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Sabrina looked up at you and smirked, "So you're the one Monarch told me about. You're just a pesky bug...how can you stop me."

In saying so she leaped up to the roof where you were. Huh, she has a lot of agility....wasnt expecting that.

"So his name is Monarch."

She threw a punch and a kick at you, making you jump and grab her hand and twist it behind her back. "What made you go psycho anyways? Must've had a good reason."

She pushed you off of herself and turned around kicking you in the gut. "I command you all to bring Chloe to the Eiffel tower." The hoard of students before were once again in a trance. Much to Chloes dismay and retaliation, they picked her up above their heads and brought her out the school.

"Oh come on, an innocent girl!"

You rolled your eyes at your comment and was met with another punch, which you dodged in time. This girl was playing dirty and you didnt like it. You had to find the source of the "akuma", which Tikki explained to you before.

"For goodness sake women, i dont even know your name!"

You flipped and dodged as she threw punch after punch. You had to get Chloe before she made another command but the girl was relentless.

"My name is Influencer! Im here for your miraculous and my revenge on Chloe! She took everything from me...made my life a living hell."

You thought to yourself, taking in the words she said.

"Sabrin...a? Sabrina!"

Her mask slipped for a split second and you saw sabrina through the thing monarch turned her into, then she was back to being normal. 

"You need to get her Miraculous! Just hurry!"

"I know! i have to deal with Chloe first."

Influencer made her way flipping towards the Eiffel tower off rooftops. You followed close behind her, you werent going to let her get away from you. You just needed to figure out where her Akuma was.

You thought now was the best time to use it. "Lucky Charm!" Seamingly from out of the sky, glasses fell into your hands. WHAT DO I USE THIS FOR!

Soon enough, you made it to the Eiffel Tower. Just in time too. Chloe was hanging from the top about to be let go with the snap of Sabrinas' fingers. You looked around at anything you can to use the glasses that was given to you..

then it clicked.

The akuma must be in her glasses.

"Hey Sabr- i mean Influencer! Why focus on Chloe when what you really want is right here," you said pointing to your ears. With her distracted you threw the glasses which hit a pole and bounced onto Sabrinas face, knocking her real glasses off. 

She saw your plan and ran to her glasses to pick them up but you restricted her with your yo-yo and stomped on them.

Retracting your yo-yo, you let Chloe down, in which she ran away screaming, "Daddyyyy!!!"

Not What You Expected (Miraculous! Felix x Hero! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now