Storming Normandy

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The door opened,  the first and second row of men got ripped apart by machine gun fire. The second it stopped I dived out the door into the icy salty water. I let myself sink to the bottom, scared that if I came up for air I would be like those guys on the boat. The water around me  was murky red with blood, I say a helmet  sink to the bottom in front of me. That sight infuriated me, my body started to pump adrenaline through my veins. I tried to swim up but I couldn't my weight was keeping me down, I quickly pulled off my backpack and tried to swim up. I managed to take a breath before I was  pulled down again, I then dropped my M1-garand I pushed up and started to swim to shore. I dove behind some Rocks breathing loudly and shivering with both fear and cold. I looked beside me at a guy who was shivering, What do we do now? I shouted at him He started to say something but a burst of machine gun fire and he slumped left onto me with a hole in his head.  I sat there for a few minutes recalling what just happened, then I shoved him off me. On the ground in his lap was a Thompson Sub-machinegun, I grabbed it and checked the magazine. The magazine had 12/30 bullets, I grabbed the guys ammo pouch he had 3 full magazines. I dumped my ammo out and put his inside. Dazed I sat there for a moment asking myself how I was going to shoot a sub-machinegun without experience. Scared I looked over the rock for a moment, a barrage of bullets hit the rock in front of me blowing rock dust into my face. I ducked my head down fear taking over. then I had an idea, my shaving kit fell out while we were boarding boats, I attached it to my belt so I still had it. I grabbed my shaving kit and ripped it open, I grabbed the little mirror and stuck it in my razor, I put the razor handle down my gun barrel and smiled (metaphorically). I pushed my gun up  a little, angling it and then I looked at the mirror I saw  a machine gun nest behind me waiting for movement. Deep breath as I picked up a grenade, I ripped out the pin closed my eye's and counted to 5 in my head, My words seemed to echo in the darkness around me, silence. Quickly I was brought back to the battle, I stood up and threw the grenade at the nest. I crouched  down still watching the nest, I saw a dot reach right in front of the opening, Then "BOOM!" I jumped the rock, while debris was still raining down, and made a beeline to the concrete. In triumph, I shouted down the beach and hand signaled any other troops to come. 5 other troops came and crouched beside me, 2 men were carrying sub-machine guns, one was carrying a light-machine gun, 2 men were carrying M1-garands. I ordered that the light machine gunner was in front, the sub-machine gunners be second, he be third and the men with rifles hold the back. The 5 got up and started forward, almost immediately one sub machine gunner got shot, so I moved to take his place. We kept moving forward shooting and getting shot until finally, we got to the roadway. There, other soldiers  were waiting. A major got up  and started walking down the line giving news. " we have successfully invaded the beach, we have pushed the germans far back, by the end of tonight we will have normandy, good job men!" A wave of cheering from the long line of soldiers, and I noticed that I was smiling, something I hadn't done in a while.        

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