May 13, 2015
I come in the door, brokenI smile back at loving compassionate faces, broken
I sit in the pew reserved, quiet, broken
It's been months sense I walked through these doors and felt anything
I feel, nothing
I am, nothing
When it's time for worship I tell myself it's time
Time to take my life back from the thief who has stolen it and put it back in his already outstretched, loving arms
I wonder why it has taken me so long to realize that my soul had been abducted
That I was tumbling along the road of no more second chances
No more forgiveness
I think, what if I had died that day
I praise God, that I did not have to die that day
My friend.. that fight is never over
We will try to find a remedy for our pain everywhere in this world before we choose God
We will try to use drugs, sex, alcohol... love
Anything to make us feel something, but we will stay empty
We still stay unfulfilled, we will stay longing for something more
Most of the time we don't even know what it is we're looking for
But I can promise you the answer is not at the bottle of a bottle and it never will be
If we don't open our eyes we will just dig deeper, and longer
Until we are so far down dirt starts pouring in over our heads
We will suffocate ourselves, here
I want Jesus
I want Jesus spilling over, spilling out my ripped seems
Because I have stuffed Him into all of my loneliest places
I have a lot of lonely places..
Overflowing, seeping out like physical proof of the, "I will actually give my life for you" love
The promise you don't have to worry won't be kept
The everlasting love you will not ever lose
Not puppy love. Not teenage love. Not "I will die without you" love.
This love.. this love is the only thing that will fulfill your empty places