Last Ring (Book One)

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  • Dedicated to Kait Kramer

I raced around the corner, running to get to class. “Damn I’m going to be late, THANKS TO YOU!” I yelled to my friend Serena. Always messing me up. I thought to myself.  “Look, I’m sorry. You offered to come with me. I really needed to go!” She pleaded for forgiveness.  “Yea right, that was your fault you had to go to the Washroom.”  I sneered. 

I looked down at our feet, they were running so fast.  “I could be in the Olympics.” I snickered to myself.  We kept running until we were only a few classrooms down from our class.  Slowing down we looked at each other, praying that we won’t get in trouble.  As we walked in, of course everyone was watching us, as if we just killed someone.

The teacher stopped and looked at the door. “Get to your seats now!” The teacher Growled.  “S-s-sorry, Mrs. Angela.” I stumbled. She gave me a glare as we both sat down.  I nudged Serena as I was about to sit down.  Mrs. Angela continued to stare at us, with some kind of glare. Such as demanding to know where we were. “We were just, uh. In the, uh, BATHROOM!” Serena said with tears in her eyes. I thought to myself I know she’s never gotten in trouble, I feel bad. I did agree to help her. But I couldn’t just let her get in trouble.  I stood up “I was as well,  Serena was telling me to hurry. But, I was trying to get out of class. I’m sorry.” I said with doubt in my voice.  She continued to stare at us, as if she knew we were guilty. 

We both just sat down, opened our books, and didn’t talk for the rest of the class. Or until we got out of school you could say.  When the school bell rang, I closed my locker and walked out of the school.

When suddenly I felt a tap on the shoulder, I looked behind me.  “Hey, guess who!” When my eyes got covered. I smiled, “Jake?” I giggled.  He spun me around.  I felt so relieved to see him, I stared into his brown eyes. Looking at his eyes, led me to his dark brown shaggy hair.  His arms rapped around me. “I know today was rough, but it’s OK. Schools out for Summer! We’re free from this so called School.” He laughed.  I giggled, he could always make me laugh.  “What do you want to do this Summer?” I asked with curiosity.  He shrugged. I guess that meant he had no idea.  I don’t think anyone did. I think we’re all just so relived schools done. And no more Mrs. Angela. 

Jake grabbed my hand and we walked to the bus where we met Serena.  She looked upset, I sort of felt bad.  “It’s ok.” I said.  I hugged her, knowing that her life isn’t just that easy. As what we all think it is. 

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