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Fires and magical light erupted around the campus before she could even grasp what it was that had happened, tendrils of lightning like arcs and heat scorching black the pavement and school walls.

The tar from the roads even began to melt and fizzle, large bubbling protrusions of sediment and gravel unearthing and frothing on the surface as a magic barrier flashed in and out. Complex magical formulas and seals frequently rotated along the axis of the barrier, unwinding and slowly breaking apart. The instability of the barrier was only growing more apparent with time, and many knew the significance of that barrier. It was the one used to help safe-guard the current Peace Talks between the three Factions currently in Kuoh.
Sona had exhausted herself in the past couple of days, adamantly remaining ignorant to her sister's persistent inquires. If the guilt alone wasn't enough, it was the fact that she herself wasn't fully convinced. So long as there was a chance that Shirou could be Marbas, it was impossible for her to completely justify herself. As a result, she hadn't been eating and was constantly distracted, unable to maintain a single trail of thought before falling into whispered murmurs to assure herself.
The only thing that mattered to her then was the current date, and how much longer she would have to endure. Only now that the day had arrived, she found that perhaps enduring for another week would have had been a far better alternative.
Her mouth had set itself into a frown long ago, but she knew that it wasn't the time to stare absently at the damages on Kuoh. Instead she had to act.
Yet it was difficult.
Her arms and muscles strained from the mere action of walking and sweat had already began to pool from her brow, droplets trailing down her face before dripping from her chin.
The rest of her peerage remained frozen in place before her, their expressions still plastered with shock from when the attack initially began. They were simply unable to move, nor hear, nor speak, and she herself already understood the reason why.
Their time had been stopped.
They wouldn't be able to react to anything at the moment, and her mind already gave her an explanation.
The Forbidden Balor View.
The Sacred Gear capable of stopping time.
To be honest, she would have had been affected as well, but the protective magics her elder sister had left on her person were able to momentarily halt the power affecting her. As such, she could still move stiffly despite being under the effects of the Forbidden Balor View, but it was getting increasingly difficult as more time passed.
It was already to the point where she could hardly move her fingers to turn the knob of the Student Council Room's door.
She breathed heavily, her eyes narrowed as she could no longer move her left arm, the magical light of the Sitri magic crest waning until its light was but a dull glow.
Her mind worked meticulously yet lasting much longer would be impossible.
Her left arm flailed by her side, dangling listlessly.
Stubbornly though, she held on; her complexion paling as her body swayed, finding stability by leaning on a wall.
There was still something that she could do.
"Mine is the power of house Sitri, descendant of the Demon of the leopard's head and griffin's wings," she spoke hoarsely, extending her right palm forward.
Her magic crest extended outwards, the sigil of the three crosses held by a half-sphere fluctuating with a reddish hue.
Magic the likes of which she was invoking required a high toll on her magical reserves. The fact that she had to chant the words rather than mentally will the magic to take shape and manifest spoke of its difficulty.
"My right is by blood, and my magic the proof that compels thee."
Her elder sister had placed down a certain magic around Kuoh Academy using the family crest of house Sitri. It was made in preparation for any drastic developments and worked as a safeguard in the case of a dire emergency. An attack on the campus clearly qualified.
Her expression grew stern as the strain on her body increased. Nonetheless, she persevered.
"I am Sona of House Sitri,"
The Sitri magic crest found on herself and her peerage began to shine in a brilliant blue light.
"And I activate this seal!"
Serafall hadn't been in the best of moods from the moment the Peace Talks had began, and it only grew worse as time passed.
As a representative of the Underworld, she knew well enough that she had a responsibility to uphold the current peace of the Underworld and maintain its integrity. It was a part of her duty; a part of the oath she had made on that day when she took up the name of Leviathan. Thus, her participation at the Peace Talks was of the utmost importance and not something she could simply dismiss.
And yet, she had been doing so for at least an entire fourth of the meeting, her expression brooding, and posture closed off. Her legs were crossed together, and the way her arms remained tucked beneath her chest only further emphasized this point.
Gabriel had glanced at her direction more than once, the naïve innocence of Heaven's greatest beauty only making her more irritable.
Serafall clicked her tongue and glanced away. She and Gabriel had never been on good terms, and she currently didn't want to deal with her at the moment. Instead, all that mattered to her right now was the glowing symbol of Marbas recorded in the family registry in her hands.
