Lilith Kingdom

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Aristide: The Wasteland are attacking us my Queen

Queen Lilith: The Wasteland they could never

Aristide: The Wasteland Queen says that she doesn't want to negotiate

Nightbane: My Queen I will handle this

Aristide: Queen Lilith the troops are already handling this matter

Queen Lilith: Quit it I want my daughter Emmaline and her friends out of here

Emmaline: What is that noise mother what's happening

Queen Lilith: Get your friends and get out of here

Emmaline: I can't not without you
Lilith cries

Queen Lilith: Leave now

Emmaline: No not until you tell me why you didn't tell me

Queen Lilith: Get her and her friends out of here now

Emmaline: No Aristide please don't
Emmaline reaches for her mothers hand

Valentina: Emmaline calm down
Aristide escorts them out of the castle just before it collapses

Emmaline: This is all your fault she's dead because of you

Aristide: The Queen isn't dead she will be fine you need to get to safety

Emmaline: I'm not going anywhere with you

Aristide: Acacia stop being so stubborn
A crowd of warriors stands in front of them

Emmaline: Stop calling me that my name is Emmaline

Aristide: Well Emmaline if you don't want to be near me then at least run away and get to safety

Emmaline: No, this isn't something I can run away from
Emmaline walks towards the crowd of angry people to tell them the tale of Lilith as she sings a gold mist covers her and she emerges wearing the design meteoric feather ending the story with a short little tune

Acacia: Come along. Come to Silvermoon Lake. The waves are your stage, the stars at your feet. Dance, fly, fulfill your dream! Don't fret my dear this song is for you. Just smile and laugh and add to my tune! Let your memory return. I sing just for you.. You who walks on water. Oh no one's as gentle as you.. Don't you cry as you see the past. The past that you seek is the past that you dream!

Everybody heads for the lake and finds Queen Lilith sitting on the lake. Only Emmaline knows why Her Majesty looks softer than usual, and her voice is even a little sad as if she had cried. Innocent children are especially pleased.

Lilith: Why are you so happy children

Children: Emmaline sang us your song it is a lovely song and she's wearing a dress that summons meteors see look at the sky
The sky is a glimmering dark blue with stars lighting up the sky and just at the children said a meteor shower has begun

Emmaline: Come along. Come to Silvermoon Lake. The waves are your stage, the stars at your feet. Dance, fly, fulfill your dream! Don't fret my dear this song is for you. Just smile and laugh and add to my tune! Let your memory return. I sing just for you.. You who walks on water. Oh no one's as gentle as you.. Don't you cry as you see the past. The past that you seek is the past that you dream!
Lilith cries

Children: Queen Lilith why are you crying

Lilith: Even if this place is destroyed even if I am killed at least it will happen at the most beautiful moment

Emmaline: MOTHER

Lilith: My sweet Emmaline it is me I'm alive secure your safety get out of here lead your people you know the outside world beyond imagine I trust you to be next Queen you have experience after all please Emmaline
Moxie enters from behind the crowd clapping everyone moves out of her way in fear

Moxie: Isn't that a beautiful sentiment
Emmaline looks at Moxie with hatred in her eyes it's a very tense moment and everyone can feel it the gaze Emmaline gives Moxie leaves everyone's attention on them

Emmaline: I trusted you I thought maybe you were viewed wrong maybe with a sense of power you view things a bit differently

Moxie: I always knew you were weak Acacia oh wait what's it again Emmaline yeah I won't forget that anymore now where was I oh yes I always knew you were weak Emmaline all I had do was exploit that weakness the warriors too now that I think of it exploiting there weakness was easy they fell for every word I said
The warriors throw the weapons to the ground they seem to be merciful what had seemed to be passion for war had soon fled their eyes because they no longer trusted Moxie's reasons for war

Emmaline: It's over Moxie you lost

Moxie: It's far from over Emmaline and speaking of losses I'm very sorry for your loss I heard that James is dead
Emmaline looks confused and lost she feels brokenhearted and suddenly drops remembering the last things she said to him her eyes start to tear up and suddenly she stops but, she says nothing she stops in her tracks she seems lost in space and time not to be found

Moxie: Kill the Queen and her sweet daughter Emmaline if she lives all of you will die
One Warrior picks up his weapon Emmaline finally finding some sort of consciousness speaks to the Warrior softly despite the recent event

Emmaline: Don't if you do Moxie will kill you anyways and use the soldiers the kingdom already has because you're inexperienced and if you kill us she will be crowned Queen and take on all the nations in Teyvat is that what you want
The soldier drops his weapon and bows

Soldier: I'm sorry Queen Emmaline for everything I thought that if we listened to her it would be different this time but you know all the truths about the Wastelands and as the Queen's daughter although you would be defying her wishes just to set us free

Moxie: Quit it with the sentiment it's making me sick

Emmaline: It's over
Moxie smirks and then laughs manically there's a shadow covering her face making everyone uncomfortable

Moxie: I guess I'll have to do this myself
Moxie quickly picks up the spear and aiming it at Lilith and then she throws it everyone gasps the moment starts to slow down, Nightbane comes out and the spear hits him instead Lilith runs up to him, he seems to whisper one last thing before the light leaves his eyes

Lilith: Nightbane why have you done this

Nightbane: For you My Queen I gave you the love of all the kingdom even my own I hope your wish comes true I hope your life is finally complete
His eyes close and Lilith screams and cries holding him in her arms her scream causes everyone to stop in motion time seems to slow indefinitely and Moxie drops to the ground

Emmaline: Mother
Emmaline cries and runs on the water to get to her mother

Lilith: He's gone
Movement continues again as the Queens rage starts to fade

Moxie: I guess it's over
Soldiers aim there weapons at Moxie but a child runs to her aid and hugs her

Child: Your beauty never ever scared me
Moxie looks shaken but she hugs the child and holds her hand up

Moxie: If you're going to kill me let me at least get this child out of the way
The child hugs her tighter after hearing these words

Soldier: Well then we will kill you after the child gets to safety

Child: Well in that case I'm never letting go
No more words were said at Silvermoon Lake that night, Nightbane's blood was shed on Lilith's hands, but not just hers, but the hands of the entire kingdom.

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