Chapter Fifteen

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During the time Ruby had spent locked in her dorm, she had frequently astral projected to see Xavier

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During the time Ruby had spent locked in her dorm, she had frequently astral projected to see Xavier. They couldn't kiss, or hug, or even hold hands, but it kept them sane.

The night of Tyler's kidnapping, Ruby had returned to her room to astral project once again. What she didn't expect was for Wednesday to show up at the sheriff's station. Ruby made her astral form invisible and waited to see what the backstabber wanted.

"Xavier, I'm not sure how much time we have. Thing distracted the guard and is lopping the cameras."

The boy faced her, "What are you doing here?"

She told him that she knew he was innocent, that Tyler was the hyde, and that he used her.

"How do you know?"

"I saw it in a vision when he kissed me."

He stepped back, "I'm glad you were getting some action while I was falsely accused and Ruby was locked alone in her room crying."

Then she had the audacity to ask for his help. He refused in disbelief.

"You ruined my life and Ruby's! You're toxic! All you ever do is make things worse." He told her that the only way for her to save the school is for her to leave and go far away.

When she was gone, Ruby revealed herself again. This time, she was crying, despite him having told her time and time again that it wasn't her fault, she still felt an extreme sense of guilt weighing on her heart, she was okay with her sister ruining her life, well not exactly, but she was not okay with her ruining Xavier's.

"I'm going to spend as long as I need to, to make sure you're freed. You didn't do this."

She disappeared from his sight. Her astral form reconnected with her physical form, and she fell asleep from the strain the day had put on her.

Ruby woke to Enid and Ajax banging on her door. They were yelling about Wednesday being in danger, and Ruby almost didn't get up until he said their code word.

"Ruby!! Come on!" it got quieter for a second, "you know what? Bear! Do you hear me Ruby? Bear!"

This was a big deal, as big as turning your own mother into a bear.

She got up, and whipped the door open. "Well? Let's go!" The trio ran down to the Nightshade library, they waited for the rest to arrive.

"I can't believe you're in a secret society and you didn't tell me."

Ajax turned to her, "Because... you know, it's secret."

"Bianca, Divina, and Kent? Seriously? Even Kent is here? How exclusive is this club?"

The group decided that the sirens would use their siren song to get everyone out of the school and to safety. Ruby would help with her magic. Thing and Enid would go look for Wednesday.

"Okay, Nightshades forever," Everyone except for Enid snapped twice.

"Seriously, a secret snap too?"

Ruby put a spell on the sirens which would make their songs amplified, it would allow them to reach more people. After the spell, Ruby called to Bianca, "I'm going to try and catch up with Enid and Thing!" Bianca nodded to her best friend.

When Ruby finally did make it to the duo, Enid was on the ground, and her bones were cracking. She was finally going to wolf out.

She turned and howled at the blood moon.

The, now, trio heard a loud snarl, and raced off through the woods to find Tyler holding Wednesday against a tree by her neck. Enid attacked Tyler, and Ruby pulled her sister away.

Thing went one way, Wednesday went another, and Enid was fighting Tyler. Ruby didn't know where to go, until a feeling in her heart told her to go with Thing.

They found the sheriff's car sitting in the middle of the woods, and Thing crawled across the roof of the car, and slid down the rear window. Xavier was so excited to see Thing that he hadn't even noticed the girl standing at the front of the car.

As he had been facing the right side of the car, Ruby opened the back left door, "Wow, more excited to see Thing than me? I should be deeply offended."

He turned around so fast, he almost got whiplash. "Ruby." He pulled her in the backseat with him, and kissed her with everything he had. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

She used her magic to break open the cuff holding him in the car. "Yes."

The new couple ran back into the woods. Thing had pulled them back to where Enid was. Xavier grabbed her jacket for her and Ruby wrapped it around her.

"Stay here with Enid, I have to go help Wednesday." Xavier nodded, and listened.

Ruby used her magic to enhance her speed, and made it to the school in no time.

She yelled to Crackstone as he and Wednesday were ready to face off. "Hey freak! Leave my sister alone!" She used her magic to shoot rocks at him, but he only sent them back with his own. Before they could make it far enough to hit Ruby, Wednesday moved in the way. The rocks hit her so hard, they knocked her off of her feet, and she fell to the ground.

"No! Wednesday!" she ran over and fell to her knees next to her sister. The older girl told her to go. "I'm not leaving you. We do this together."

They stood up and moved in front of Crackstone. Wednesday grabbed the sword she had and fought him, but his staff broke the blade. He pushed her up against a broken picnic table and held her down with his magic.

He might have been able to best her psychic sister, but he was no match for the witch. She pulled him back and slammed him against a pillar, and across the quad to hit another, and another, and another. He was coughing up black blood by the time he was brought back to face her, floating in the air. He had already dropped his staff, and Bianca, who had been watching, tossed Wednesday a fencing sword, and she came behind Crackstone and stabbed right through his back and into his black heart. He began groaning and grunting, as he breathed out black smoke, he tired to fire and exploded, the staff had even gone with him.

The three girls stared at the ring that fell in Crackstone's place.

There was a click of a gun.

"You brought a gun to a sword fight. It's probably the first smart decision you've made today."

Thornhill held the gun towards Wednesday, as she walked closer, she spoke, "I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday."

All of the sudden, they heard a swarm of bees buzzing getting louder and louder. One landed on the gun before they all began stinging Laurel.

Eugene walked in holding his hand out, controlling the bees, "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore... bitch."

Bianca and Ruby stepped back, and out of the quad. They joined their fellow students, who had turned to face Enid, Thing and Xavier. Ajax and Ruby ran up to them. The boy put his arm around Enid, while Xavier crushed his girlfriend with a hug. The four moved back into the crowd that parted for them.

Enid was the first to say anything, "Where's Wednesday?"

Ruby reassured her that she was okay, but she needed to see her. They moved forward, noticing Eugene and Wednesday walking up. The girls ran to her and slammed into her with a hug. Wednesday pulled back, and looked at the the crying girls and wrapped her arms around them.

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