Elvis Exhaustion

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Incoming: Medical inaccuracies!


Austin had just gotten home. He had planned to sleep for the next frickin' week but instead he's trying to celebrate with you. He wants to. He wants to soak up every moment with you since he had been gone filming for so long. He had only noticed the immense ache in his back while sipping champagne with you and close friends at the apartment. He winces and tries his best to play it off and hide it. But as the night goes on he can't ignore it anymore. Something is horribly wrong.

As far as you'd known, you and him had gone to bed finally around midnight. Austin had gotten up in the night, his throat begging for a glass of water. Despite the intense, excruciating ache in his back and now his stomach and now the new dizziness and nausea, he slowly gets himself up and he almost has to crawl to the bathroom. He just needs a glass of water. Surely if he gets one glass down, he'll feel just a tiny bit better at least. He eventually gets there. Knowing the light will be too intense on his senses, he searches in the dark for a cup. But just as he's reaching for the faucet, the dizziness overcomes him and he drops like a bag of rocks.

That wakes you up. "Aus?" It takes you a minute to adjust your eyes but you can hear quiet groaning in the bathroom doorway. "Oh my god, Austin!" You sit by his head inspecting his injuries first. He flinches once you turn on the light. "Baby, are you okay?" He cracks his eyes open a sliver but it's like he sees right through you, the pain clouding his vision. "H'rts..." He whimpers, grabbing blindly at you. You notice the broken glass and thankfully he doesn't have any cuts on him. "Baby, did you fall?" He lifts his hand attempting to point to the sink, explaining in his fever induced haze why he was up in the first place. You place your hand on his chest, trying to keep him down and realize how sweaty and hot he is. "Jesus, Aus you're burning up lovie.." You need to get him to the hospital to see if he possibly has a head injury from his fall but there's no way in hell you're tiny, you'll never be able to lug your 6'0" boyfriend off the bathroom floor and into the car. He's a deadweight already. 911 it is. You whisper that you'll be right back but you're not one hundred percent sure Austin hears you in his haze. Your hands are shaking so bad you have no idea how you're actually holding onto the phone.

911 what's your emergency.

"Yes, I woke up to my boyfriend on the floor. He's burning up. I think he got dizzy and fell. I'm not even sure he knows I'm there."

Okay did he hit his head?

"I'm not sure and I can't move him he's taller than me and he's a deadweight. Please hurry."

It only takes six minutes for the paramedics to come in and surround Austin. But as soon as they start to assess him and put their hands on him to help him, he tries to fight them off, He's only speaking in groans. "Aus baby, they're trying to help. Please don't fight." "No, no, no, please no." The paramedic smiles apologetically at you. "It's probably just the fever. We'll get him calmed down once we can get him medicine downstairs." You nod and they lift him up on the stretcher. Noticing he's in motion but not knowing who's moving him because god knows he can't move himself, Austin reaches out for you, for comfort. "It's okay bubs, I'm still here. You'll be okay."


Two hours later, Austin is settled in a room recieving IV meds to keep him asleep and to keep him from getting dehydrated. You're sitting at his bedside, carding your hands through his sandy blonde curls when you hear someone come in. You turn to see his nurse smiling at you carrying a cup. "This is for you." She hands you the cup which is filled to the brim with coffee. Thank god.

"It doesn't look like he has any head injuries. We've also given him an x-ray to rule out his appendix since all of his symptoms pointed to an appendicitis, but the doctor thinks it's just extreme exhaustion." You nod, sipping your coffee. "Yeah, he's been working on a movie over the last two years. It's been pretty intsense on his body. He only just got home two days ago. Hasn't had time to rest, he's been celebrating."

The nurse smiles softly as she adjusts his med lines. "Ah, that makes more sense." You place your hand over his, squeezing, hoping he knows you're still there. "He didn't fight too much when you took him for tests did he?" She shakes her head. "A little bit but we put it down to him being confused on where he was and why he was there. But once we gave him meds to keep him still for the MRI, he was out." You put your hand on your chest, fiddling with your necklace Austin had given you on your last holiday. "I'm so sorry he did that." She nods, adjusting the oxygyn cannula on his face. "It's okay, we expect it with something like this. That's all I need, I'll leave you to sit with him."

Finally by noon the next day, you're dozing at Austin's bedside your cheek on his hand that you're still grasping when Austin's eyes slit open and he can finally see again without the explosion of pain behind his eyes. He notices you sleeping next to him. To wake you he moves his hand, moving his other hand to pet your hair. Noticing he's finally awake after hours and hours of being passed out, your eyes immediately well up with tears. "Baby, oh my god!" You gently put your head on his chest and his hand stays in your hair, running his fingers through it to comfort the both of you. "Hi baby..." The fatigue in his body and the pain causing his deep Elvis ladened voice to be extra quiet and deep.

You place both hands on either side of his voice, pecking his forehead, cheek and lips in a frenzy. "You scared the hell out of me, Aus!" Hearing that you were scared, Austin's eyes well up and one lone tear brims over running down his cheek. "I-I'm sorry. I just-" You squeeze his hand and lean your cheek on it, smiling softly at him. "What do you remember, bubs?"

He takes a minute, collecting his broken memories over the last day and a half. "I-I had a backache when we were partying and... the pain woke me up at four am but I-I was so thirsty I was sure if I got some water I'd feel better. I got out of bed and noticed I was dizzy... and I must've blacked out in the bathroom." You nod. "I had to call 911. Your giraffe ass was too tall for me to lug to the dang car." He lifts his finger at that, as if he's pointing at the memory coming back, ignoring the giraffe comment for now. He's used to him calling him a bunch of nicknames related to his height. Usually they make him laugh but he's afraid it'll hurt if he laughs. "I felt hands on me, I-I got scared." You nod, filling in the blanks for him. "The paramedics. You fought them when they were taking you onto the stretcher and giving you oxygen." He puts his head in his hand. "Oh god." You kiss the top of his hand that you're still holding onto for dear life. It reminds you that he's still here, he's okay. "You just were confused and scared. It's okay."

He stares into your eyes. "What--what made me sick?" You reach your hand up and brush your fingers throug his curls, lifting them off his face. "Extreme exhaustion from working too hard on Elvis. It presented as an apendicitis but your appendix was fine." He places his hand on his stomach, looking at it as if he expects there to be a huge hole in it. "It hurt so bad..."

His eyes find yours again. "Thank you darlin' for taking care of me." You chuckle wetly. "Of course lovie. That's what I'm here for." He takes your hand and kisses it, your knuckles the oxygen cannula. "Will you lay with me? I'm used to cuddling someone." You nod. "'Course. Scoot over, bub." He does and wraps his arm around you that doesn't have the IV lead in it and places his head on your arm, becoming the big spoon. "How long will I have to be here?" You shtug, disrupting both your comfy spots. "We don't know yet. But let's just relax and focus on getting you better, please. Soak up the time to be lazy." At that Austin allows himself to chuckle. "I love you, bubs." He whispers, pecking your lips. You smile, happy he's in your arms again even though he's in a hospital bed. "I love you too, Austin."

dun dun dun! New story/imagine book! I realize there may be medical innacuracies with this but I've never dealt with exhaustion like this. Really hope you guys enjoyed this! I did! Love you guys, see you soon <3

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