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It was a cool Saturday morning for Daisy. Her grand parents loved her so much and pampered her. Grandma was weaving her clothes. It was either she was sewing or weaving. That Saturday morning grandma was making hot coffee for her self and grandpa.
Daisy dashed out of her room together with her dog( bingo). She wore her best beautiful white dress. Bingo was her companion where ever she went to. Daisy hurriedly kissed her grandma saying bye grandma am going to the beach to have fun. Before grand ma could utter a word Daisy had disappeared. Take care of yourself said grandma and grand pa, while Daisy who was running said I will.
Daisy's parent had died when she was 3 years old. Her grandparents took care of her so well. But they where not financially buoyant to see her through school. They lived in a thatched bamboo house a few meters away from the beach in Florida .The beach is called palm beach .
Daisy had so much fun at the beach.She played along wit her dog( bingo).There was some set of people who played guitar and people will gather and dance along with their partner. Daisy danced well and her dog was so happy and people where amazed because she danced so well and they clapped

Meanwhile Dan was at an extreme end at one Conner of the beach. He had been thinking of the good memories he had with his lover( Tessy) who had turned out to be his father's wife. Dan is a son of a rich man and the only child of his father. Dan loved Tessy so much but it was obvious she was just a Gold digger who was selfish and didn't care about how Dan will be hurt when she married his father. Dan was in his third year in the university when he decided to come back home for holiday .since he started schooling in Europe, he never came back home during the holidays . It was when he came back home he saw what he was not expecting. Lo and behold!! His long time lover ( Tessy)had betrayed him by marring his Dad.
It didn't matter to Tessy if Dan's father was old enough to be her father even if he was in his early 60s .All what she was after was just the materialistic things she could acquire. But Dan's father was blind to see that because Tessy was manipulative enough to cover up her traces. she was indeed a devil covered up in sheep clothing's.
Dan was seriously lost in taught about Tessy when Daisy and her dog passed his front to enter the water to swim and play. Suddenly he was back to his senses and Daisy took his attention when she passed his front. Dan also decided to join them in swimming along the line he drew Daisy's attention and they played so much in the water which made Bingo and Daisy very comfortable with him .
After they had finished playing and having so much fun, that was when they sat down and introduced themselves .I am Dan Joe said Dan .Daisy was like oh my God! Are you the son of the famous rich man marthins Joe who lives in the mansion?Dan smiled and said yes I am .Daisy responded and said how possible is it that I hardly know you? Well I school in Europe I actually came back home to stay for my 3 weeks break said Dan. Oh! That nice. Well I am Daisy peters I live a few meters away from the beach .I have heard so much about your dad he is a very generous man and I guess that is where you also got your good attitude from said Daisy. They all laughed. The two got along very well .
It was already 6pm when Dan checked his watch. Daisy insisted she has to go home since it was already getting dark. As a gentle man as he was,he made sure he walked her home. On their arrival Dan said won't u invite me in at least to say hi to your grandparents? Daisy responded saying not today maybe some other time don't be offended please. Dan smiled and said no Qualms about that he handed his complementary card to Daisy and told daisy to call him at her leisure time .But Daisy said she does not have a phone .so Dan told her to call him when she had the opportunity to, she could use their neighbours telephone or use
anybody's phone she came into contact with .He said good bye and touched her
dog( bingo) who was exited having a new friend. Dan told Daisy he will be hoping to see her soon again. We're back home said Daisy in a very happy tune ,grand ma grand pa how are u all doing ? We're fine said her grand pa. Its like you and bingo had so much fun today I can sense the over excitement from you? Well nothing much grand ma. But grand ma couldn't wait immediately she asked the question saying who was that young good looking man you were with? Grandma your unbelievable! So you have been eavesdropping from the window right? Grandma laughed saying not exactly though.
Daisy replied grandma saying he is Dan Joe the son of Marthins Joe .You mean the famous rich man at the mansion? Yes grandma you got it right and he is just as good and caring as his dad too we met at the beach and he is so much fun to be with said Daisy. Immediately her grandparent told her to be very careful .Remember we are poor and your status and his own isn't the same you don't judge people base on first instances and mere looking at them. Grand pa said remember not all that GIlTERS IS GOLD.Yes grandpa don't worry I will be very careful with him.


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