Once More to See you

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It had officially been an entire week since the media had blown up due to recent controversy over whether or not you and Hyunjin were in a relationship. Photo after photo, and article after article psychoanalyzing the two of you. Your behavior, your guy's body language, and even the way the two of you would look at each other. You had dreaded this day, but you knew it was to come soon. The day both of your managers as well as the two of you were to be called down to the company to discuss this controversy.

You picked at the skin of your fingertips as the silence began to swallow you whole. The two of you sat right next to each other but refused to even sneak a glance at one another because you both know what is to come with this meeting.

In the midst of all this, you couldn't help but let your mind wander as you thought about when the two of you first met.


You were exhausted, and it showed. The whole group had been preparing for months for this new comeback, but it was the weekend and you were prepared to go home. Heading into the elevator you yawned. It was a normal day, you thought nothing of this.

That was until the elevator door began to close, and you heard him yell, "Wait wait! don't let that door close!"

Quickly you put your foot towards the entrance to stop the elevator door from closing, he made it in. "Thank you!" He said gratefully.

Hyunjin was his name, he was with stray kids in the first division. His hair looked like it was growing into a mullet, and a baggie white shirt along with jeans is what he was wearing. You had never spoken to him, to say that he was intimidating was an understatement. Hyunjin was a big deal around the company due to his visuals, dancing, and singing. Of course, speaking to him would be nerve-wracking.

So you bit your tongue, stared at the glowing sign of numbers, and waited until you got to your floor.

"You guys preparing for a new comeback?" He asked, breaking this uncomfortable silence. It was an innocent yet simple question. You didn't know why you were so surprised that he had even wanted to speak to you.

Nonetheless, you answered with a hum in response, "Yea, things have been really busy and tiring, but it'll all be worth it in the end." you paused, "I think."

He had chuckled at your response, and for some reason, your heart had softened at the sound of it, and so you chuckled back. Not too long after the elevator stopped at this floor. You didn't know why but something in you felt a sort of longing.

Was this the last time you were ever going to speak to him?

He had begun to walk off but before leaving he paused for a second and turned to you, "This might seem a bit weird, but I'm a big fan of your guys' music. Is it possible we could exchange numbers?" You couldn't quite explain it, but the look on his face was irresistible, you couldn't have possibly said no.

You had even stumbled on your words as you agreed to his request, and with that, he turned and left.

That wasn't the end of your guy's interactions, the two of you had inevitably got closer as you guys texted. Texting led to hangouts and getting to know each other and his interests it was where he showed you his paintings, and you showed him the songs that had been collecting dust in your notebook. The two of you would do skin care together sometimes applying each other's clay mask. Sleepovers as friends, lunch dates where the two of you snook into a practice room, and late-night calls where the two of you would fall asleep.

Once More to See You || Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now