It was all the proof that she needed.
He or she was here.
A relative to the man who meant more to her than any honorary title or position.
And she owed it to Kuro to watch over his family, like he had once done for her. A young lady that became a commander in a Civil War she had been too ignorant to realize would result in her own misery.
The reality of her own powerlessness and inability to save the man she cared for the most. The one who died in her arms.
Her mood soured further, an empty self-loathing darkening her expression, and making her more guarded as the meeting progressed.
No one understood her. Not even her younger sister. How could she ever describe the hope, anxiety, and desperation that nearly overwhelmed her when Adelina had shown her the family registry? How could she describe the loathing, fury, and animosity she felt when once again it was Sirzechs standing in the way of her goal?
She knew Sirzechs, and she knew Sona. It wasn't hard for her to detect the guilt in their expressions and their unwillingness to answer her inquires even though it was clear that their answers were hurting her.
What kind of truth were they hiding that they'd believe that she'd do something drastic anyway?
The more she thought on it, the more her lips thinned.
Her silence was a constant in the Peace Talks, her mind too preoccupied.
Sirzechs did most of the talking and negotiations as Azazel, Michael, and Gabriel supplied their own conditions. When it came to her turn, she was far from receptive, but she did answer from time to time, yet not often enough to have had contributed anything substantial.
In a way, her current attitude resembled Xenovia's who remained standing at attention on a corner of the meeting room opposite from where Rias and a portion of her peerage stood. Cold and expressionless, simply waiting as if the meeting had nothing to do with her.
It was a far cry from the carefree and honest personality Serafall generally carried and Sirzechs understood this the most because he had known her the longest.
Still, no matter how Sirzechs currently felt about the situation, he was too close to the end of the Peace Talks to jeopardize everything now.
He cleared his throat.
"If peace is to truly be carried out, we must all first put up a certain level of trust," Sirzechs said.
"Naturally," Michael agreed, head nodding before continuing. "I trust Ascalon is enough of a gift to reveal Heaven's sincerity?"
"Yes, yes indeed," Sirzechs replied hurriedly, a hand scratching awkwardly at the back of his head.
In regards to Ascalon, the Dragon Slaying sword, none had benefitted from it more than Issei Hyoudo, Rias's pawn.
It need not be said that Rias was Sirzechs's younger sister, and anything to her benefit would always please Sirzechs. Therefore, the fact that Ascalon was a major improvement to Rias's peerage had already been more than enough to earn Sirzechs's approval. It was just that he wasn't shameless enough to speak up for it on Serafall's behalf.
Thus, he simply glossed over the matter, hoping that Serafall would remain as silent as she had been from the beginning.
Fortunately, Serafall was too preoccupied to care.
"Then if everything's in order," Azazel grinned. "I believe that we've all come to agreeable terms?"
There were several nods of approval, but there was something distinct that had occurred at that moment.
Vali Lucifer, a descendant of the original Lucifer shifted his gaze to glance outside the meeting room. He was a child picked up by Azazel and raised in the Fallen Angel's institute called the Grigori.
A youth of a tall stature and a robust build, his power alone was enough to dwarf any new aspiring Devils, Fallen, or Angels. A chain was attaching to the slim-black pants he wore which clinked with his every movement, making it all the more eye-catching when he walked towards the only window of the room.
His light-blue coloured eyes narrowed, tufts of his silver coloured hair steadily rising as he called upon his magical power.
Everyone else immediately tensed, Serafall included as she sensed a familiar power.
In the next second, a shockwave rocked out across the campus, gale-force winds and upheaved earth and stone pelting strongly against the magical barrier surrounding Kuoh. What made matters worse was the sudden pulse of energy that soon suffocated the surrounding area afterwards, leaving only the meeting room which was lined with stronger magical seals unaffected.
It was an energy that caused one to stiffen, and the very world to come to a halt.
"Gasper!" Rias said in panic.
Of everyone present, she was the most perceptive to the power of the Forbidden Balor View. It was only recently that Gasper was released from his confinement due his inability to control his Sacred Gear. For it to run rampant at this time, the consequences were too severe.
Moreover, could it be a coincidence?
Hastily Rias activated her Magic Crest to communicate with Koneko who she knew for certain had been with Gasper.
No response.
It was the same no matter how many times she had tried, her expression falling more and more distressed as time passed on.
