1. It's hard to do but with confidence and family it will get better along the way.
2. Some people might not understand including friends and maybe family but if they're not being that bad and are actually trying to learn keep them in your life but if they're being too toxic or hurting you then you might want to stop contacting them even if it stops you from contacting other family members that do support you.
3. You can not be a part of this community and still read books like this it doesn't matter you can be trying to learn you can just be questioning cuz someone in your family or one of your friends came out that is totally fine just be supporting and be grateful that you have somebody that you know that was comfortable to come out to you cuz sometimes people don't want to come out and they end up having a miserable miserable life and just be lucky that they actually came out decided not to live that way and decided hey this is a person that deserves to know even if they're going to figure out one day I better tell thim from my perspective instead anyone else's.
4. This must be very confusing some people but I promise you this is a survival guide and I notice I'm not really sticking to everything but I just want people to know that a lot of people are going to be there for you I don't want people aren't but the best thing is to not want it around leave people alone let them be them don't try and push your sexuality gender whatever gay or straight non-binary female or even male don't push it on to anybody it's their choice for what to do with themselves it's your choice to do it to yourself don't ever push anything on to anybody I don't care if it's gender sexuality even food don't ever do it it's their choice.