Chapter Nine: Dark

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Trinity feels her back collide with a tree and Cara's hands tighten around her waist. She pulls away from Cara's lips, gasping for air. "Cara." Cara begins trailing kisses down Trinity's jaw, stopping to suck on her pulse point, Trinity's fingers tangled in her hair. Trinity pulls her back to connect with her lips once again. They break for air once again, Trinity putting her hand on Cara's shoulders when she tries to lean back in. "Wait."

Cara pulls back, a confused look on her face. "Are you not pleased?"

Trinity shakes her head. "No, I'm plenty pleased." She begins to ramble. "I'm great. I'm happy, I'm-" She's cut off by Cara's lips. She blinks once Cara pulls back. "What I meant to say was that I'm new to this." Cara tilts her head at her. "Kissing, touching, non-violent human contact really."

Cara gives a small chuckle. "There are many things that I can teach you." She purrs.

"And I want to learn them." Trinity says, putting her hand back on Cara's shoulder when she leans in again. "But I need to learn them slowly. I'm not...ready for everything yet."

Cara nods. "I won't rush you." I care about you too much to do that. She thought. "We'll go slow." She leans forward, pressing a kiss against Trinity's forehead.

Trinity smiles. "Can we stay here a little longer?" She asks. "I think that we should talk. Clear things up."

Cara nods before switching places with Trinity, sitting down to lean against the tree. She opens her legs, gently pulling Trinity down to sit between them. Trinity rests her head against Cara's shoulder as Cara wraps her arms around her waist. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well..." Trinity trails off. "Can we keep this between us for now? I'm not ashamed or anything but I'd like to know that we're serious before we tell the others. To know that this isn't..."

"A mistake?" Cara asks, keeping the hurt out of her voice.

"No." Trinity says. "But I don't want this to be temporary. I don't want this to end once the quest is over."

Cara tightens her grip on Trinity. "It won't."

"What if you meet someone else?" Trinity asks. "There are plenty of people who are more experienced. You wouldn't have to wait for them."

Cara closes her eyes and presses a kiss against Trinity's temple. "I know what I want." She says into her ear. "I almost lost you today."

"But you saved me." Trinity squeezes her hands.

"You told me that I'm not allowed to die. The same rule applies to you. You're not allowed to die."

"I'll try my best." Trinity says, before turning her head to meet Cara's for a brief kiss. " it okay if we just act like nothing's changed in front of the others? It won't be for long, just until I'm used to this."

"Whatever you want." Cara says before pressing her lips to Trinity's once again.

Richard and Verna are still walking toward the Palace of the Prophets. They stop looking ahead of themselves, seeing a large palace sitting on a hillside.

"Welcome to the Palace of the Prophets." Verna has a large smile on her face, happy to see her home.

"It's beautiful."

"We searched for you for twenty-four years Richard to bring you here, to my home, to be trained as a Wizard. So often I thought this day would never come." She says her voice thick with emotion. Richard looks over at her and she seems to shake herself of her feelings. She clears her throat. "Well at least we arrived before you turned me completely gray." Richard smiles at this and she lets out a laugh. Richard grimaces in pain and puts his hand to his head. "Another headache? Once you're inside the palace walls the pain will go away."

The Legend of the Seeker: TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now