Azazel glanced at Michael, Gabriel, Sirzechs, and Serafall before stating the obvious.
"Magicians," Azazel said sternly. "Only they would have had been able to understand the mechanics of the defensive barrier around Kuoh to be able to sneak within it. And from the looks of it, they had the uncontrollability of the Forbidden Balor View in mind."
"T-Then Gasper and Koneko?"
"Its likely that they are in the enemy's custody," Sirzechs said solemnly. "Gasper still has his uses due to his Sacred Gear, but I fear that Koneko may not be in such a situation."
Rias swallowed, but her eyes already spoke of her conviction, yet she knew that it would be difficult for her elder brother to willingly allow her to be willful in this situation. He had always been over protective, but as it would turn out though, she wouldn't have to voice anything.
"Then we have to hurry and save them!" Issei said hurriedly, already moving towards the exit of the room much to Azazel's exasperation. "Hey, it won't open?"
"Are you an idiot?" Azazel called, appearing behind Issei and hauling him back to where everyone else stood. "That door obviously won't open so easily. This room is protected by a higher level magical barrier than the one surrounding Kuoh Academy's exterior."
"Then how are we supposed to go and save them?" Issei asked impatiently, his concern and character causing Xenovia who had remained still throughout the meeting to recall the personality of a certain red-head.
Her expression softened from its dull monotone, her attention shifting to Michael and Gabriel in hesitation and indecision.
"If you're asking how you're going to get there, isn't this more than enough of an answer?"
Dropping Issei onto his feet, Azazel motioned towards Sirzechs, and a glowing transportation seal soon manifested.
"I had placed this magic seal as a last precaution. I never would have had assumed it would be used in this way," Sirzechs said helplessly, genuinely nervous when Rias stepped into it without hesitation before he could even begin to dissuade her.
It was evident that she knew his personality well enough that she left immediately, Issei, Asia, Akeno, and Kiba following soon after.
Sirzechs sighed heavily, feeling somewhat dejected at the current situation, more so when Vali didn't even greet him before entering the seal.
Azazel could only shrug in response to Vali's behaviour.
Off to the side, Michael glanced at the way Xenovia was discreetly eyeing him and Gabriel for approval before he then nodded his head.
Xenovia's expression brightened before she set her face into one of indifference. She nodded once before her body moved and entered the magical seal Sirzechs had produced just before the energy supplying it exhausted itself.
Gabriel smiled at Michael.
"For someone who seemed so cold, she cares a lot about others," Gabriel said warmly.
"It is in her faith. Her light of compassion. Besides," Michael straightened his back. "You must have felt it to, the power of Father's miracle held in that blade. With its protection, there is nothing to fear."
Gabriel fell silent for a moment, before considering it herself. "She will be someone of great importance in the future."
Michael simply nodded his head, but there was a more pressing matter that all left in the meeting room understood.
A shimmering crack formed over the door, a sign of a breach into the magical barrier surrounding the room. Where one cracked formed, another appeared until one by one, it created a complex web of lines that immediately shattered.
The seal had been broken.
In succession, Sirzechs, Serafall, Azazel, Michael, and Gabriel stood up on their feet; the leaders of the Three Factions of Heaven, the Fallen, and Devils facing the adversaries before them.
Rows upon rows of Devils and Fallen Angels encompassed their vision, the majority of them spreading out and creating a circled perimeter that entrapped the leaders.
They were the race that lurks in the dark, and the sinners who beat their pinioned wings amidst the clouds and rain.
Staring at them, Michael and Gabriel were pleasantly surprised. Not one Angel appeared in opposition, neither of the two knowing that the Angels that had once been a part of the group had already resigned.
Nonetheless, this fact alone didn't take away from the severity of the situation.
Sirzechs and the others were on their own. The guards and processions loyal to them bound by the time magic of the Forbidden Balor View.
Yet even in this moment, fear was the last thing Sirzechs and the others felt.
For who were they if not the strongest of their Factions?
Michael of the Seraphim. Archangel and leader of God's armies.
The Guardian of the Church and the Holy Faith. He the Angel who had always stood at God's side. Magnanimity, charity, and benevolence, he encompassed them all; his light one that shone even in the darkest of hours. A light that banishes the dark.
Twelve wings of the purest gold extended out, feathers unruffled and releasing a radiance that was dazzling.
