Hogwarts Party

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Lily POV

"Ah never have I been so happy to see something so green" I spoke with a smile on my face grabbing the bag out of my trunk along with the bottles of Whiskey the Slytherins won't know what to expect when we show up with these. "George you sly Weasley" I saw 2 packs of wraps with a note on top written in no other than Georges hand writing, with a smile on my face I picked up the note.

'We knew you would be up before us so roll the blunts please' I saw Fred and George had signed the bottom of the note leaving little drawings of themselves next to their names, I let out a laugh and sat down at my desk rolling my eyes.

"Even if I wasn't up here first, I would still have to do this" I broke up the weed and placed it in the wrap. Licking the opening closed and setting it down going to the next one.

"LILY, I HOPE YOU FOUND MY PRESENT!" I threw my head back laughing hearing George burst threw the door, he smiled seeing I had already started, 4 blunts sat on my desk in a line as I held the 5th in my hands, He walked out with a huge grin and stood over the balcony down to the common room.

"We are going to get fucked up tonight!" George threw his hands up in the air and shouted, I could hear Andrea and Fred laughing, I smiled before getting up and sparking one of the blunts walking out the door, George was already walking down the stairs laughing.

"I can't believe you knew I'd come up first but as I did, I do have a present for you all" My smile grew as I walked down the stairs taking a puff off the blunt.

"It's this lovely blunt I rolled" Putting emphasis on the I part, George laughed rolling his eyes, I handed the blunt over to Fred who was sitting on the couch with his legs thrown on the table gladly taking it, George took a seat next to Fred on the couch as did Andrea right next to him, I on the other hand plopped down on top of Fred making a huff leave him followed by a laugh.

"Could've had some warning Lil" Fred spoke situating himself to get more comfortable as he was trying not to burn anything with the blunt, I rolled my eyes laughing.

"Second present is the best, my presence" All three of them groaned before it was replaced with laughter.

"We always get that" George groaned, taking the blunt from Fred.

"Not Andrea so technically this is a present and you won't even be around me all night I'm sure you and Fred will find someone to entertain yourselves at the party" I smiled laughing, hearing the rest of them laughing soothed my ears before I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Fire Whiskey.

"Now lets get cross-faded I don't think I can deal with any bullshit tonight without it" I spoke smirking I saw their eyes shoot up and I laughed opening the bottle and taking a swig before handing it to a smiling Fred. Andrea now held the blunt in her hands taking a few puffs off of it before handing it to me taking in the new outfit.

"You just reminded me I need to change" Andrea threw herself off the couch with a huff and walked up the stairs laughing.

"Try to match me!" I yelled from my sitting position stretching out my legs on top of George, taking a puff off the blunt before handing it to Fred with a smile. "I missed this" I laid my head back, but it wasn't for long till I heard someone coming downstairs, I groaned and looked at the stairway.

"Whoever you are your ruining my mood" I grumbled going back to staring at the ceiling before turning to the staircase seeing the trio coming down the stairs, Mione scrunched up her nose before Andrea walked down the stairs wearing a pink shimmer outfit that looked almost identical to mine making me laugh at Mione. "Bloody hell you look hot" I spoke still staring at Andrea causing everyone to turn there heads towards her.

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