Forest king

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Khanoj family is orthodox family, they are always strict to follow rules and regulations, khanoj father worked with former king as treasurer,seeing khanoj skills this king gave him prime minster post,khanoj never made differences between his wives nor with children, he treated them all equally,having three girls and two sons, Ramani,Nandini,Sindhu,sons krishna and Raghunath,

Khanoj is very smart he deals people and situations with smartness, that is how he felt with rivals once for king.king gave him vachan that he will make his one daughter to get married to his one son, khanoj is happy same time he never took advantage or said that again to remind king, he want to just wait for right time time.

People in his house are different they are very specific and knowledge full, his father teaches all his children about finance and behaviour towards other people, which resulted that everyone in house deal with others in smart way always polite but taking things in their way and trying to make others obey them in such a way that they themselves don't realise that. Among them Nandini and krishna are so cunning in making others obey them. Anger issue too make them think irrational. Khanoj always worried about them as they never show anything on face but their actions speak louder.

When family of khanoj attended king's daughter marriage they all attracted queen sugandhi a lot, she then on calls girls and teaches them one or the other things, being sharp and hardworking Nandini attracted her more, now she became her disciple too. Queen teaching her read some books which are required for development of a lady personality towards life, some Puranas and even teaches her some skills in knitting, cooking getting ready and also weapons.

Queen always talks about her children in that process Nandini came to know many things about them, most importantly Manik habits and his skills. Nandini unknowingly started developing some interest on him an unknown competition with him to grasp queen attention towards her. She wants queen to appreciate her more than she does of Manik, same she too started respecting him a lot.

Now when she is in front of Manik, she is confused spectacularly conscious and anxious. His words actions and personality is very variant than she imagined, he is jovial, sweet, sharp brained person, humble straight forward and interesting too. He is charming too. A bit jealous flew in her mind what if he is as such with everyone? Question gave her instant anger too. Nandini is stunned by his question, and his khanjar made its significance in her heart, in her heart.

Nandini knows rules of marriage with swords sometimes in Rajputs, but she don't agree for such marriages, she loves marriages with great virtual values and blessings of god along with parents and elders. She has attended many marriages in royal family till now all those are lavish and elaborated marriages. A simple marriage with khanjar accepting is not her way to devotee herself in name marriage. She needs her parents approval, most important her heart should permit this marriage then she can agree. She when got clarity it now.

Nandini came back to kingdom, she took rest for a day and the came back to mahal,she directly came queen's wing and found king is with her, she stood away from them, queen saw her and called her,
"Pranam maharaj I am Nandini daughter of your prime minster" she introduces herself
"I remember you beti! How are you?"
"By grace of you the king and god I am good thank you for asking Maharaj" she answered politely.
"So you completed the work I gave?" Queen asked
"It's completed but it's not me who did it" she replied with sad face
"Then who did that?"
"Maharani sa! A young man came and made things turn in such a way that people started worship him as god."
"What does that even mean?" Both king and queen asked in confusion.
Nandini narrated whole things happened.both became curious and laughing. "Prabhu! Find that young man we should reward him" queen suggests
"Actually Maharanisa! He is no other then our Rajkumar Manik"
Queen stood up in excitement, she came to Nandini holds her hands "really?how is he? Did he grow up well? Is he healthy?is he good? Did he ask about me?did he recognise you? When is he returning? Is he coming now? O my god I have so many preparations"she is excited
"Maharanisa! Take a breath let her tell us everything" king made her sit besides him
Nandini spoke "Maharanisa he is on mission like me, his guru gave him task I think so, he was in common man get up, except his horse nothing with him, he made money by making branches into fire woods, he made people believe him, fought with evil people then sent them to king for punishments, he recognised me as prime minister daughter, he enquired about me, being naive I didn't recognise him, he is very tall, good looking and healthy too, he said he is missing you a lot and will reach in three months"
"How does you known he is Rajkumar?" King asked with frown
"He didn't introduced to me, but he recognised me, his horse which is special, he is all time granting people he never cared about keeping things for him selves or savings, his way of talking and walking gave me clear picture of royalty when I did proper Pranam and addressed him as Rajkumar Manik he didn't deny but he asked me same question as you king" she politely said everything. " while departing he asked me to convey massage to you queen" she completed

King smiled broadly "so this boy learned to play mind games now"
"He is your son, he knows how to charm people around him as you do king" queen laughed
" kumari Nandini! You gave me immense happiness and you made my mood enlighten so here is your present, I will grant you a horse, and a royal ring, from now on no one will stop you to meet me directly, take this" queen gave her ring Nandini took happily,she loves horses too.
"Queen I hope you remember we have to get our one of the son to these sisters may be she too can, as her father wishes of course" king reminded
Nandini blushed remembering Manik words, queen smiled, "for Manik she will be perfect still we have to respect khanoj ji desire as promised"
" can I take leave Maharanisa?" Nandini asked as she is feeling shy and embarrassed to be here on her topic discussion is happening.
"Yes" both said she ran away both laughed

Manik is almost reaching Gurukul, he got massage, written as Giridhar is in danger he needs help. Giridhar is in tribal area his work is to make them obey to supply medicinal plants to Gurukul, he has to convince them make friends with them and play and dance with them, which he made complicated and even spoiled to the extent that he himself got into danger.

Manik reached forest, some tribes took him in after binding him, Manik didn't appose he co operated him, when he entered their living place inside forest he felt as if he is wonder land, whole place is been with colourful flowers smelled so peaceful, houses are multi-storey built around or on trees, river flowing sound, children laughing and dancing some and playing, Manik felt so peaceful and energetic.

One tall man came, took his knife and made cut on Manik shoulder, Manik just hissed he didn't made it big, man raised his eyebrow in surprise "who are you? Why are you here?"
"I am human being I loved to see forests I came to explore"
"Don't play games, are you any spy or any enemy?"
"No never, May be I can ask you favour, can you share some medicinal plants with me? These plants greenery, trees are sooooo amazing"
"No" he roared "they are ours"
"They are yours that's why I am asking you if not I won't" that man laughed "you have brains"
"Thank you" Manik laughed too "Can you send me some please?"
"Why do you need them?"
"To protect ourselves from diseases"
"What if I give you dangerous plants?"
"I still will take them humans should and must believe other human, even if we die I still hope that may be we are not worth yo live, we won't blame you or can blame you"
That man frowned "you are luring me why?"
"To take back my brother from you people who is been in your custody"
Man roared in anger, he took big iron rod to pierce Manik heart, "that cruel man tried to snatch our property and also he made one of my girl get in loved with him, now who will marry her? She will be killed brutally by beating with stones because she trusted him blindly according to our culture and you are telling me that I should leave him "
Manik felt anger but gulped it, "king I promise you that he will marry her, about destroying your property is impossible I will protect it with my life as it's not just your property it's gods blessing it's nature which is provided by god to save us, punish him accordingly I won't stop you but don't kill him as I promised to protect him, please give me one chance to make everything clear" Manik requested.

The forest king asked for some time, he didn't release Manik but everyone left him, with some food and water. Manik smiled at them, Manik is determined to wait for their decision

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