Just the Two of Us

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Summary: You and Elliott had finally gotten a weekend off together and all you wanted to do was stay home and enjoy each other's company

Warnings: None

Words: 601


 It was a quiet night in the household of Witt. You and Elliott had finally gotten a weekend off together and all you wanted to do was stay home and enjoy each other's company. The two of you now on the couch as you were watching something on TV while Elliott laid on top of you, listening to you breathe. The two of you relaxing as you looked down at your boyfriend smiling, breaking the silence as you petted back his golden brown curls, "You comfy Ell?" you asked as he looked up at you.

"Mmhmm! the comfiest!" He replied, his arms were wrapped around your waist while his head rested just between your breast where his facial hair tickled you. The light scruff made it hard to focus as you giggled replying.

"Good, I'm glad." You gave another laugh, "I'm sure you'd be comfy on my dead body once I stop breathing too." you said as he shot up quickly, panicking, thinking he was suffocating you all because of his weight but blushed as you brought him back down "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

He huffed, "Mmmm... Sure! Now, I'm not comfy anymore, thanks..." Elliott said, as his voice was pouty and muffled by your breasts.

You laughed trying your hardest not to get pouty as well. Elliott moving his head back and forth, scratching his beard along your chest as he sighed softly at the comfort. His arms squeezing around your waist as this was truly heaven for the both of you His eyes feeling heavy, as his focus on your touch and the sound of your heartbeat. it was so... calming.. So... reassuring. It was like you were one with him. It was like you were perfect for him and he was perfect for you.

"Getting sleepy, Ellie?" You asked as a few minutes past by and you heard his soft snore come from under your chin.

"Maybe just a little, are you ready for bed?" Elliot asked as he looked up at you rubbing his eyes letting you know for sure he was tired.

"Yeah, let's go to bed, are you ready?" You asked as you reached over to the coffee table and turned off the television, placing the remote control back just so you knew where it was in the morning.

"Yeah, let's go." and Elliott got up off of you and the couch and held out his hand to take you to the bedroom. Your hand fitting perfectly in his as you both headed down the hall and crawled into bed. Elliott crawling back on top of you as you hummed happily petting his hair as he nuzzled his face between your breasts again.

"I love you." You smiled down at him.

"And I love you." he replied, rubbing your sides to comfort him.

"I love you to the moon and back." You giggled as this was sorta the thing you and him did before you guys went to bed.

"I love you Pluto and back." Elliot chuckled as he was really getting tired now.

"I love you to Andromeda and back."

Elliott looked at you with a questioning brow, "Have you been talking to Horizon again? You and her talk a lot about space and sometimes it puzzles me that one day I'll have a note on my kitchen table saying you left me for space... are you leaving me for space?"

You shook your head, "No, babe, I'm not going to leave you for space."

He got comfy again on your breasts, "Good." and the two of you went to sleep peacefully.

The End.

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