In the Wake of the Night #24

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Zaya had been looking forward to her night out for weeks. It had been a while since she had last felt this carefree. Her friends had planned a fun evening out, filled with laughter and good times. They had started with dinner at a chic restaurant downtown, followed by drinks at a lively bar where the energy was electric. The night was alive with music and conversation, and Zaya reveled in the freedom of the moment.

As the night wore on, Zaya found herself in high spirits. The fun and excitement had lifted her mood, and she was grateful for the opportunity to unwind and enjoy herself. By the time she and her friends said their goodbyes and she slipped into Asher's sleek black Land Rover, she felt content and happy.

The drive home was uneventful at first, the quiet hum of the engine a soothing backdrop after a night of vibrant activity. Zaya's thoughts wandered, her mind replaying the highlights of the evening. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard, noting that it was later than she had planned. She was eager to get home and slip into her comfortable pajamas, but she still had to navigate through the quiet, dimly lit streets.

As she drove, a cat suddenly darted across the road. Zaya's reflexes kicked in, and she swerved sharply to avoid hitting it. The Land Rover skidded on the wet pavement, and before she could regain control, it crashed into a tree on the side of the road. The jarring impact sent a shockwave through her body, but, miraculously, she was unharmed. The car, however, was not so fortunate. It had sustained significant damage.

Shaking, Zaya fumbled for her phone and dialed emergency services. Her hands were trembling, and her heart raced as she explained the situation to the dispatcher. Within minutes, an ambulance arrived on the scene. The paramedics checked her over thoroughly, and after a tense wait, they assured her that she was physically fine, though she might be shaken up. They advised her to go to St-Green Hospital for a precautionary check-up, just to be sure.

At the hospital, Zaya went through a series of tests and evaluations. The doctors confirmed that she had no injuries, but they advised her to take it easy for the rest of the night. Despite their reassurances, Zaya felt a heavy weight of guilt settling over her. She knew Asher would be worried sick, and the thought of him waiting at home without knowing what had happened made her stomach churn.

As she finally left the hospital, Zaya was determined to get home as quickly as possible. The thought of Asher waiting for her was a constant nagging presence in her mind. She took a cab back to their house, feeling a mixture of relief and dread as she approached their front door. The Land Rover was damaged beyond immediate repair, and she knew that breaking the news to Asher would be the hardest part.

As she unlocked the door and stepped inside, the familiar warmth of their home greeted her. The quiet was both comforting and unsettling. She walked through the hallway, each step feeling heavier than the last. As she reached the living room, Asher's anxious eyes locked onto her, and his expression immediately changed from one of relief to intense concern.

Without a word, Asher rushed to her and enveloped her in a tight, anxious embrace. The fear and worry in his body language were palpable, and Zaya could feel the tension in his muscles as he held her close.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of anger and worry.

Zaya took a deep breath, trying to steady her trembling voice. "I—I swerved to avoid a cat and crashed into a tree. I'm okay, really."

Asher pulled back slightly to look at her, his face shifting from relief to pain as he processed her words. "The car doesn't matter," he interrupted, his voice strained. "Why didn't you call me? You should have been home an hour ago. I was hell worried about you."

Zaya's heart sank at his words. She felt a rush of guilt and shame, her hands fidgeting anxiously as she tried to find the right words. "I thought you'd be mad," she admitted softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

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