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Kuea's p.o.v

I was giggling while my arms were wrapped around my husband who's busy cooking for me at this hour cause I was Hungry and giving me pecks time by time "so that's why I lied" I told him telling him my story of me lying to him which made him chuckled,

"do you know I always knew it's you" he said making my eyes wide as he smiled and pecked my lips, "no way" I said as I moved away from him and he turned around facing me keeping his smiling face,

"I was just waiting for you to tell me" he said as he pinched my nose and pulled me closer by my waist, "well now you know hia" I said with a pout as he leaned him softly kissing my lips

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as I kissed back, getting lost in my husband's sweet taste, he nibbled my lower lip making me moan as I understood what he want, I slightly parted my lips giving his tongue access inside my mouth, as we got lost in each other until a sudden thud interrupt us making us realize we are not alone, but there was no one, until we heard foot step going upstairs

"sky?" I looked at lian as he was confused just like me, don't get us wrong it's just our son bearly comes home and my dear husband always blame me for spoiling him meanwhile I always tell him that it's okay he should have all freedom and we should give him before he start hiding stuff, like what I did,

Sky looks just like his dad but his personality is more like me, he loves his freedom, making decisions for himself which I never had, that's why I like to provide my son everything I never had,

"shall we check on him" lian asked as I bit my bottom and give it a thought "maybe we should give him time, finish cooking and I will go and give him food later" I said as he nodded and went back to cooking, my all thoughts going back to sky, 'is he okay' 'why is here and not at his apartment' although I'm more than happy if he stay here but it's so not like him

"baby I'm done" lian announced as I nodded giving him quick peck on lips, I took the plate from counter and headed to upstairs, opening up the door I was welcomed by sky wrapped in blanket reading one of his manga from his collection

I made myself inside as I slightly coughed gaining his attention, "pa" he said looking at me and I smiled

"food for my baby" I said and went closer to him, sitting beside him on bed I keep the tray on side table, he looked at food and then at me "dad made it right?" he said as I nodded with chuckle

"of course, you know, my cooking abilities" I said he smiled slightly but why does his smile look painful

"sky" I said as I reach out to touch his cheek, he looked at me with the most painful reaction on his face as if he was craving for comfort

"you know you have us right?" I said and he nodded leaning in my hand giving me his weak smile again, making my heart clenched

"you know when I was your age I was so uhmm" I pause to find a perfect word to describe my personality at that time "secretive" he said making me look at him with nodd

"I know dad always tell me your stories, he also says I'm just like you" he said with smile, making me smile,

"you are but I don't want you to be my bad version, you know, it's good to be secretive but not too much, cause it can lead to emptiness and loneliness which can cause depression honey" I said as he looked at me telling me he's already so deep into it,

"I just want you to know that you are not alone, no matter what happens, your dad and pa will always be by your side honey" I said cupping his check as I give him kiss on forehead which made him close his eyes as tears left his eyes,

"what i-if I have done something which can't be forgive or forget, what if I'm not as innocent as think what if I'm so unloveable soo unworthy" he said with broken voice between his sobs, making my heart broken, I immediately pulled him in hug, rubbing his back,

"my baby shh, I don't know who made you feel like this baby, but you are soo lovable so worthy love, and no matter what happens you are still our innocent kid" I said as I hugged him tighter,

"but paa I'm so lost, I'm scared, I have nothing left in me, I failed paa, I failed my first love" he cried out, making me realized what was happening to him, he's going through heart break, the worst feeling ever, I know cause once I have been through this too, I desperately want to know this guy who broke my baby's heart and break his all bones,

"it's okay baby, it's okay, shh, don't think about it, it will be okay my kid, so what he didn't know your worth, his lose my baby" I said pulling away from hug as I cup his cheeks, looking into his teary eyes

"cause my baby deserve so much better which I'm sure you will get, someone who will make you realize how much you worth it honey, he will make you forget all the pain that asshole has caused" I said as he sobs again,

"I will?" he asked as I nodded pecking his forehead, "you will my love, now sleep you have college to attend tomorrow" I said as he nodded

"eat before sleeping okay" I said giving him one more kiss on forehead before getting up from his bed, giving him some space to himself,

"Good night pa" he said as I wave my hand "goodnight sky" I said going out of his room,


getting back in my house I noticed my parents making out in kitchen, I smiled to myself, 'they are so in love even after so many years, wish I could get this type of love' I thought when it hit me again,

I decided to leave the place and not disturb them as I went upstairs, changing in pjs I get back on my bed picking out one of my favorite manga I start reading until pa came with plate in his hand,

He kissed my head, hugged me tighter making me cry in his arms, I told him everything that is bothering me, it felt good telling them my feelings specially when pa hugged me told me I'm not alone cause that's how I was feeling after my breakup,

He left my room as I looked at plate beside me, grabbing the plate I made myself comfortable on bed as I start eating, when an image of today's event gets in my mind,

The way that guy took advantage of my situations, that bastard, 'all of them are same', I thought taking big bite of sausage in plate, it all happened because of rain, I will kill this bitch tomorrow

"only if he didn't leave me there"

"only if we didn't go there"

" only if I didn't had followed him in there"

"I wouldn't have ended up with that racer guy at first place" I thought as I pierced the sausage with fork, I don't wanna think about it, not to mention he indeed was handsome,

"a guy like him will never be interested in someone like me" I mumbled with pout as I placed the plate at other side table, laying down I start staring ceiling until my eyes start feeling heavy, and soon sleep consumed me, making me peaceful for once in whole day...

So here's the chapter 2,
Hope you like it❤️