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A/n: I do not own Marvel or Dc, or anything really. I'm a broke ass bitch with no life. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story. I'm still relatively new so please comment and tell me what you like and don't like so I can keep on practicing to become a better writer

I just thought this would be a cool story to do because my favorite superhero is spiderman and I really do read a lot of these and since I can't find any more as of now that haven't been discontinued. I'll make my own and hope that it turns out good. And actually finish the story.
I can't believe it. Why now of all days?! I run as fast as I can to get to midtown high. Ugh Why did I have to sleep in and miss the bus! I really hope I'll make it there before everyone leaves for the field trip to Oscorp. I knew I wasn't going to make it by running and I slowly stopped running and learned on a nearby lamppost and banged my head on it. "Stupid, stupid " I kept on muttering to myself. As people that were walking by just ignored me.

"Y/N?" A voice called out. I turned and saw Felicia Hardy parked at the curb. She was a junior in midtown high and also one of the most popular girls there.

"Oh u-uuhh h-ii fel-l-icia what are you doing here!?" I said nervously

She giggles at that "well I was driving to school and I saw you so I went to see what you were doing."

"Ahh well funny thing actually.. I kinda.. sorta..missed my bus." I say sheepishly.
"Well why don't you hop in? I'm on my way to school right now."

"Yo-uu s-sure that's alright?"

"Yes I'm sure now get in" she giggles
I slowly got in " thanks" I said quietly. And we headed to school.

                               -Time skip-
"Thanks again" as we both got out of her car and started to walk into the school building.
She smiles "anytime." And then gets close to me and whispers into my ear "anything for you" and then pulls back and giggles as she sees me blushing wildly. "You are way too cute to mess with Y/N." She then walks to her class. I sigh and got to my class.

When I got there the bell suddenly rang. Made it just in time. Hell yea haven't been late for class so far. Hope it won't happen anytime soon. The teacher Mr.Warren came in "alright class today we're going to Oscorp for a field trip so I hope all of you will behave yourself. Now everyone follows me and let's get going shall we.".

As we were headed inside the bus I saw one of my best friends Peter Parker. He was reading.... Bruce Banner's gamma book? How does he even understand that stuff? I went up and sat by him.he looked up and his eyes lit up "Y/N your here great. Look at this In this book it shows all the potential ways Bruce Banner theorizes the way gamma radiation can be used!" He said excitedly and then went into deep detail... I didn't even understand half of it. So I just nodded my head and acted like I knew what he was saying.

It took about 20 minutes to get there and when we got inside of Oscorp I couldn't help but stare in awe. I've never been somewhere so expensive and fancy looking in my life. I got my camera out and started taking pictures for the school paper. We met our guide. I didn't really pay attention to her though because I was messing with the settings on my camera and simply took pictures of what I thought looked interesting.

"And here we have 12 genetically altered spiders." Said our guide. We looked and a random girl called out "Um, there's one missing." Hmm oh one of the doctors is probably testing on it. And she then escorted us away. I went to take some pictures of the spiders.until I felt a bite on my hand. It turned out to be a spider. I simply shook my hand and it fell off and crawled away. I then sent back with the group. Not knowing what was gonna happen to me.

                             -Time skip-
When I got back home I started to feel sick. I slowly went to my room and went to my bedroom and fell asleep. In my dream I saw a giant spider looking at me. It was making garbled noises as if trying to communicate with me. Then it walked away like it was satisfied with what it said and it left.

As I woke up my body felt different. I went to look in the mirror. And holy shit I was jacked! I quickly went to the bathroom and turned on the water to splash into my face to make sure I wasn't seeing anything and when I did I broke the faucet. I used a towel to cover up the mess it was making and got out of there. " What the hell was that?" I then noticed the faucet itself was still on my hand...stuck... and it felt light. Like I was holding a phone....

"Ahhh!?!?" I screamed and began to shake my hand and after a bit I calmed down and it fell off on its own.... I immediately called Peter.
After a bit Peter answered "Hey Y/N what's up?"

"Hey Pete.. can you come over? I need some help."
"Is something wrong?" Peter sounded confused and a little worried

" Just get here as fast as you can." I said and hung up.

When Peter arrived I immediately told him to follow me. We made it to an abandoned warehouse. "Ok Pete what I'm about to show you.. you can't tell anyone got it?".
"Ok??" He said unsure.

I went over to a giant slab of stone and picked it up. With one hand. He stood there in shock. "Yupp crazy isn't it..."

"Since when were u able to do that!" He yelled
"Since today apparently... Look, I need help. And since you're the smartest guy I know and trust. Do you think you can help me control these powers?"

"Are you kidding?! Of course I'll help!" He said excitedly. And we began to train and see what I was capable of.
                              -Time Skip-
It's been 1 month since I got these powers and me and Peter have been at the warehouse making it our headquarters and training ground. We've been coming here after school and on weekends. So far we discovered that I'm able to stick to anything no matter what it is, I can lift up to 9 tons as of right now, and I have this precognition-like sense when I'm in danger. We call it the spider-sense since we figured out that this happened due to the spider that bit me. It also helps with other things. It's basically my personal cheat code. Anyways Peter has been trying to get me to become a superhero. He gave valid reasons.
I really didn't want to though, I mean we already have the Avengers and Justice League. So I honestly think that we don't need anymore.

"Y/n when my uncle died a couple of months ago he told me with great power there must also come great responsibility and you have this amazing power you need to use it for the people. Yes there's the avengers and all the other superhero teams but they mostly focus on world ending threats. Except for Batman and a few others but none of those people are in New York."

I sighed "yea I know.... Fine but I need a way to travel and a suit. And I have no idea how I'm going to be able to do those things."
"Hehe Funny thing actually I already made you a suit and a way to travel."

I can only stare at him in disbelief. "When did you have time to do this?"

"Well while we were testing your abilities I decided to make gadgets for you and to make you a suit cause I had a feeling you were eventually gonna become a superhero even if you needed a push so I decided to get it ready for you." He then led me to a room with some sort of wrist attachments and a suit.

I walked over to the gadgets and picked one up

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I walked over to the gadgets and picked one up." What are these?"

"Those are web shooters I made so u can swing around to travel faster"
"I see so we're going all the way in with the spider gimmick huh"

"Yes we are so now go and try it on and practice out with the web shooters!*
After a couple of minutes I had everything in and was trying to practice my swinging and catching stuff and testing out my new web shooters in general. With my spider-sense it was actually super easy it guided me where to swing from. Still we practiced for about 2 weeks till I felt I was ready. Today is the day Spider-man is born.

A/N: So this is my first spider-man. You enjoyed it and again tell me how it had pros and cons. I take constructive criticism.

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