𝐱𝐱. ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴋɴᴏᴡs ʙᴇsᴛ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭❩


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REBEKAH DROPPED HER HEAD ONTO THE COUNTER AS SHE SAT IN THE KITCHEN. She had just gotten back from talking to Leah and to her surprise, none of her siblings, Bella, or Carlisle was there. But she didn’t complain, relishing in the peace of quiet that rarely came with living in the Cullen home.

“Rebekah?” She stood corrected as Esme’s voice echoed in front of her and she lifted her head ever so slightly to look at her adoptive mother. “This came for you in the mail, sweetheart.” Her adoptive mother placed a letter on the countertop and slid it over to her.

When her eyes landed on the Volturi seal she panicked slightly, eyes flicking around as if her brother would magically appear out of thin air. Though she looked back to Esme when the older vampire tutted lightly. 

“I sent your siblings out, I feel like you need to talk about some things.” Esme smiled softly as she pushed the letter away, and took a seat across from Rebekah, placing her hand on hers. “Tell me all about it.”

Rebekah let out a breath. “I just know what to do, Esme. Alec wants something to happen between us, and I can’t stop thinking about him. I know why Alice and Jasper are always by each other now. But Emmett hates the idea of us together and I know this will bring unwanted attention from the Volturi. And not only that but something happened yesterday that I didn’t tell any of y’all about.” Rebekah looked down at the table, only looking up when Esme squeezed her hand lightly.

“Go on, sweetheart. I’m not going to get mad or judge you.” Her adoptive mother smiled.

“I got a letter from Alec yesterday. Edward gave it to me and I made him hide it from Emmett. He pointed out that I didn't have my necklace on.” Rebekah lifted her free hand up to grab her locket. “I had lost it when me and Victoria crashed together. And I went back to the treaty line to get it.”

“Okay, so you went to the treaty line?” Esme asked and the younger vampire nodded. “It’s okay, you were just looking for your necklace, what happened next?”

“I couldn’t find it at first so I just gave up and then a shifter appeared and he was so sweet. Apparently, one of the other wolves found my necklace and held onto it. Next thing I know we are talking and he left to go get my locket. And then Leah appeared and she…” Rebekah trailed off and Esme slowly began to frown, fearing the worst. “She imprinted on me. It’s the wolves' way of finding their soulmates. But it doesn’t always have to be romantic.”

“I see.” Esme muttered, taking in all the information and Rebekah let out a deep breath.

“I just don’t know what to do. Alec wants me to be with him, and Leah can barely be around me for less than five minutes. All she sees me as is a monster. And all this shit with Victoria - Esme I feel like everything is falling apart…”

“Shhhh, hey it’s okay.” Esme was by her side in a minute, wrapping her in a hug, her chest to Rebekah’s back. “You just need to take a step back, baby.”

“What should I do, Mom?” It wasn’t the first time Rebekah had called Esme “mom”, but it still made Esme’s dead heart flutter in her chest. 

“Write Alec back. Give him a chance. I don’t want to see you in 10 years dwelling on what ifs.” Esme kissed the back of her head and Rebekah’s hands came up to lock onto Esme’s arms. “And maybe spend some time with Leah, show her the real you.”

Esme then pulled away and made Rebekah turn around. 

“You are extraordinary, Rebekah Cullen. Don’t you ever forget that. And no matter what you decide or what you do. I will always be here for you. Even when I am mad or upset - you will always have me at your side.” Esme pushed some of Rebekah’s hair away from her face and Rebekah smiled shakingly as her adoptive mother pulled her into a hug.

Her mother wasn’t always there for her when she was human.

But she didn’t dwell on it much now because she had Esme. And she knew that Esme Cullen would always be on her side.

No matter what. 

[a/n ✍︎]

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[a/n ✍︎]


I love this chapter because we don’t get enough interactions with her and Esme. And don’t worry we will have some more Rebekah and the Cullen Sibling coming up! Along with more Leah and a special guest!

Thoughts? Ideas? Predictions?

Be sure and let me know!

Until the next update!


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