tine travellers like him often dressed themselves up before embarking on their journey, yet he didn't expect himself to feel underdressed next to the leonin girl.

"Well then," he cleared his throat nervously" if you're going first, I'll give you some privacy" he gestured vaguely towards the rock, taking a step back.

"Going?" Her ears perked up in alarm, eyes shooting to the rock.
"Uh, no you're sorely mistaken, I-I'm just visiting the rock!" Fumbling with her words, the leonin girl stumbled backwards, away from harith and the rock.

" You go ahead."

Yet looking at her pale, helpless face, he felt his conscience tugging at his heartstrings. Fishing out the packets of instant coffee and thermoflask he " borrowed" he offered it to the pink haired girl the way one would offer cat food to a stray cat.


The girl took it hesitantly, taking a sip of it from between her delicate fingers.
Before spitting it's contents onto the floor.
" How nasty..." She glared at the thermoflask in disgust. Face crinkled up as the instant coffee was a disgrace to human and leonin kind.
Hmm, she must be a rich man's daughter. Harith felt a smile growing in his lips, noting down her posh, high-class accent, the kind one would imagine a princess to have.

Stuffing the other instant coffees he had, Harith turned towards the rock, much to the surprise of the female leonin.

"I'll see you later then."

And with a light touch of Harith's hand, his destiny-seeking had begun.

Hi! Author here, I'm not sure if this book will do well since the HarithNa fandom is pretty dead HAHHA.
If it does decent I might continue the story.

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