🔹journey's end

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Your illness was worsening, you couldn't even touch your food without freezing it. Your body feels so cold.. very cold...

You wanted to research about this illness. You want to add it to your journal before your journey ends...


You warmly looked at Cotton Cookie. She looked back. Handing the scarf she has been working on the past few days.

"Y/C/N Cookie.. T-Take this scarf as a gift from me... Y-You have to go soon.. and meet them.. And I really want you to keep this as a memory from me."

Cotton Cookie gently wrapped the soft, cozy, cotton scarf around your neck.

"...C-Cotton.. Cookie..."
You smiled sadly.

Cotton Cookie smiled back, tears falling down her now soggy face. She held your hand and led you on the way out. Carrying her lantern.



You were confused. Where was Cotton Cookie leading you in this awful weather..? Yet, you noticed on how the colder your body gets.. the stronger the snow... She leads you...


You couldn't almost see the giant tree of wishes in Snowfall Village. The heavy snow storm was covering it in your vision. You're now on a hill.. and a single Wind Flower was left. You saw Cotton Cookie pick it up and pointed to....


Why tho? Is it actually your time? Was your journey over? What's with the castle? And why do you feel like the castle was calling for you? Is it your death place? Is there someone who wants to save you from your illness? Why?

Yet... You swore.. you cannot feel your body anymore due to the cold. You feel like passing out.

"Y/C/N Cookie dear.. Y-You seem confused... The truth is... This is where you will leave me.. inside that castle.. and be with him."

Cotton Cookie said, holding the Wind Flower.

"I'm pretty sure that he would love to have a new friend.. someone who can be with him forever... Or not more than just a friend..."

Cotton Cookie continued. She then let go of your hand and shone her lantern. She held the Wind Flower still and made a wish. You wonder what it is.

"Dear.. You must go down this hill and walk inside the castle... The Frost Witch is waiting to cure you.."


"Farewell.. I'll never forget you.. Y/C/N Cookie.. Thank you for the things you have done for me.." Cotton Cookie said.

"T-Thank you for taking care of me.. a-and thank you for being someone I look up to..!" You cried out and hugged her tightly. Tears running down your face. Now running weakly to the castle gates.


Y/C/N Cookie struggled to open the Frost Castle's gates because of how weak she was feeling. She still managed to open the gates. Met by Frost Queen Cookie.



"Child, I see you have arrived.." She said blankly. A snow crystal then glided around the Frost Witch and turned into a Cookie.

It was Sherbet Cookie. The Cookie who showed himself in her dreams.

"W-Wow!; I didn't expect you to come so soon..! Oh! And I assume that scarf is from Cotton Cookie..! Uh.... what was your name again...?" He asked her, fiddling with his navy blue staff.

"Y...Y/C/N Cookie...-" Those were her last words before passing out.


do u guys want toes

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄... //CRK: Sherbet Cookie ×  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now