In comparison, Gabriel, the Messenger of God shone with her own uniqueness. A Holy white that was similar to the light that had taken away the Underworld's Last Demon. For Gabriel's strength was her faith, God was her strength. His light shining from within her. Her disposition alone had never been one that been tainted by greed, jealousy, envy, or any such emotion. All of her being and strength was a reflection of her devotion. Her naivety and innocence were no coincidence, it was a part of her, none of it an act.
When God had blessed her, his light remained within her, a pious believer.
Her light was imbued with God's. A weaker form of God's Light.
The very same light that haunted Serafall's nightmares.
Honestly speaking, Serafall didn't truly mind Gabriel for her personality, but one of the reasons she could never get along with her was her possession of power akin to God's Light. For it was what had ultimately taken Kuro away from her.
Heaven's leaders released their strength in full, and nearest to them, their Fallen brother did the same.
Twelve Wings of a never ending black, feathers the colour of the night's sky.
Azazel of the Grigori, Leader of the Fallen Angels.
He alone with the few who fell with him from the Heavens had established a third Faction in a world already plagued in a war between the Angels and Devils. Scientist and inventor, he was the Fallen Angel who taught man the art of war in the ancient times. Moreover, he was a Fallen like none other. A foe that not even Heaven or the Underworld had been able to suppress.
Out of the three Factions, he was the oldest leader. Heaven had lost their God. The Devils their Seventy-Two Demons and Four Great Satans. Yet the Fallen Angels, what had they lost? Their mightiest had yet to perish.
Still, just because the other factions had lost their leaders didn't mean that they were weak.
Sirzechs and Serafall released their own sort of pressure.
The two were Ultimate-Class Devils, Sirzechs on a category of his own. A Super-Class Devil whose strength could wipe out an entire dimension if left uncontrolled. Bat-like wings extended out from back, and a lingering aura of crimson energy began emanating outwards with him at its center. It was the magic belonging to the House of Bael.
That which was inherited by purity of blood and the power able to eliminate the existence of all.
The strength of the Great King of the Underworld.
The Power of Destruction.
The glare in Sirzechs's eyes may have had been even more intimidating than the light energy generated from Michael.
As for Serafall, nothing too substantial had occurred for she was unlike Sirzechs with his ability and overwhelming magical reserves. As such, although she possessed significantly large magical reserves, she focused more on control. The temperature around her began to plummet, the heat of her breath producing white vapours of condensed droplets of liquid water and ice. The beginnings of condensation.
That was when the snow steadily began to fall, pale and soft flakes floating down from the sky and clinging onto the ground.
The world of white.
Azazel and the rest had heard stories of the Underworld's Civil War, but among them and amidst the adoration for Sirzechs and Ajuka, was the event of a frozen battlefield. Limbs had laid shattered, bodies eternally preserved in a hoarfrost that never melted. An entire army reduced into pallid and pale sculptures decorated with icicles.
Sirzechs, Serafall, Michael, Gabriel, and Azazel, they were each powerhouses of their factions. None of them present were incapable of standing their own against a difference in numbers. Their capabilities were already proven.
Which was why no matter how many members the Khaos Brigade had, not one had yet to initiate an attack. Instead, it was a sort of deadlock.
Katarea herself was unwilling to initiate until she withdrew a container containing a serpent from her magic crest. The power granted by the Dragon of Infinity. She crushed it in her palms, consuming the power for herself, and growing exceedingly confident.
Alden Botis who was watching from the side detested the use of such an external power, but he wouldn't express his displeasure towards his current superior. Instead, as he noticed Katarea's growing confidence, he gestured for the other members in the Devil's Faction of the Khaos Brigade to maneuver a short distance away.
He had been with Katarea long enough to understand who exactly she would single out from the opponent's side.
There was no point getting caught up in a battle he knew wouldn't be able to make a difference in the Underworld, win or lose.
As expected, before any form of conversation could begin, Katarea attacked, following Serafall Leviathan closely as the Great Satan dodged and distanced herself from Sirzechs and the rest. Anyone could see this battle for what it was though, a personal one.
Sirzechs hadn't intervened because he understood Serafall and trusted in her capabilities. Katarea wouldn't be able to defeat her.
Yet in any case, from Alden Botis's point of view, it still didn't matter.
