- Lucifer -

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this is inspired by an author of another fanfic

forggii i think is the author not sure


Y/N was getting his apartment ready for his and Lucifer's 3rd anniversary. It had been two years since the human left the exchange program, but he always kept in contact with the brothers. They visited from time to time , and you always planned fun things for everyone to do together.

Lucifer was planning on visiting after he had gotten Y/N some presents. They had to keep it secret or else the brothers would have been a nuisance to get rid of.

Y/N was just setting up the table when he heard a familiar knock go on at his door.

"I'm going! Just a minute!!"

Y/N ran up to the door , opening hoping to see a certain demon waiting for him, but got greeted with his ex instead.

( Y/N's Ex )   ( Y/N )

" Wow Y/N! You got more muscular huh?"

"What are you doing here? I broke up with you three years ago?"

" Can I just see my ex-lover? I'm doing nothing wrong "

Y/N was not happy at the sight of his ex being there in front of him. Before he had found the letter to the exchange program, Y/N walked in on his ex and another dude going at it in his living room. He didn't say anything and left.

" Well , I was just wondering if we can get back together? I know you still love me somewhere ~ "

Y/N started to say that he never wants to see him again, but heard something behind him and peeked a little , to when ex/n decided to pull him in for a kiss.


Y/N pushed his ex off of him, and quickly turned around to find his favorite demon looking at him with disgust.

" Oh Lucifer ! It's not what it looks like! He-"

"And to think I could ever trust you , a low human?!I gave you most of what I could but yet you took it for granted.."

By that point, ex/n had already run away, not wanting to be a part of the drama he had started, leaving Y/N begging Lucifer to believe him,but to no avail.

" It was my ex who forced himself on me!! You know I would never do that to you ... "


Those two words Lucifer finally said broke his world. He had never thought a good, healthy relationship would get complicated so much with just a misunderstanding.

Lucifer left and Y/N fell to his knees. He had loved the black haired demon to no extent. Y/N just sat there, feeling regret for ever opening that door.

Lucifer came home to worried brothers , wondering where he was the whole time. He pushed past them, not trying to let them know that he had just broken up with the love of his life.


Diavolo came over for a little visit just to talk to Lucifer about what had happened with Y/N.

(Diavolo) (Lucifer)

"Hey Lucifer? Barbatos told me something that you might want to hear.."

"What is it? I need to finish these papers just to get my mind...cleared"

" Listen, you've been drowning in your own work for too long. After you left Y/N , he started heavily drinking. I'm worried that he will do something terrible! "

" He cheated on me for crying out loud! No one understands my situation, not even the king! "

Just as Lucifer was about to storm out of the room, Diavolo ran up and took his hand. (nothing weird don't worry)

"Lucifer for fuck's dark listen to me! He is going to kill himself!"

The words that came out of his mouth shook his world. Lucifer didn't forgive Y/N for what he did, but part of him tells himself that his beloved human was right..

To be continued...

nah I'm joking

Lucifer teleported to Y/N with the help of Diavolo and saw something terrible. Horrible.
Y/N was sitting down on his dining room table drinking bottles and cases of alcohol ,  table filled with trash and other things he couldn't make out.

Y/N looked up , not noticing his last lover right next to him in disbelief. Lucifer then saw something he was dreading that shook him cold.

He had a gun.

He held it to his head.

He shot himself.

Lucifer jumped and yelled.

He was too late.

Lucifer ran up to the bleeding corpse , not caring for getting the blood getting on his clothes.

For once in his many years of a demon..

He cried.


hey guys......

so how are you?

nice to see you all again ...?


sorry it's short after such a long time

school really messed everything up , life too

more chapters coming soon


also deleting all A/N's cause why not

Word Count ; 826

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