Hiding in Plain Sight

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The wind brought in the scent of smoke and cypress, typical for a fall morning. Dria looked out the third floor window to the sea and forests below. The trees danced in the glow of the morning light as brisk air pushed and pulled the waves against the stone of the house below. Dria moved her gaze down to her father's balcony, empty as always. He's never home anymore, leaving Dria to entertain herself throughout the long lonely days. Lately he was away constantly, with no timeline of his return. Three weeks have passed since father has made himself known in this house. Every hour that passes just makes me disfavor him more. Father is a banker, they don't travel as much as he does, not usually, I have never understood why he doesn't want to be in the same room as me. Probably because he only had me from my mother. That's not the best look for one of the most successful men in this tiny town. "Dria, my love, are you awake" bellowed the head maid of the household. I smiled and threw the door open launching myself into Ruby's arms "I've been awake for hours Ruby, I feel like you should know that after all these years". Ruby just smiled and plopped the girl back on her bed "well if you would get prim and proper at a decent hour dear, I wouldn't have to ask" . I raised an eyebrow and rest a hand on one hip "you sound like father Ruby, I didn't know you possessed the fear". Ruby lifted her eyes to the ceiling as she glided over to the wardrobe,"sweet child, your father has.." she contemplated for a moment, dress and stockings in hand before setting them back in their place. "Your father is a stern man, a defeated man with a deceased wife and only a daughter to provide for with no heir to his name" "but he has me, I have his name and his blood" Ruby's face darkened slightly and she looked away "you have have his name, but not certain features, a name isn't good enough here".

I knew Ruby wasn't joking, she's always so serious, but fair as always with me. Ruby has been a mother to me without the blood, we have a different connection that you could see from worlds away. But she always kept a smile on my face, always when father couldn't. Ruby held up some trousers and mud covered boots, "Ellisandria Elizabeth what is this" I turned towards the window staring out at the ocean again, Ruby sighed and tossed a dress at me "no galavanting in the woods today, don't give me more work then you already are" we both shared a smile as I peered at her from under the silk. Ruby left the room with the boots and trousers, it's laughable she thought that would deter me. But there's only one reason she would take those garments down with her to wash, father was arriving home today.

I stood in the doorway to the study, not sure if I should dare to enter the room without permission. No one can intimidate me, I am a woman above those he works with, and no one can take me down from my tower. "My dear Elly" he spoke deeply as the door was opened by a servant, my head snapped up to meet his gaze, he watched every movement from behind his desk, feather pen in hand. I took the most subtle breath I could and plopped myself down in the chair in front of him, and opened my mouth to speak. "Elly no, you address me when I address you, know your place" I clasped my hands in my lap and locked my ankles together hoping that would stop my sharp tongue and glared at the man who created me then left town. Father stood up with the grace of a king, which he is far from, and sauntered in front of me to sit on his desk. "So I hear you've been in the woods with the local boys, child, that is no way for a Walder lady to present herself, and her family". His stare went right through me, I clenched my jaw "father I-" he held his hand up to stop me "no lady of this house will be out playing in the forests unsupervised, doing gods know what, while I bring in money to keep you in fine silks" his voice never raised, just dropped in temperature, bringing the room down to his level. I wanted to melt the iceberg in front of me, the double edged sword of both father's and mother's pride dragged its blade across my throat as I stood,"I am a lady of Walder, no matter if I am dressed in jewels and silk, or leaves and dirt, my name has nothing to do with how I spend my time, you are not here to enroll me in proper classes and oversee how I am treated by the people of this town, my name is simply a name that means nothing to any one but you" I kept my eyes locked on his, never letting his gaze drop me down below him where he believes I should be, I will hold myself as the queen of this manor. His gaze dropped below my eyes, studying my face and features as I stood as calmly as possible, his hand raised and I flinched by pure learned reflex. His eyes darkened as he took a strand of my dirty red hair and twirled it around his finger "you never cease to amaze me Elly, and you will never be easy to control". For several long seconds we stared each other down, father's hand still keeping a grip on my hair. The wind blew the window open, sky darkening with every other passing second, thunder roaring in the distance, we almost didn't hear Ruby enter the room. Hands on her hips she stood in the doorway with fire in her eyes brighter then any lightning that's soon to come "Sir Walder, welcome home, please unhand my charge as I could use her in the kitchen for dinner".

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