Mommy. 😈

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She pulled me into a sort of basement, it was dark and definitely cold. "Basement for real? It's fucking cold" I groaned "Suffer" She chuckled, it gave me a shiver how she said the 'suffer'. She threw me into a chair with chains and chained me against the chair. "Let me go" I said pulling at the chains "I told you to stay inside your room." She said walking around me and it looked so sexy, her perfect body and then with her dress. "I didn't want to stay in my room all time" I answered "I clearly commanded you too and I don't care what you don't want to do, I told you to stay in your room." Okay shes slowly getting scary. She walked over to a table which had 2 drawers, she pulled out a knife and my eyes widen. "When I tell you something, you obey, do you get that?" She asked giving me a death glare. She walked up to me with the knife and caressed it by my throat "Yes.." I answered scaredly and kept eye contact with her "You're hard to handle, but definitely not hard for me." She laughed evilly caressing the knife by my cheekbone "I'm sorry miss.." I mumbled keeping my eyes on the knife "I caught you staring." She said and I got a shiver "W-What do you mean?" I asked even tho I knew what she meant "I caught you checking me out" She said smirking "Uhm.." I couldn't answer that. "You thought I didn't see hm?" She asked still smirking "Yeah I was hoping you didn't" I answered embarrassed. She placed her hands on my thighs and her face was very close to mine now I wanted to kiss her so badly now.. "If you tell anyone about this, you're going to have the worst punishment of your life." She said and smashed her lips against mine, I moaned into the kiss at the sudden warm touch. Her lips were so warm, so soft, she pulled away again and smirked at me, I was just sitting there flustered. "Isn't this what you wanted pet?" She asked caressing her hands by my inner thighs and I started moving in the chair "Mhh" I whined "Stop moving!" She yelled slapping my thigh which turned me on even more. "Please" I begged "Please what dear?" She asked me kneeling down infront of me "Please touch me" I begged her "This is supposed to be a punishment, not a treat" She spit and stopped caressing my thigh "Please I need you" I begged even more now, but she ignored me. "Later." She said and left the basement "Fuck.." I mumbled completely horny. "My dear, already down here on your first day." I heard the all to known principal Weems voice. "You're so quiet now, what did Morticia do to you hm?" She asked laughing. I didn't answer I just stayed quiet not wanting to get into more trouble with talking back. "Can you please free me?" I asked kindly. She walked up to me and unchained me so I rubbed my wrists because they hurt. "Be careful what you do, Morticia isn't a gentle person" Principal Weems said "I've noticed." I answered and stood up from the chair "Now go, rest." Principal Weems told me and waved me off, I nod and quickly left the cold, dark basement. I ran up to my room and met Wednesday and her mother there, ah shit. She looked at me and smirked evilly we made deep eye contact I quickly walked over to my bed and laid down on my stomach. "Meet me in my office at 11pm" Morticia whispered in my ear flirtatious and I got a shiver all around my body when I felt her touch my back gently "Mhm.." I mumbled back "We've got some things to do." She smirked at me and of course I knew.. I want her so bad thinking of what she could do to me "I want you so bad right now.." I whispered to her placing my hand over her hand and rubbing it "Patience my dear." She smirked and let go off of me and I whined from the loss of her touch. She winked at me and then left the room "What time do we have?" I asked Wednesday "Its 9:47pm right now." and I groaned, still more than a hour to wait.. "What did my mom tell you?" She asked "Oh just to come by at 11pm at her office" I told her without even thinking "That's.. strange? Why so late?" She asked turning around to face me "Eh.. I don't know what she needs, but we'll see." I answered acting innocent "What happened in the basement any way?" She asked me curiously "Oh not too much, Morticia chained me against the chair and teased me with her knife" Leaving out the part where she kissed me. "Are you okay?" She sounded worried "Yeah i'm okay, i'm not scared of knifes. Thank you for asking." I smiled at her and she gave me a small smile back which meant much to me. "Want to hangout with Enid a little more?" Wednesday asked and my eyes widen with excitement. She chuckled and I jumped up from the bed and followed Wednesday to Enids room. "Is she alone in a room?" I asked her "No, she is with some boy" Wednesday said "Ah poor Enid" I said actually feeling bad. We entered her room and saw her sitting on her bed, I looked on the other side to see the boy which I almost punched twice, I greeted my teeth and gave him a death glare. "You better not." Wednesday said grabbing my wrist tightly, but not that tight like Morticia "I wanna rip his ugly head off!" I yelled "Enid, call Morticia, this could end badly" Wednesday said and I stopped "Don't call Morticia!" I yelled at Enid which I actually felt sorry for "Call her." Wednesday said and I groaned, I looked back at the guy and he was laughing "I promise one day I will cut your ugly head off!" I yelled trying to pull away from Wednesday, but it was way to hard too I was probably too tired to have any energy and she was holding me with two hands. "Whatever you say freak" He said "Thats it you fucking bastard" I pushed Wednesday away and I felt so bad, but