Talons and Tails

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I don't own the art but it's owned by a youtuber named Shanzii. I recommend you go check them out.

y/n your name

y/z your zodiac


"WHAT" you exclaim "YOUR INSANE!"

"Sure I am kid what's your point" he chuckles.

You shiver with surprise and fear.

"no" you whisper.

"No?" He copies.

"No!" you say more firmly.

"Hmm maybe I should pay a little visit to Stanley."

"Wait no" you say quickly

"You seem to like that word today," Bill says.

"G-give me a day to think about it" you choke out.

*Time skip*

You are laying in the bed in the strangely accurate room Bill gave you. You're staring at little glowing dots on the ceiling they looked like stars. Each of them emitting small amounts of light some looking like the light pulsed slightly. They had little constellations it was very accurate to real stars. Your thinking about Bills "Offer".

"Stay here and become a demon." You say aloud. "Well its not like I have a choice do I?"

It was strange, you could barely imagine it. You would become the thing you hated the most. It was pretty ironic when you thought about it. Staying, becoming a Henchmaniac and you would have to stay with Bill of all people! He had invaded your Dad's brain just to give that little white haired punk a code to his safe. He had made Dipper a living sock puppet! It was making you mad just thinking about it. He manipulated your uncle into building a big machine which he got sucked into and he just sorta went through the multiverse for 30 years. You couldn't think of anything he did to Mable other than wrestle with her and threaten her. He was still evil no matter how handsome he was in his human form- wait what are you thinking he probably made that form to satisfy your tastes! You would not give in to his weird triangle seduction tactics.

"Interesting way to look at things." Bill said while bursting through the door in human form falling flat on his face

"Stay out of my head Cipher." You say with no kindness in your voice.

"Ok then 'Pines' have you given any thought to my offer." Bill questions.

"It's not as much as a offer as it is a threat." You comment.

"Hmm... that may be true but a deal is a deal, what's your answer?" He said

"Fine I'll be a demon... Hench maniac, but you can't bother my family. You can't harm, hurt, terrorize, or even mess with them again!" You yell.

"So it's a deal then" he said, reaching his hand out lit with a blue flame.

The flame was wavering, it seemed like it was taunting you saying "You'll never make it through this." you reach out, but it seems almost like slow motion. You shake his hand, your screaming filled with excruciating pain, it was like your body was burning. It seemed like your very cells, atoms, molecules were being ripped apart one by one. Black spots fill your vision. The last thing you see is Bill's face filled with guilt and pain before you black out.

-----Bill's POV-----

I look at y/n Pines the zodiac of y/z remembering how they would watch the stars and the sky. They would lay outside with Pine Tree when the girls (Candy and Grenda) and Mable would have their sleepovers. They would stay up all night to protect him from the  owls and wolves. They would play DnD and more D with Pine-Tree and Sixer. They always put their family before themselves. I've always liked- I mean hated that about them.


So that's the end of this chapter. Hope ya'll enjoyed it. It's finally summer so I can start posting more frequently. Maybe not next week though I'm gonna have a small surgery then so wish me luck! Thanks and see you soon little Moons!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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