Panic in the Trailer

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Austin is in the middle of filming for Elvis and he is feeling the immense pressure on him to do the man proud. What if he fails? What if Lisa Marie and Pricilla hate the final product that came from his memories? You had come along today to keep an eye on Austin because you had heard from Baz the last couple days that Austin was incredibly nervous when out of character on set even to the point of even if Baz thought a take had not needed redoing, Austin would do it over and over and over until his throat is raw from overuse.

He's come home every day from set jittery and near tears so you had decided to come along today to try to stop his anxiety from escalating into a full blown attack if possible.

Austin just can't get seem to get this line out of his mouth. Getting used to the Elvis soft drawl has also caused him to stutter and choke on his words and he's trying so hard but he's now getting frustrated with himself and it also doesn't help that it feels like everyone is staring at him. Everyone is staring at him, they're filming him but he just wants to hide in a hole right now.

Knowing his history with anxiety over the years you two had decided on a sign that he can show you if he needs you to be bossy and get him help or out of a situation. And if you need to be mean to take care of Austin, you have no problem with it. Ignoring the crowd of crew around the camera he finds you in the crowd and subtly touches his fingers to his chin, acting as if it's just a yawn but you know what it really is. His sign for help.

"Guys I'm sorry I'mma need a five to ten minute break." Austin mumbles. You feel your heart breaking as he looks to Baz with pleading eyes. Baz's eyes cut to you reading the situation. "Yeah, yeah, of course. We'll take ten guys." He says louder to the crew who disperse and walk off.

Feeling the familiar burning behind his baby blue eyes, Austin darts off toward his trailer and your not far behind him.

You find him in the back bedroom of the trailer that he uses for late nights on set. He got himself as far away from the door. "Oh baby, hey." He's hunched on the bed, head in his hands sobbing into his palms. You crouch down, patting his knee gently letting him know you're there.

This isn't your Austin and it's worse that he is still in costume and doesn't really look like your Austin.

"Austin, hey, can you look at me?" You grab his wrist and try to pull it away from his face. And he lets you surprisingly but only because he wants his hand held. "I-I c-can't, I can't, I can't. I just can't get it." Holding of his hands you use your other to run your hands through his hair. "Get what baby?" He rocks forward, placing his head in the crook of your neck. "The lines. And what if they hate it and it's so hard being him. I want to be me again. I want to be me." You grimace at his words and the fact that your fingers can feel all the product in his jet black hair gelled into place.

"Austin listen to me. You are the most hardworking man I know. You will get it. You just need to take a minute, calm yourself and try again tomorrow. You've dove into this every day for a year and a half. I know it's scary being someone else for so long but the Austin I met is still in there. The gentle sweet thoughtful Austin is still buried in there somewhere. We just gotta find him. And you will get some bad apple reviews hellbent on hating everything but it's Baz's job to be authentic and make this film a fucking masterpiece. Do you trust him to help you make a masterpiece?"

He nods. "Yeah, I-I do." You nod, placing your hand on the back of his neck gently. "See, there you go. You guys are a team. He'll only lead you into success I promise you that. And Austin? You are more than enough, I promise you, love." Austin sniffs, nodding, staring intently at his shoes.

After a minute, Austin takes a full deep breath and shudders at the release of all of his muscles, looking into your eyes again. "I don't want to go out there again. I'm so tired." He says, on the verge of tears again. You nod understanding. "Yeah, you need to rest. You want me to talk to Baz." Austin thinks for a minute but eventually nods. "Alright, you get cleaned up and I'll go talk to him."

You leave him to his devices and go to open the door where you find Baz standing below you hand raised in a fist, poised to knock. "I was just checking on him. He okay?" You shrug. "He really needs to rest. Is there anyway he can head home for the day. He thinks he's just been in character too long and he's getting frustrated with himself that nothing's perfect." Baz nods. "Yes, yes, go. We'll see you guys tomorrow morning." He turns around before remembering and turns his head back to you. "Y/N?" You nod. "Yeah?" Baz gives you a gentle smile. "Take care of our boy." You smile back. "That's something I'm really good at." He nods. "I know."

You turn back into the trailer to find Austin studying himself in the mirror, wiping at his nose with a tissue. "Did it go okay? Can I go home?" You nod, kissing his cheek. "Yeah, let's get you out of this getup and then we're free to go. And then when we get home first you'll nap okay?" He nods. "I can definitely do that."

Woooo!! I did another one! I hope you like it! <3 Enjoy!

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