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[Name] stood on the corner of the street, waiting too see if Michael would keep his promise and walk to school with her.

She smiled while thinking of how much Michael had warmed to her over the past two days, maybe he considered her a friend now.

She still didn't understand why everyone called him a freak.

Michael was extremely sweet towards her and was always trying to make her laugh or smile. He also claimed that it was his duty to protect her from bullies.

To her, Michael seemed like the best friend she could ever have and she was glad she had chosen to speak to him that day.

Eventually she saw him at the end of the street, walking towards her slowly. She raised an arm and waved at him, he smiled softly in response.

They began to walk along the street side by side as they made their way to school.

"Hey Michael, It's Halloween tomorrow! Are you excited?" She asked him.

[Name] already knew he would be, from talking to him the past few days she knew how much he liked Halloween. He also seemed to love horror and gore. Maybe it was a little strange at their age but [Name] didn't care, everyone had their own unique interests after all.

Michael nodded, and his face lit up, "I cant wait! I brought my Halloween costume today..." he thought for a moment. "Would you like to come and watch horror movies with me at my house after we go trick or treating?"

[Name] smiled. "Yes!"  Then she thought for a moment and gasped, looking up at Michael "I don't have a Halloween costume yet!"

"Don't worry you still have time...why don't you get one after school"

"Good idea! I'm so excited Halloween is going to be great!"

They continued on their way until the arrive at school. Since she had started hanging out with Michael [Name] had noticed two things.

The first was that they would always get a lot a strange looks as they walked about and people would whisper things
"Why is she friends with him"
"Ew what a freak"

It had bothered [Name] at first but she had just ignored it, people were so judgemental even in their childhood.

The second thing [Name] had noticed was the furious stares that Michael would give anyone talking about her. She would notice his rage filled glare after hearing the whispers.

If she was honest, the way he started at the other kids, full of disgust and anger, was quite scary.

[Name] thought it was bad, but at the same time Michael had every right to be mad, after all those kids had made most of his school life miserable.

Eventually they got to class and [Name] waved goodbye to him, promising to meet him after school to go and find a Halloween costume.


After school [Name] and Michael headed to a local party store where she hoped to find a good Halloween costume.

"You have to help me pick ok! I want to look reallyyyy cool"

Michael nodded silently, a small smile appearing on his face. Her enthusiasm towards Halloween, his favourite holiday, was very endearing.

When they got to the party store [Name] ran inside and began to look. Shortly after Michael followed after her, wanting to pick the perfect costume for her.

They both looked for a while but eventually he came across a clown outfit, similar to his one except it was [Name]'s favourite colour and came with a different, more elaborate mask.

Michael called her over and [Name] squealed with delight, seeing the costume.

"It's perfect!"

She grabbed it and ran to the counter to pay for it, where Michael insisted that he payed. [Name] protested, saying that she didn't want him to use his own money when she could just use her parents money however Michael was persistent and eventually got his own way and payed.

After buying the costume, [Name] and Michael headed down to the park and played on the swings while talking about all the things they could do on Halloween.

[Name] was most excited to go trick or treating with Michael and to try and scare other people who were out.

They had also planned to go back to Michaels house after and watch horror movies. [Name] had boldly claimed that they didn't scare her after Michael had teased her for being a scaredy cat.

As they walked home from the park, [Name] grabbed onto Michael's hand, swinging the plastic bag with her costume in the other hand.

Michael looked at her silently, deep in thought.

He was happy to have someone to spend time with. Finally someone who didn't judge him... someone he could be himself around.

His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now