Big realisation

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Shuji's POW

" Well there could only be two explanations for this one, I am Osamu Dazai's reincarnation or two, he is trying to tell me something during the dreams I think it might be the first one sense those dreams feel way to real to be just dreams but I don't know yet "

Looks at Chiyo

" Wait why does Chiyo look so surprised by those names as well???
Don't tell me he is a reincarnation too!!!!!!"

At lunch

Chiyo's pow

" Hey Shuji are you ok ??
You've been looking at me weirdly
Ever sense this morning?"

" Well it's just that --
How can I explain this to you"

" If something's bothering you tell me about it "

" Ughhhh ok I think I might ummm....  be Osamu Dazai's reincarnation ..."

" ....."

" Chiyo are you ok ?? "

" Ok but do you have any proof ?? "

" Well no .... But I keep having dreams of HIS past and those dreams feel way to real to be just dreams"

" .... I understand because I have that to although it's Chuuya Nakahara's past "

" Heh well at least I'm not alone in this but I wonder if there could be more "

" Same Here "

Shuji got home after picking up his siblings

" Mom , mom!!! "

" Yes Elizabeth I wanna tell you about the dreams I had this weekend!!! "

" Hey Eli I also wanna hear these dreams of yours "

" Ok Shuji
I think I was at a office?? If that's what you call it and I was drawing of a boy with a lot of bandages on him and  another boy with orange hair!! He was so pretty and both of them walked in yelling at each other but once the orange hair boy saw me he walked up to me and I hugged him while the bandage boy talked with another man that looked like a demon with purple eyes I can't remember what they were saying but the old man called the bandage boy D-a-zai I think
But then I woke up!!! "

" Wait don't tell me Elizabeth is Elise!!! "
" Eli I also had those wierd dreams but I was just always in a dark room were a bandage boy came to play with me "

" No no no Sishiko can't be Yumeno Kyusaku!!
But I can't deny it sense it's the truth "

" I must say Elizabeth's dream was more funny but you can't just call anyone an ' old man ' Elizabeth "

" Sorry I'm going to my room bye "
" Same here " Shuji and Sishiko in unison

" I have to tell Chiyo about this!! "

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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