broken bell pt2

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technoblade pov-
Wilbur?! Dream yelled as he saw Wilbur coming out of it. I Turned around to see Wilbur , he was holding TNT. Stand back Wilbur said as he lit the TNT  . BOOM as the alarm went off, Wilbur threw a splash potion at us and we quickly got out  .{ Meanwhile with    quackity and sam}
WHAT DO U MEAN THEY ESCAPE?! Quackity shouted at Sam . I didn't know how they escape really! Sam yelled back at quackity. We have to find them quackity said  taking out his axe

{With Wilbur }

Where are we going now? Dream asked
U can stay with us! Wilbur said as he hugged dream and smiling.

{Im very lazy}

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