Chapter 6

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"So what are you guys to each other," I asked Max as we walked back to my house

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"So what are you guys to each other," I asked Max as we walked back to my house. She insisted on walking with me so I let her. The sun was setting and a dry breeze swept by, pink and orange hues filling the sky.

"Cousins," she replied, pulling the ring pop out of her mouth with a 'pop.' "What did you think we were?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I had no idea and I didn't want to make any assumptions."

She nodded her head following along. She faces my house the hot wind blowing her hair behind her slightly. "Well, I'll see you around. I'll be here for a few days so come visit," she winked before walking off.

I chuckled to myself, stepping inside the house. Grandma passed by, her arms draped with clean towels. She stopped, her eyebrows knitting in confusion, "what were you doing outside?"

I blinked, "I went over to Reid's house. Remember the AirPods you asked me to give back?"

"Oh, that was a few hours ago wasn't it?"

I chucked my shoes off sighing, "Yeah they invited me inside and I didn't want to be rude."

Understanding melted on her features, "Did you have fun?" She beamed.

My mind went back to meeting Max and watching the movie in Reid's bedroom. "Yeah it was fun," I grinned.

"Awesome," she held a thumbs up, sauntering off to the bathroom.

I sighed and collapsed on my bed, opening a text from my other best friend Rosaline, Ro for short. She insisted.

Ro Ro: Hello, where did you go?!?

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, I'm sure I told her about my summer trip. Did she forget already?

Me: I'm at my grandparent's house for the summer...remember

Ro Ro: ohhhh sorry I forgot, want to hang out tmr?

Me:... I'm in Arizona Ro, are you high right now?

Ro Ro: no never haha, I miss you

I shook my head, she's definitely on cloud nine right now. After one edible she forgets literally everything.

I rolled over on the bed and scrolled on social media before eventually passing out. When I woke up it was dark, I was coated in sweat, and my mouth was dry. I got up and shuffled over to the kitchen, a plate was wrapped for me in the microwave.

I hummed to myself as I find I shed my dinner at the glass table by myself. Crickets could be heard outside and filled the air with their music.

I quenched my thirst with a bottle of water and made my way back to my bed. Something however outside the large glass windows caught my eye. The streets were dimly lit but I could make out the tall figure stumbling down the street.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now