Part one.🖤🤍

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Riris POV🧡
Riri can honestly say going to the airport was one of the hardest things she has ever had to do. After everything that happened in Wakanda within such a short period of time, the rest of the things she used to have going on just seemed so meaning less, unimportant. Then there is Shuri.
They hadn't known each other for the but leaving Shuri so soon was mind shattering. She is only glad they didn't spend enough time together for her to fall in love. Who knows how much that would affected her.

Despite knowing how dangerous it was for her to gain stronger feelings Shuri she tried to get her to come to Boston for some time. Riri wanted to hold on to whatever little feeling she had towards her, the princess declined the offer, because she need to be some other place.  That was kind of a low moment and a little embarrassing but she brushed it away quick.

The princess is not the only reason RIRI wanted to stay, it was the whole country, the lab, the people. Everything was so beautiful, everyone was so kind and she fell in love with everything she saw. The lab was the place where she could go and be herself with out any limitations, all of the equipment she could dream of was there, endless possibilities, the scenery the whole place was like a dream, and nothing could make her want to leave.

But even with all the that she had to go home. Back to her small little dorm room, alone.

RIRI made it to the airport, only with her phone and the keys to her car that Shuri fixed after it was destroyed in the accident. She couldn't understand why she went through so much effort trying to get all the parts of the car to put it back together. She continued to think about this until boarding the plane and falling asleep to some music.

She woke up to the pilots stating they are landing. She picked up her phone and called her mom to let her know she was home.
Shuris POV💜
                                                  1 week later
She had been in Haiti for a week with Nakia and little Toussaint. She had been loving every second. After loosing pretty much everyone in her family, it was nice for her to have a place where she could escape her duties and be happy. Knowing she has apart of her brother here makes it even better. Trying to spend time healing she didn't think about anything other then the time she was spending.... And Riri.

The girl had been popping in her head the whole week and since the moment they first at MIT. So much that she sent a few people to watch her and make sure she is okay while in Boston. After what they had been through over a school project. She needed protection.

Something inside her wanted to call her, talk to her and get to know her, she refused to get close to anyone new after what happens to everyone in her life. Shuri was attracted to Riri, She knew this but that doesn't mean she was going to allow herself to pursue it. She didnt want to be in a relationship. She didnt want a heart break.

A delicious smell hit her nose taking her out of her thought. She went into the kitchen to see where the aroma was coming from. She walked in to see Nakia cooking.

"It smells so good, what are you making. " she came around the bar in the kitchen to see noticing it was her favorite dish from home.
"My favorite! What did i do to deserve this meal"

Nakia turned around with a smile on her face which quickly faded after thinking for a minute. "We need to talk." She brought he food to the table and both of them sat down. Toussaint running from the back to begin eating as well.

Shuri sat silent waiting for Nakia to begin this already knowingly award conversation

"Do you know what you are going to do when you leave here? Or when you are going to return to wakanda?" Shuri starts to shift in her chair, seeming a little nervous and uncomfortable. "Not that i don't want you here! Don't think that. I just don't want you to be here alone all the time. Toussaint and I are never here and i don't want you to get too depressed."

"I don't want to go home. There is to much stress there and responsibility and so many memories. Im just not ready to go back."
Her eyes started to get wet but she pushed those tears and emotions back down.

"I understand that, have you ever thought to go back to America. I want you to have fun and be able to get better with someone your own age. Go somewhere new."

"What are you trying to say?" She asked still confused

"You should take Riri up on her offer and go stay with her for a while." Nakia knew this would be good for her. Being in Haiti just hiding and not doing anything is good for her.

Shuri didn't say anything just stared and poked at her food.
Riri POV 🧡
Even though she was only away from Boston for a few days during her battle in wakanda, Riri was still making up work from then. It was getting very late and she was so tired, but she didn't want to stop.

Eventually exhaustion wont nod she went to her bed, laid down and began to scroll on her phone. She took a minute to look at all the request she had from students wanting to pay her to do there school work. Accepting a few even thought she was already backed up from the other stuff she had to do.

Riri put her phone down on the nightstand next to her and closed her eyes. Feeling her body relax against the small bed. She was about to drift off into sleep when a familiar but strange sound came form her dresser.

She knew what that sound was and didn't know whether to be happy or scared shitless. She walked over and got the beads with their beautiful inscriptions from her dresser and answered the call. A hologram of shuri popped and Riri waited for Shuri to begin speaking.

"Hey Riri, do you think i could take you up on that bulls game offer?"

Riri smiled causing the other woman to do the same in return.

"Of course."

Okay so first chapter officially done. I might always come back and make some changes, but for now this is what it is😭😭😭

Please tell me if anything it bad or needs to be redone or it's just not good in all. I really want this to be a great story. Okay so anyway thankyou byeee.🥰🥰🖤🤍

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