Blooper reel 😋

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Clotted Cream x Casino! Reader:

Pocky Cookie:  *inhale* okaysoioverheardyourfathersayingthattomorrowthespecialguestsarefromthecremerepublicthatmeanstheconsulakayourchildhoodfriendyoualwaystalkaboutmustbecomingtoo-

Y/N: pfft... Pocky that was too fast

Pocky Cookie: shit-

Vee: oi! No swearing on set Pocky!

Pocky Cookie: whoops-

-take 2-

Pocky Cookie: okay so... ehm... what was my line again?

Vee: lines! Who has the script?

Financier Cookie: here it is *hands script*

Pocky Cookie: thanks haha *sweatdrop*

-take 3-

Pocky Cookie: okay so, I overheard your father saying that tomorrow the special guests are from the- *chair dragging sound in the back* I. Was. Doing. SO. WELL!

Vee: Crepe what are you even doing on set?

Strawberry Crepe Cookie: checking if Yam was here breaking the camera again, but since he's not here, i'll stick around and watch instead

Pocky Cookie: his filming turn isn't even today!

Vee: they're just a kid, leave them be Pocky!

Pocky Cookie: can I take the advantage that the filming was interupted by a certain child and go drink some water and eat? I'm hungry.

Vee: *sigh* go ahead Pocky. Everyone! Break time! We'll keep on recording later since we've been interupted


Werewolf + wolfwalker child! Reader

Y/N (wolf form): I. Have. The ✨️FLOOF✨️

Gingerbrave: uhm... we're recording already Y/N

Y/N: oops... my bad-

-take 2-

Y/N: I can really only remember the part where I say "oh" eheh...

Vee: Y/nnnn...

-the rest actually went well sooo...-

[Off set Vlog provided by Pocky]

Pocky: okay so... everyone is currently in the studio's canteen! I wanted to record what we do off set... also this'll be short since Vee will be back at the studio with PV and White Lily in a bit.

Strawberry Crepe: Pocky what are you doing?

Pocky: just making a short Vlog of our recording break!

Strawberry Crepe: Vee will be mad at you for taking their phone-

Pocky: I don't have a phone myself and I want to record something so leave me be Crepe!

Vanilla Flakes: is that Vee's phone?...

Pocky: shoot- uhh... no...?

Vanilla Flakes: that's Vee's phone isn't it?

Pocky: okay fine! It is... now leave me alone!

Vanilla Flakes: Norman is still in the studio, if he sees you with Vee's phone he'll help them recover it, and he's a god so...

Pocky: then i'm staying out of Norman's sight! I'll go show the studio to the readers!

Y/N: I am right here and I know what the studio's like Pocky-

Pocky: well-

Vee: is that my phone?-

Pocky: shoot-

Strawberry Crepe: told you...


Pocky: everyone distracted me from the Vlog... sorry... i'll turn the camera off and run for dear life now-


Pure Vanilla (<-- just watched Syrupyy's video): ah, but i'm very hot-

Y/N: *sigh* re-start! Dang it Vanilla

Pure Vanilla: *chuckles*

-take 2-

Pure Vanilla: hey, it's alright... you're not the one to-

*Custard III drops his sceptor*

Custard III: whoops... sorry grandpapa!

Pure Vanilla: it's quite alri-

Y/N: *facepalm* re-start!

-take 3-

Pure Vanilla: ah, it's al- wait not "ah" it's "hey"

Vee: dAnG iT!

-take 10000-

Pure Vanilla: hey... it's alright! You're not the one to blame, you did nothing wrong

*everyone waiting for this recorded part to pause, so they can say anything*



Cream Unicorn: is it on?

Vee: wow, most imediate re-start ever....

Cream Unicorn: oh- my apologies...

Vee: cut! And wait for the signal Flakes!

-second attempt take 1-

Cream Unicorn: by your bruises, I can only guess you were being hunted down for your magestic form...

*Flakes plays "kimi no toriko" in the back once he says "magestic" causing Cream Uni to blush*

Y/N: *dramatically puts hands on her own face pretending to be flustered*


*Flakes and Y/N laughing their a$$es off*

-take 2-

Cream Unicorn: by your bruises, I can only guess you were being hunted down for your magestri- "magestric"?...

Vee: pfft... re-start!

-take 3-

Y/N: Cle- blah blah blah... CREAM Uni, not CLEAM Uni...

-take 4-

Y/N: Cream Uni... back at the forest- I forgot my line...


-technical issues-

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