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𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑒, 𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒
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(Yes I know I included some of Lori story from season 2 of how she found out Rick was shot to make the story more realistic don't come after me)

Isabelle climbing a tree, while Carl is swinging, so she can make him and Valerie laugh, Carl says, "wow you're so high" Valerie cheers her on, "do a trick" she sees Lori talking to the lady at the park, Woman says, "I know that look. Then you get really quiet. So, are you gonna tell me?" Lori replies, "We had a fight this morning. It got ugly, hurtful". A woman states, "I'm sorry, hon-- Men can be jerks." Lori looks down and then looks at Carl, "Thing is, if we're being honest, he wasn't an asshole"

Woman sighs. "Ah, got ya." Lori says, "He was trying so hard to be reasonable. It just pushed my buttons all the more. God, I sometimes wish he would just have it out with me.. And blow up, tell me I'm being a bitch, if that's what I'm being. Instead, he's just so.."

The woman replies, "Don't beat yourself up." Lori asserts, "No? You can't tell me that being pissed at your husband because he doesn't yell at you is even close to being rational." Isabelle listening in and hanging from the tree, "it's isn't, hey I'm just saying rick's a nice guy" Lori yells, "get down from there! Iz you're gonna hurt yourself! Now!" Isabelle didn't like Lori much, but if she's being honest, she's the only woman figure she ever had.

Woman chimes in, "That's one problem I don't have with Tom."
Lori asks her "But you still love him." The woman replies, "Sure, I do- Might as well. We're lifers." Lori gently says, "I admire your pragmatism." The woman asks lori, "You still love Rick?" Lori dodges the question, "I've been asking myself that a lot, and-and I think the answer's "yes." It's just, I'm trying to remember how that works. Maybe the only real problem we have is we got married so young. It's-"

Lori is cut off by the sounds of sirens, coming closer to the two women. Shane gets out and he stands by Lori, and looks up at the tree "belle get out that tree!" Isabelle replies, "fine" but when she steps on the bench, her ankle slipped and twisted causing her to fall out the tree" and then she falls and hits her head on the ground. Blood platters everywhere, the little kids run. Carl cries, "Isabelle!" Valerie runs to her in pani screaming and crying,

Shane yells "NOOO" rushes to her and Isabelle, head is bleeding, lori calls 911, and Shane says, "twice in one day, i have bad luck huh" lori replies, "what were you coming to tell me" Shane stays quiet, Lori yells, "Shane where's my husband is he alive" Shane replies, "He's in surgery." Lori panics, "How?" Shane yells to her, "There was a radio call that said that there were two suspects in a car, but there was a third man. Somebody screwed up. I screwed up. I ju- I did not see him in time- Lori, it's my fault."

Lori stands in shock, while also looking at Isabelle "is she okay? Is she dead? I-I don't believe that. What do I say? How do I tell my son his father's been shot? After this,"

Shane looks at her, "You don't have to do it alone, I can't go with you, but take my keys and go to the hospital. I'll meet you back. " Shane gives Lori his keys, and he stays Holding Isabelle's hand, as she slowly speaks in a breathy way, "i can't move my arms, is this how I die.. from a tree wow I always thought it'll be more badass" she gives Valerie a small smile, valarie cries, "no I need you, Shane rubs her hair. "It's gonna be fine bells"

he turns to Valerie, "go with Carl and Lori" Valerie replies, "I can't leave her" Shane assures her, "I got her, and you got this, bean you are the strongest little girl I know" he lays his hands on her face, she wipes her tears "okay" she runs to Lori and Carl and Shane looks to see Carl sobbing in tears, as Lori tell him it all. Isabelle eyes close, Shane yells, "belle wake up!"

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