I was gonna rip off that dudes head. I pulled out a pocket knife and held it directly against his throat "You better don't provoke me or something is gonna be cut off in a few seconds." I said pressing my knife harder against his throat "Yo chill!" He still yelled, I heard the room door open and I looked at the door to see the beautiful Morticia "Enid, why?!" I yelled angrily "Sorry.." She mumbled "You've done it!" Morticia yelled at me and grabbed my arm "I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING BAD YET!" I yelled at her "This is your first day and already making such trouble!" She yelled and I groaned. She pulled me out of the room and then probably to her office. "Perhaps I should tell principal Weems about this." She said still pulling me with her harshly "No!" I yelled at her "Don't yell at me pet." She demanded and I immediately shut up at the pet name because it made me flustered again. She threw me into her office and I crushed against her table "Ow for fucks sake!" I yelled "Give me your knife." She demanded standing directly infront of me "I need it" I smirked trying to tease her "I told you, give it." She said again this time it sounded way more hotter "Get it yourself" I said smirking even more now, it's fun to tease her. "Where did you put it?" She asked me "Ohh maybe in my bra" I chuckled, I was gonna burst out laughing any second. "You little-" She started, but stopped herself. "I thought you were though?" I asked her smirking evilly "Oh my dear, i'm just going easy on you." She smirked at me now and I gulped scaredly "Now whos shy again?" She laughed and pressed me against the table "I wanted to give you a treat, but you've been a bad girl." My heart dropped when I remembered and I whined "No! Please I need you and you know it!" I yelled at her resting my hands on her shoulders "I know, but wouldn't that be a great punishment?" She asked with a furrowed eye brow "I suppose.." I mumbled sad and let go off of her shoulders "You do not actually think I will feel bad?" She laughed. "Pfff whatever" I rolled my eyes. She smashed her lips against mine and went into a deep kiss. I again moaned into the kiss at her touch "You're so soft.. that's going to be fun." Fucking bitch keeps making me soft! I am not!!! Ugh. I looked down at the floor because I didn't want her to see how madly I was blushing, but her cold nails grabbed my chin and pulled it up so I made direct eye contact with her "Do you want me?" She asked me smirking and I gave her a glare "Obviously, that's what I have been telling you for ages!" I yelled at her "Shh, no yelling." She said and grabbed my waist and sat me on her table so I was finally the same high as her. "You need to be quiet for mommy okay?" She asked smirking "Mhm!" I mumbled already needy for her. She pulled down my pants and then went into my panties and I was already getting weak at her general touch "You're already so wet" She stated and I rolled my eyes "I've been waiting for you ages!" I yelled and with that she shoved in two of her finger "Oh jesus..!" I yelled quietly resting my arms on her shoulders again. "Fuck oh my." I moaned quietly trying my best to keep quiet, I don't want principal Weems to hear us, well me. "Please" I begged "Please what darling?" She asked still shoving in and out quickly "Please I need you" I said "If you insist." She said and added another finger and finally found my sweet spot "OH!" I yelled a little too loud "Sh!" She yelled and held her other hand on my mouth. She kept pushing my sweet spot curling her fingers and also her nails adding extra pleasure to it "Mh!" I moaned into her hand, she put her hand away from my mouth "I'm close" I said and she started pushing in more quicker "Ah fuck!" I yelled quietly now my nails digging into her shoulder "I'm close.." I moaned and squeezed my legs together "open." She demanded and I immediately opened my legs again "Ugh shit!" I yelled a little louder. Morticia slapped my thigh and I squealed "Quiet pet!" She yelled at me in a whispering tone "Mhm.." I moaned "Come on" She said and I released all the pleasure "Oh fucking hell.." I panted, I still rid my high out on her fingers. "Good girl." She chuckled. She pulled me into a deep kiss, but I pulled away quickly because I still needed to catch my breath "Your nails added extra pleasure.." I mumbled "That's good" She still smirked evilly at me "and you know, not a word to ANYONE." She sounded deadly serious and I quickly nod "Do you understand?" She asked me digging her nails into my thigh "Yes mommy!" I yelled within pain "Good." She said and pulled me off of the table "If I catch you one last time threatening asher, you won't get a treat." I looked at her annoyed because I knew I couldn't do it and his name is asher what a pussy. "But-" I started "No buts. You're gonna control or else you know your punishment" Eh whatever "Ugh rude" I said and tried walking away from her office "Not so fast." She said and pulled me back against her body "Hm?" I asked "Tomorrow is class starting at 9am don't forget or else there will also be a punishment, do you understand pet?" She asked me and I nod again "Yes" I answered "Yes what?" Keeps making me say it "Yes mommy" I answered and she smiled satisfied "Mhm, now go go!" She said pushing me to the door. I sprinted to my room so none would see me and entered the room to see Wednesday asleep so I quietly walked over to my bed and also laid down comfortably and I relaxed myself, I closed my eyes and then that what happened between me and Morticia popped into my mind and I felt myself heating up, but I eventually fell asleep finally.

