Run and Hide

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Another quiet night in the Agreste Mansion left a sour taste in Adrian's mouth. He was used to the lonely dinners where his distant father would be in his office, too busy to sit down for five minutes with his only son. Adrian stared at the long table, gripping his fork tightly as he gritted his teeth. With a huff, he stands forcefully, the chair behind him falling to the ground from the momentum, and walking out of the room and towards the staircase. Standing at the central landing, he looked up; where once was a loving portrait of his family now stands the cold, depressing replacement of just him and his father. Laying eyes on it for only one moment, thinking how much he missed the smile of his father, he turns towards his own bedroom, closing the door behind.

"I have to do it, Plagg. I can't stand it anymore." Adrian called out into the room, sitting on the couch in the center and dropping his head into his hands. Plagg, trying to comfort the blond-haired boy, floats in front of him.

"Well you can't go out there, it's freezing! Where would we go?" Plagg replied. Adrian looked up, watching the winter snowflakes fall from the sky outside the gigantic floor-to-ceiling windows, looking through the kwamii.

"I don't know. But anywhere is better than here. I'll find somewhere. Maybe I can go to Nino's?" Adrian stood, walking towards his wardrobe and pulling out a duffle bag.

"If you want to run, that'll be the first place the gorilla looks. Besides, we can't get camembert out there... Do you really need to leave?"

"Plagg. I am not staying in this cage any longer just so you can get some camembert." Adrian snaps back, shoving clothes into the bag. Plagg floats by, crossing their arms.

"Do we have to?" Plagg sluggishly protests again.

"Yes." Adrian slams the door of the wardrobe closed and zips up his bag. Walking over to the wall, he unhooks his coat from the door, wrapping himself uptight. His eyes glance at the cerulean scarf that he had been gifted by his father. He debated it for a moment, but knowing the snow wouldn't help to be outside, he grabbed the scarf and wrapped it around his neck.

Taking a deep breath, he turns towards the large windows once again. "Are you definitely sure? It's warm in here, we can have all the food we-"

"Plagg, Claw's Out" Adrian cuts them off, quietly speaking under his breath. From head to toe, the black leather suit encases him. The now Chat Noir picks up the duffle bag and opens one of the windows, lifting himself out with his staff and setting off to find a new home.


Adrian, still disguised as Chat Noir, jumps across the rooftops and finally settles down in a small alley in the centre of Paris.

"Plagg, claws in." He whispers, transforming back into his bundled-up civilian form. Plagg appears and Adrian extends his arm, opening his palm. "Sorry Plagg, but you'll be warmer here," He says as he opens his coat slightly, placing Plagg inside. The kwamii doesn't protest, snuggling into one of the inside pockets. Zipping his coat back up, Adrian takes a deep breath, securing his bag once again, and steps foot into the quiet streets.

He trudges through the growing layers of snow on the ground, holding his arms close to his chest and burying his face as much as he could into the coat. A few cars pass, their headlights blinding him as they constantly adjust between the light of the cars and the darkness of the evening sky.

Trying to take his mind away from the bitter cold, Adrian mumbles to himself. "Right. I can't go to Nino's, they'll definitely find me there, Natalie knows I'm friends with him and will most likely ask there first. Oh! What about Max? Maybe? Though I'm not sure we're close enough to show up randomly asking to stay. I could ask Chloe, as much as she's a pain, at least she might help and she has enough room... No. If Mayor Bourgeois found me, he'd, sure enough, send me home.- I could just stay out here? Maybe find somewhere warm enough and figure something out tomorrow..."

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