Serafall's position in the Underworld was unique. Even if she were to fall, it may not result in anything substantial as her influence stemmed not only from her family, but from the Lands of Marbas. If she were to resign as a Great Satan, then no changes could probably occur in the Underworld as Serafall had left most of the administrations to those capable in her family and in the Land of Marbas. Adelina Swiftblade was one such example.
Alden's eyes narrowed.
Sirzechs on the other hand, was a different matter entirely.
Besides, past grudges were meant to be paid.
The Devils in the Khaos Brigade mainly consisted of Devils from the Old Satan Faction who couldn't agree on the qualifications for the New Four Great Satans to rule. How could they, when many themselves were the direct blood related relatives?
As such, the Devils of the Khaos Brigade surrounded Sirzechs alone.
The Fallen Angels on the other hand surrounded Azazel, Michael, and Gabriel.
In the course of about a dozen seconds, three distinct battlefields had been created. The first of which was becoming the most heated.
Two comet-like figures crashed through Kuoh Academy's school grounds, the reverberation shattering the nearby windows and creating a shower of glass that shot outwards like shrapnel.
"What right do you have to take my name!" Katarea seethed, red colouring her vision as the power within her swelled along with her confidence.
The magic seal of Leviathan pulsed around her, shards of ice and water shooting outwards and boring holes into the ground. Stone, concrete, and steel were like paper in the face of Katarea's abilities, unable to maintain shape, twisting and moaning as the infrastructure itself crumbled.
Serafall only scoffed.
Her arms were crossed in front of her and the majority of Katarea's attacks were firmly lodged into the wall of ice she had summoned. From behind her, a magic seal was forming and gathering into a glacier-like mass.
Her frame of mind wasn't as idle as it generally was. This wasn't the Serafall Leviathan that Sona knew, but the Serafall Sitri of the Civil War of the Underworld.
The attack came before Katarea could even react, a towering mound of ice crushing her with its sheer weight alone.
Serafall landed lightly on the ground, her feet twisting along with her momentum and the magical girl skirt she wore fluttering parallel to her exposed thighs.
"HHehehehaaaa," a laugh echoed from in front of her, a sudden burst of power shattering the ice into a rain of hail that scattered outwards.
Katarea stood at the center, expression euphoric. The low-cut dress she wore with a high slit that exposed her tanned bosom was slightly ruffled, but there was no damage to her person whatsoever.
"Is that all the power a Great Satan who took on the name of Leviathan possesses?" Katarea jeered.
The strength she had obtained from Ophis's snake was not a simple additive factor of one value plus another, but a multiplier. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Katarea had achieved the boundary of what separated a High-Class Devil from an Ultimate-Class Devil.
Serafall understood this, and she still would have had easily been able to maintain her control of the battlefield through her experience and power, if not for the words Katarea then said.
"You were unfit to earn the fancy of the Last Demon of the Underworld," she said scornfully, a hand pushing up the square framed glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. "You? A fake not even deserving of the name Leviathan, what kind of dirty trick did you use to swindle a marriage from Lord Marbas?"
Serafall's hands balled into fists, her teeth clenching in her mouth, yet her silence prompted Katarea to continue in mockery.
"He was the weapon that the Four Great Satans had reserved as their last," Katarea said with pride. "With a swing of his hands, the very earth was wrought asunder by his aura, a malevolent black that denoted his capability."
Katarea's eyes narrowed on Serafall in contempt. "And you wasted it," she whispered accusingly.
"Not only did you stray him from the correct path, but you bent his desires to match yours. How else would it have had been possible for the New Satan Faction to garner his support? If the Old Satan Faction had found him first then-"
"Shut up!"
Serafall's eyes were cold, her expression devoid of any emotion.
It was like the blank slate of winter, a barren ground, desolate, yet exceedingly biting.
The memories of Kuro wouldn't stop playing in her head. The Lonely Demon whose existence had remained hidden for all of his life, only to experience pain and hardship upon finally stepping out into the world.
He helped others when others had never helped him before.
He fought for a dream whose making wasn't his own.
An existence that was never meant to exist, for the time of Demons had long since passed.
"What do you even know!?" She couldn't stop the words from coming out of her mouth, her voice unable to hide her fury. "You know absolutely nothing!"
Katarea staggered back in surprise. No, more than that; Katarea stared in horror as frost began to steadily crawl up from her arms, the piercing cold entering her bones.
Kuro was a man Serafall understood better than anyone else in the Underworld. Everything Katarea was saying was a slight against the man who had laid down his life for the sake of others.