I woke up peacefully and I was still tired as fuck, but whatever. I looked over to Wednesdays watch and it was 10:48am. Okay what the fuck, Wednesday was also still asleep so we both missed Morticias class which is bad for me, she will be so mad. UGH WHY DID I SLEEP THAT LONG!! Well probably because I was longer awake having fun with Morticia. I walked over to Wednesdays bed and gently shook her awake "Wednesday!" I yelled quietly and she woke up slowly "We missed your mothers class" I said scaredly "What?!" She yelled shocked and looked at her watch "Oh my! We missed two hours of her class.." She mumbled "Should we still go?" She asked me unsure "I wouldn't, but if you want to go you can, but I won't" I answered and sat down on her bed next to her "She will be so mad" Wednesday stated worried "Don't worry, I will take the blame" I said smiling "No- Not again!" She yelled "Wednesday, I want you to have a good look on your mother so let me handle her, it's not too complicated" I chuckled "Are you 100% sure?" She asked and I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully "Yes, trust me." I kept staring at the door for Morticia to burst in angrily and eventually it happened right when I thought about it "Y/n, Wednesday. Where have you been?" She asked angrily you could clearly see she was furious "I didn't wake Wednesday up because I wanted her to sleep and I just didn't want to go" I was such a good liar. "Oh is that so?" She asked walking up to us which looked more than sexy with her dress and ugh. Her figure, her BOOBS, her hair I fucking love long hair "Yes" Wednesday just looked at me very worried "Come with me." She demanded and I stood up and I was making again direct eye contact with her and I smirked at her. She grabbed wrist definitely tight and pulled me with her "What did I tell you yesterday?!" She yelled angrily "Mhhh I forgot" I said teasing her "Oh you forgot?" She asked pushing me against a wall "Yes i'm sorry my mistress!" I yelled jokingly "You better be pet." She gave me a death glare and a shiver ran down my whole body "Yes mommy.." I mumbled quietly "I will spare you for this one since you have been a good girl yesterday, but if you come one minute too late you'll be doomed." She told me, but I couldn't really focus on her. I only could focus on her perfect shaped boobs. "My eyes are up here dear." She told me smirking "Uhh... yes of course!" I said embarrassed and looked up into her eyes "Remember, one wrong move and there will be a punishment." She told me giving me once again that evil glare which scared the shit out of me "Yes.." I mumbled scaredly and my eyes switched to her boobs again "I would better focus on what I say." She said and I snapped out of it "Yes I know, i'm sorry" I answered, but I needed to giggle "Now if you excuse me, I have something to attend too." She said and let go off me and I whined and the loss of her warm body touch "No" I said and pulled her back directly against me, I could feel her boobs pressing against my boobs "What do you need?" She asked flirty "I want you" I said "You're so needy, I do not have the time right now." She said, but gave me a deep kiss, our tongues fighting for dominance. "You know I always win bunny" and again flustered from the new pet name "Pfff whatever" I rolled my eyes and let her go. "Be a good girl and don't punch anyone." She demanded me, I nod, but I knew exactly I couldn't resist punching that fucking son of a bitch. "Mhh.." I mumbled "If I catch you lying one finger on that boy, i'm going to destroy you." I saw the evil smirk on her lips and my cheeks flushed red "Yes.." I answered and she left me standing there, needy for her.

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