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The following morning the man wakes up at the hotel, the sun is rising to the sky as he pulls the big curtains to the sides. He pulls out his speaker and leaves it in the bathroom, he texts his bodyguard that he is thinking about finding a bakery nearby to get some breakfast since it is common for the Danes to eat breed rolls, he wants to try the stuff that they like and not stay close to the familiarity of South Korean food. His bodyguard thanks him for the information, and the man puts on a playlist and takes a nice shower. 

After showering and waking up under the warm water, he steps out to do his skincare and put on some clothes. He looks at what he has packed and tries to put a nice outfit together. A knock comes on the door to his hotel room "Come in sir" The bodyguard steps inside and says good morning "Please do not call me sir, that is my job - Thought I already told you" The bodyguard laughs "Then what should I call you instead?" "Just call me Carl, that is enough for me" The man nods "Feels weird since you are older, but if you insist then please call me Namjoon instead of sir too" Carls nods and smiles "Sure Namjoon, it is going to snow later on today. I would recommend having some warm clothes ready for later" Namjoon smiles and thanks him. He finally pulls the outfit on and out of the door they are. 

Walking down the streets around 9 AM where people are awake, going to work and school. Namjoon pulls out his phone to find the address for the bakery "This way" Together they walk side by side down to the bakery. Namjoon notices that in a few places around the bakery there are people still sitting outside drinking a cup of coffee, walking inside they are met with warmth and the wonderful smell of bakes bread coming from the counter, Namjoon greets the woman behind the counter "Hello" "Ah hello, how may I help you?" Namjoon quickly looks at the glass counter to see what he should get for Carl and him "Uh, what do you recommend?" the woman smiles and points at a pastry that is covered with white glaze and something red on top "I ate these a lot as a child, it is called raspberry slices it is pretty good" Namjoon looks at Carl to see if he agrees "Ah yes that is right, we will take 3 of those" "What are those?" Namjoon points at a piece of bread that looks like a ball with cream in the middle "Ah that is a Spandauer, it is a classic thing to eat for breakfast in Denmark" Namjoon nods and tells her to pack 3 of those too "If you want something that is really danish to drink, I recommend going just down the street there is a stander where they buy gløg it is really good when it is cold outside" The woman says as she packs the pastry for Namjoon and Carl. Namjoon quickly pays and thanks her before wishing her an amazing day as they leave the bakery. 

Walking down the streets to the stander to find the drink Carl talks about how there is a Christmas market a few streets away, it is pretty famous for both the Danes and the foreigners, it is pretty magical. Carl orders two cups of gløg "Where are you from?" The man behind the counter asks as he gets the two cups ready, Carl looks at him "I am from Sweden but lived here in Denmark for many years, now I live in South Korea" The man grins at the mention of Sweden "Ahh Sweden, then you must feel off when the Swedish and Danish people are playing against each other" Carl laughs and nods "Yeah, I love Sweden but Denmark also has a big spot in my heart" Namjoon looks confused, the man notices his face and says: "Must be confused. Denmark and Sweden er like siblings, they fight all the time. We used to be in wars together back then, fighting over Norway. So since we can not attack each other in war, be fight in sports instead" Namjoon lets out a laugh at the explanation "Ah I see" "But where are you from?" The man asks giving Carl the first cup before pouring the second one "Ah South Korea" The man nods "I heard that a big group is going to the military soon, are they doing alright?" Can he not recognize him? Not that he is angry over it "Yeah, the first one left already. You listen to their music?" The man shakes his head and gives Namjoon the cup "No, my son does. He has been a fan for many years" Namjoon nods and smiles, it is always nice to hear that people support them even when they were nothing in the industry. The man wishes them a good day before he welcomes the next customer. 

"Nice to know that not everyone recognizes you?" Carl grins as Namjoon nods "Yeah, makes me relax a bit" They sit down on a bench that has a bit of snow on it. They sit there for a bit before walking around, just trying to relax. Namjoon catches himself thinking about how nice it is that he can walk without a mask and sunglasses in the streets and no one is really going to bother him, sure he has gotten a few looks from people who start to whisper to their friends, but since the culture is about keeping things to yourself, they just stand by and continue their day. 

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