Chapter 2 - Change

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Four days passed since Jack last saw Yumiko at the café. They had not reached out to each other at all. Jack assumed she changed her schedule for training completely, judging by the fact he used to see her all the time. It worried him, though he also felt angry about the situation. Part of him suppressed an overwhelming amount of guilt in his heart whilst another was glad he finally managed to tell her how he had really been feeling and was upset with how she handled it.

The chime of a notification from his phone snapped him out of his deep thoughts as he laid on his couch in a blanketed mess. His leg hung off the side, bare toes curling around the fluffy cream rug beneath his coffee table whilst his elbows pressed the blanket closely to his hips for warmth. Reaching for his phone on the table, his eyes lit up as he read the sender's name; 'Jord'.

Overbearing anticipation got the best of him as butterflies awoke in his stomach and his heart rate quickened. Swiping on the notification, he quickly tapped the call button and pressed the phone to his ear, biting his lip anxiously. Jordan picked up almost immediately and his heart sank to his churning belly.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite bald headed beast!" Jordan exclaimed enthusiastically almost deafening Jack in one ear. He winced, scrunching his nose and pulling the phone away slightly.

"Jord! It's felt like forever, how was the trip?" Jack asked curiously, his body calming at the sound of his familiar voice.

"It was such a blast, I'm coming over in like fifteen minutes, I'll tell you all about it!" He announced with excitement and a cheeky chuckle.

"Wait, what? I haven't had time to clean or anything, you could've given me a heads up!" Jack panicked as he jolted up from his laying position and tugged the soft blanket off of himself.

"Nah, I wanted to surprise you! Don't worry about tidying up and all that jazz, I just wanna see you." He replied with another soft giggle, his tone warmer this time. Sweet like honey.

Jack froze, feeling his body tense up and cheeks turn pink in response. He clutched the phone tightly, attempting to calm himself. The idea of Jordan going out of his way to visit him after being away for a while filled him with unexpected glee.

"Jacky, are you still there?" Jordan questioned with slight concern earning a harsh throat clear from the man in question.

"Y-yes, I'm still here! I'll go get dressed and at least try and make the place a bit more presentable." He informed weakly as his eyes scanned his living area. He gulped as they landed upon his boxer-clad legs and bare stomach.

"If you must, but don't go crazy. I'll see you soon, hot stuff." He teased before hanging up. Jack released a much needed breath, eyes widening as he pressed a hand to his chest feeling his heart beating against it.

"Hot stuff?" He whispered to himself in disbelief before shaking his head with a scoff and getting to his feet. He felt the blood rush from to his head as he got up too quick, vision growing cloudy and the scent of iron tickling his nostrils. "Geez." He sighed, stabilising himself as his vision slowly returned.

As soon as he felt like normal again, he dashed up the stairs to his loft, almost tripping over his own feet and sighing at his clumsiness. His room was above his living area; a high-end open space that towered over the rest of his apartment. He sifted through his wardrobe before picking out a plain white shirt and a pair of black jeans, hurrying to tug them onto his body.

His bare feet padding down the stairs frantically, he made his way to the coffee table. One by one, he shifted and sorted the array of playing card packs, scented candles and snacks before circling the table until he felt satisfied with his positioning. With a firm nod, he scurried to his kitchen, turning on his coffee maker as he knew Jordan loved to drink it. Placing a mug beneath it, he tapped the options on the screen; Jordan's favourite coffee recipe memorised for years.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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