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My parents just broke up, like, yesterday, and this is not good for my mental health, cause I'm still recovering from the guilt tripping and manipulation from my "friend". It's been a YEAR! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! WHY CAN'T I GET OVER THIS!? SHE WAS FAKE! WHY CAN'T I BELIEVE THAT?! WHY?! Why do I think I'm being selfish? WHY?! WHY IS EVERYTHING HARD?!

I spent last night crying, and I don't want to talk about this to anyone, because I think I'm being selfish whenever I ask for something, and I got yelled at for wanting to be alone, and nobody's leaving me alone, and IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS!

I keep thinking about s/h, and I know that I want to, but I can't. I'm weak. I want to die, but I won't let myself because they exist, and I don't want to hurt my friends, or my cousin. I don't have the motivation either. Or the courage. Im sorry for not updating my books. I don't have any motivation. Please be patient with me. Please. I'm sorry.

Why do parents think that taking me phone away will make things better? My safe places are on my phone. Everything else just hurts. Please stop.

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