Chapter 22

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I woke up the following day and took a quick shower and surprisingly found clothes in the closet. My style as well. I walked into the living room to find Faye seated on one of the couches and on her phone, playing a freaking game as if all was jolly in the world.

"Hey." I said as I took a seat next to her. "Hi." She said and smiled to me. She had her hair up in a messy bun. She wore black leggings and a black sports bra and she had on a pair of glasses, while she sat there and ate a peach.

Like a freaking normal person would. Nothing about all of us was normal. "You hungry?" She asked after a beat of silence. "I don't trust you enough to eat your food." I said to her, earning a boisterous laugh from her. "If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it already and it certainly wouldn't be with poison." She said.

She thought she could kill me but I wouldn't give her a chance or I at least wouldn't go down without a fight. "So again, are you hungry?" She questioned and I rolled my eyes. "Sure." I said and watched her.

"Let's go prepare breakfast then." She suggested as she stood up. "Lead the way." I told her as I stood up at well. We got to the kitchen and she went on with preparing breakfast while I accepted coffee to drink while I waited, sitting on the counter.

"How would you approach this?" She asked and I stared at her, a bit confused. "What are you on about?" I asked. She paused, pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and carried on.

"Taking Skylar down. You know her more recently which means you know her recent weaknesses. I could take her kids but you wouldn't let that happen, would you?" She questioned.

She was right. If she harmed the kids, it would be over for her. "What about Saya or Amity?" She asked again. Between the two, I'd let her hurt Saya but I wouldn't stand by if she were to kill her. I hated her but I didn't wish death upon her, she still had the kids to look after.

Amity, on the other hand, if she dared to hurt her, she'd suffer a very slow and painful death. "Those are amateur approaches." I said as I sipped on my coffee. "How would you do it?" She asked as she leaned against the counter looking up at me.

"I do not simply believe in hurting her wives and kids to get to her, it seems too expected. Her mother, though, that's a different story. Skylar would die for that woman, who also turns out to have recently pissed me off. I can get you her mother and trust me that will get her here fast enough so you can take the shot." I said and she smirked at me.

"Never liked that woman." She said, referring to Skylar's mother, and got back to dishing up. "This is all happening in a week, I hope you prepared enough." I said as I hopped off the counter. She turned to me and pressed her body against mine.

"Super prepared. Why can't we have fun while we plan this?" She asked as she ran her finger up my arm and cupped my face as soon as she got to it. Fucking desperate, I tell you. "Because." I said and she rolled her eyes. "You're not my type." I said and she laughed.

"Skylar and Amity are your types? Which would either be tall, strong, brunette, super lesbian and a bit of good ass on them or short, fit, brunette, bisexual and a lot of ass on them. I happen to be a mix of both." She said and I rolled my eyes again, internally cringing. She wasn't wrong though. How did she know so much about our private lives?

"I do have a type, yes and you're not it." I said and she scoffed. "You're starting to come across as super clingy and desperate." I said as I slid away from her.



God! So I slept with Precious and practically threw myself at Saya, both of which are my wife's wives. That's all that ran across my mind as I soaked up in the super hot bath, I prepared after Saya left my room. But why Saya? We just didn't... click.

I liked Precious but Saya, not so much. At least not until the previous day. She wasn't that bad. I had actual romantic feelings for Precious but none for Saya. Precious, whom I was really worried about.

She had been missing for far too long. Forty eight hours had passed since Skylar took her away. It was all up to hoping she was okay. Skylar didn't want to fucking share anything on the matter, either so it was hopeless to even ask.

After sitting for a while in the bath, I felt the water cool off and I felt my skin prune, which urged me to hop out. I dried my body with a towel and sat on my bed. As I sat there, I remembered the note from yesterday that my host had told me was from Precious Gold and quickly rushed to my pants to retrieve it.

I opened the note and read it,

I am so sorry for all that has been happening and all that is yet to happen. I love you, Amity. If I go down, I'll go down proud of the fact that I do and I couldn't go without letting you know. I hope I get a chance to tell you face to face.


I sat back on the bed and clutched the note against my chest. "I love you too." I whispered and then I just started recalling everything I had done with Precious in her room when I spent my time with her in there.

I laid back, as I set the note beside me and looked up at the ceiling. I remembered the way she touched me when we kissed for the first time in her bed. I remember my core heating up and it still did then.

I slowly undid the towel as I recalled everything that night we made had sex. I remembered how her mouth felt all hot and needy on my breast as she flicked my nipple with her tongue, causing me to squeeze my nipples with my fingers.

I moaned a little as a tingle shot straight to my core. I remembered her peppering kisses down my body as she teased me by kissing my thighs, not wanting to touch where I needed her most and I felt my core flooding with my arousal.

I remembered how she kissed my clit and played with it, causing me to do that she with my fingers before I plunged two of them inside me, moaning loudly. I remembered how her tongue probed my entrance and I pumped my fingers faster.

I felt myself build up and I remembered how she had given me a body shattering orgasm before I came then, screaming her name. I carried on pumping my fingers as my body shook from my orgasm before I felt it was too much and I took them out.

I had my eyes shut and I saw stars before I came donw from the high of the orgasm. "Amity?" Someone called and I opened my eyes, shot up and covered myself and pushed the note onto the floor, beside the bed to hide it before glancing to the door, where Saya stood.

"What was that?" She asked and I literally felt my heart pump out of my chest. "How long have you been there?" I asked, hoarsely. "Long enough." She whispered.

"Precious?" She questioned, confused at the fact that I came screaming her name. I opened and closed my mouth, words failing me. I watched as the realization swept across her face and her mouth dropped in shock. "You fucked Precious?" She asked and I walked to her, pulled her in before I shit the door.

"Not so loud." I said. "You guys fucked?" She asked again and I sighed. "Let me get dressed so we can talk." I said and walked into the closet, not really wanting to go out again.

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