"He was kind, kinder than anyone else!"
She said, her body trembling as the emotions she had kept bottled up inside her exploded forth. Her magical power erupted.
This wasn't a controlled power, but a reckless release that instantly froze the area around her; a blizzard forming in the air.
"He was compassionate!"
The Seal of Marbas left on her palms shone, the Seal of Sitri overlapping.
The advantages of marriage between the Demons of the Underworld wasn't just about the preservation of blood, but the power of compatibility.
Sitri, the Demon of the Leopard's head and the Griffin's wings.
Marbas, the Lion of the Underworld.
The two seals overlapped and joined in a manner that Serafall had not thought possible as she had never been so reckless with her magic. And yet in this moment, the symbol of the twin keys and the three crosses held by a halfsphere opened a swirling void at its center.
Magical energy never before seen bathed Serafall in a dim light, her strength increasing with her emotions as the image of a chimera formed within the snow of the blizzard around her.
The heads of a lion and a leopard.
And the body and wings of a Griffin.
Katarea didn't know how to react. The energy Serafall was releasing, even if it was just for a moment, it contained the same malevolence as a Demon's.
Katarea shuddered, goosebumps travelling down her back and causing fear to take root within her. Facing a Devil was one thing, but a Demon was another. There was a reason why the Hero Marbas had been so easily accepted by both the new and the old Satan Faction in the Civil War; the inherent dominance a Demon naturally possessed was more than enough.
"G-Get away!" Katarea retreated, her legs fueled by both adrenaline and magic.
She instantly leapt off of the ground, but it didn't matter. No matter what she did, or what attack she threw out, Serafall never left her side.
"A leader whose strength was greater than any other, fiercer than any other!"
A shard of ice pierced into Katarea's arm, a scream of anguish echoing out that was quickly muffled by the snow.
"He cared not for the sake of his own benefit, but for the good of those around him!"
The shard of ice expanded, tendril like roots digging into Katarea's arm and crippling it with a single motion.
Katarea bit her lips, forcing down the pain that reverberated within her as she used the time that Serafall wasn't moving to gain distance. Blood dripped in a steady stream, colouring the debris beneath in a vivid red.
Serafall stared impassively, her eyes devoid of mercy.
"You dare sully his name in front of me?" She said, her body moving her forward step after step. "How could someone like you ever understand?!"
Horror gripped Katarea's heart like a vice. It wasn't supposed to be this way.
She struggled to maintain her sanity while staying on her feet.
With the power that the Dragon of Infinity had granted to her, not even Sirzechs should have had been able to faze her let alone the one who had stolen her birthright.
She grew mad at the next moment, unwilling to see reality for what it was.
All that mattered as despair flooded her being, was that she got back at the woman who wronged her. And how else if not to strike at the most obvious point.
"Then where is he now?"
Katarea's voice was soft, haggard from the cold and the damage to her body.
Yet Serafall froze, her heart lurching within her chest as the magical energy welling from within her visibly wavered.
"If you knew him so well, then why did he still die?"
Katarea wobbled on her feet, her body unable to maintain its balance and falling on her side. Yet still she spoke. The words being her last as the ice around her smothered her in an eternal embrace.
Serafall stood unmoving, gaze hollow and despondent, her arms wrapped around herself.
Her magic had always leaned more towards ice, making her used to cold temperatures, but now standing alone within the storm that warded others away, she felt colder than she had ever felt in her life.
She swallowed, gaze sweeping towards some of the other members of the Khaos Brigade looking in her direction before pursing her lips and disregarding them.
She wasn't able to stop it.
The damn that was about to burst from within her.
Not after she realized a single key point.
The sheer power that lay dormant within her after the exchanging of the magic crests of Marbas and Sitri. A power she had had at her disposal even at that specific point in the Civil War.
Infuriated as she was while she had attacked Katarea, she herself could sense the changes in her magic better than anyone.
The remnants left behind through the influence of All the World's Evil.
A magic that was similar to that of a Demon's and that which was proven to counter God's Light by Kuro himself.
And it was because of this realization that the final words Katarea had said seemed to take away her soul.
"If you had this kind of power,"
The words were scornful even in death.
"Then why did you let Lord Marbas die?"
Thanks for Reading!
Note: My trips to the hospital after a spider bite and infection are officially over. All that's left is recovery for the next few days. So thank you all for the concern!

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