Untitled Part 1

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 you were a snake that I let live in my bed, not sexually but platonically. I opened my doors and let you slither in, even when you'd bite me I let you stay. I told myself I couldn't just kick you out, because that would be wrong of me. Little did I know letting you stay would be wrong of me, letting you infect me with your poison was wrong of me. how could I possibly let something so small and young hurt me? but that was the problem the fact that you could do it so easily led me to believe that it was my fault. You weren't just someone in my chapter, you were someone in my book. you used to be my world, and at that time I would have climbed the tallest mountains reached out, and grabbed the sun if that's what you wanted. I would have crossed oceans and fought the monsters that lay at the deepest darkest parts for you. but you see that was the problem...you could never do the same for me and even though knew that fact so clearly I still did all these things because my love for you was strong sometimes it's too strong. but you already knew that if someone was a part of my life I cared for them strongly. you used that as a piece in your sick and twisted game. your family was my family, you let me feel so close, but that is what you wanted. so for 14 years, I let you stay. for 14 years I let you bite me. if I ever let someone else in you got mad, you hissed and struck and started problems but instead of getting rid of you (the problem) I got rid of the innocent and then I was stuck in the endless cycle of you biting I would wake up one day and you'd be gone off with someone else. so I would do the same and when you would come back and see I was close to someone else you started problems again and tell me I was the shed skin. So again, I took the problem back in and kicked the innocent out. your hold on me got so tight I couldn't breathe. the problem is I let myself get way to use to it so when you'd leave id beg you to come back id spend hours trying to write the perfect apology letters when it was you who should have been apologizing to me. you were the snake I let in my bed you were the poison coursing through my veins, you were the darkness standing in my light. you didn't care for me as I did for you. when I was there in your darkest times you were gone for mine you let me sit in the dark room crying, I mean you were there but you were slithering around in the dark corners laughing because you loved to watch me crumble you loved to watch me fall apart. but it's over because I cut the head off the snake and threw your body out of my book I closed my door and locked it and learned never to trust the snake full of many colors. because all they do is bite you. you were the snake that lived in my bed. now you are the headless snake that lives in its own pool of mistakes you may be "happy" but one day you look back and remember that I picked up the pieces that I knew the darkest secrets I knew how different you felt compared to someone certain I know about the late nights. but they were things I knew and am glad to no longer know. goodbye to the headless snake that lived in my bed.

the snake that lived in my bedWhere stories live. Discover now