The Loyal Kind of Love

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Smiling with him was easy. So was being relieved and honest. Maybe because he was safe. Or maybe his friendship was a comfort to drape.

First loves are silly like that. Unsuspecting. Honest. Troublesome. Most gullible.

When one person is the whole world. One beat and heart unfurls.You cannot realize when it happens. His joy's contagious. His problems sadden. Though you deny it. Apparently everyone sees it. But you and him. 'Cuz you don't accept. Not worth losing friends. 

Your best friend likes him. So you sit back. Watch. Smile. 'Cuz he is not the only first love. She is too. Even before him. Someone you care about. Else you wouldn't be there to listen the foolishness they sprout. So Smile. Somewhere along the way it turns real. 

Ten years through the hourglass. Chapters changed. Heart still fastens on meeting him. Whenever idle, I'm brought home to this precious memory; fact that he made me smile. Continues to do so. 

Smiling had always been simple; he made it easy.

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