Chapter 1 - Confession

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Adjusting the arm of his dark tinted glasses that rested upon the narrow, though pointy bridge of his nose, Jack Estrada gazed contently at the cloudy blue sky above him as he approached a café that he regularly visited when he had time off work. The sun peered through, causing him to squint slightly, the warmth like a blanket of zen upon his shaven head.

Shoving the heavy café door open, he slipped inside swiftly as it began to close again. The familiar aroma of coffee beans and baked treats filled his nostrils, a gentle smile tugging at his lips at the comforting atmosphere. Scouting the café for his girlfriend, Yumiko, he soon spotted her sitting in a booth leaning against the table as she typed away on her laptop. A pang of anxiety struck his chest as he entered, making his way towards her with a frown forming. He found this to be a common reaction in the past few months whenever he laid his eyes on her. It troubled him deeply, though he could not find the reason for his struggle.

"Hey, hun!" Yumiko exclaimed with excitement as she caught his approach with the corner of her eye. "Come, sit!" She insisted as she cleared the table a little.

"Hey." Jack greeted shakily, playing with the hem of his jacket in a nervous state as he sat before her. Yumiko's excitement dampened slightly as she noticed the troubled expression present on his face.

"What have you been up to today? Busy?" She asked clearing her throat in an attempt to shake her worries, clutching onto his free hand which he rested upon the table, his other still squeezing the soft material of his jacket tightly.

"Oh uh, you know... just the usual training and stuff, nothing special." He informed with a shrug, his deep voice monotonous though laced with strain.

"Oh, I see." Yumiko replied with a tight smile before the pit forming in her stomach got the best of her. "Okay, spill it." She added in a demanding tone, agitation present as she stared down at him.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Jack muttered shakily with furrowed brows, confused by her sudden change of attitude.

"You're acting weird again, just like last Tuesday." She accused, scrunching her nose and tightening her grip upon his shaky hand to which his body shuddered in response.

"How am I acting weird? I don't understand." He questioned before chewing the inside of his cheek roughly to cope with the overbearing anxiety.

"You barely even want to see me anymore." She cried, raising her voice as she hit her fist against the table, startling him. "You're always with Jordan, constantly choosing him over me, always taking his side over mine." She continued as tears welled in her eyes, overwhelmed from the anxious thoughts swirling her mind that had been eating away at her brain for weeks.

"Come on, Yumi... you- you know that's not true."  He pleaded, guilt snaking up on him and wrapping around his chest like a noose. He knew she was right but just couldn't admit it in front of her.

"Oh, don't try that with me. Just be honest, Jack. If you don't like me anymore, I want to know." She retorted dismissively, shaking her head as she released his hand, his skin red and patchy from her grip.

"Yumi, I... I'm so confused." He admitted as a tear streamed down his face from behind his lense. He darted his reddening eyes around the café worriedly, only a couple people in sight.

"Just spit it out!" She spat, growing impatient from his stalling.

"I think..." He began, choking on his words as he clutched the edge of the table with both hands to ground himself.

"What?!" She yelled, her tone becoming aggressive which was out of character for her. It scared Jack to the point of sobbing.

"I think I fucking love Jordan."

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