Chapter One

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It was a bright early morning in Tokyo, Japan. A young woman named, Airisu Sanyo woke up to the sound of birds chirping and bugs buzzing outside her window. She lets out a yawn as she stretches, arching her back and sighing in relief. Airisu stood up, stretching out her legs, shuffling towards her bedroom door. On her way she had grabbed a pair of clothes for today.

She shuffled down the hallway, heading towards the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror with her wavy dark brown hair in a bun and her front bangs had been brushed to the left, ending down at the corner of her eye while her side bangs were behide her ears. After she rubbed her eyes, she lets her hair fall down to her lower back. She had grabbed a light pink brush and brushed it out. After getting everything brushed, hair and teeth, she puts on her clothes. She wore a light pink sweater with a black muscle shirt under, a black skirt that ended close to her mid thigh, black stockings that ended below the knee and black and white Converse shoes.

As she headed her way downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was cooking breakfast. "Its almost time". Airisu's mother said softly and sighs as she handed Airisu a small plate of breakfast. Two blueberry pancakes and a few pieces of bacon. "I know.." Airisu said as she placed the bacon in her mouth savouring the taste. Her mother sat across of her with a big cup of coffee in her hand "Do you have everything you need? "Airisu nodded as she ate the two pieces of bacon and moved onto the pancakes. "Money, clothes, phone to contact me?" Airisu looked at her mom and nods again. Her mother smiled softly. "When you get there tell your uncle to actually let you sleep! You always look so exausted when you come home!" Her mother said with a slight attitude, then softened a bit and spoke again. "And please call me dear.." Airisu noticed that her mother was a bit worried. Airisu smiles as she stood up, walking towards her mother to give her a tight hug. "I promise I will.." Her mother looked at the clock, noticing she might be late. "Go now. You'll be late." Airisu nods before she looked over at the clock. She gasps as she rushed towards the front door grabbing a dark brown briefcase next to the door which had all her clothes and essentials she needed to get through the vacation.

After opening the door, she went outside and power walked over to the bus stop which was only a few blocks away from her house. She noticed no one was there and sighs as she stood next to the bus sign.

A few minutes had passed by and the bus came. Airisu gets inside and pays for her fare, sitting down next to the window. She looked around outside, and zoned out. It was early in the morning. She didn't expect alot or anyone out at this time of day.

After a 20 minute ride on the bus. She arrived at the train station. Which would head to a small village next to Aokigahara where her Uncle lived.

Once she walked inside the train, she was looking around for an empty seat. It didn't take long for her to find one across a woman and her young son who seemed to be around 6 or 7. She sat down and looked outside the window. Resting her chin on her palm as she looked outside as the train started to leave the station. Airisu smiled, thinking about her times there in Aokigahara.

Aokigahara is where I met my close friend, the one I cared for the most, the one I loved. Not only was he my first friend, he was a Yokai in Aokigahara forest, the haunted forest people say, The suicide forest. The forest full of evil demons. I believe that is all full of lies. The Yokais there. As well as him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been alive today. Sure the Yokais thought of me dangerous at first. But now, they are my closest friends. The only ones I am able to talk to and talk about the past...It all started 11 years ago. I was just only 6 years old and I was living with my uncle during my vacation...

At the age of 6 and have a curious mind. It was dangerous to be out and alone. Airisu's uncle was an overprotective man. He knew if Airisu had gotten even a small scratch on her knee on accident, he would have a earful from his sister.

One day, Airisu took a walk out into the forest. Not honestly knowing what is inside or what it is all about. She loved exploring and it seemed like the forest was the perfect place to find items she could collect. She wore a pink summer dress, something cute and she can be active in. Her uncle had told her not to ever go there, but she was adventurous. She craved adventure and new surprises. As she walked towards a path that lead to the main entrance of the forest. She saw talismans on entrance. As if it was trying to purify the mountain. She continued to walk.The deeper and deeper she went the soon she was getting herself lost.

After a while she looked around, yelling out for her uncle or even anyone. She began to panic and started to cry softly before sat down under a tree too tired to walk anymore. Thinking she will be forever lost.

All of a sudden, she heard a boys voice. It sounded around their late teens. "Oi, Shorty." The voice says in a calm tone. Airisu's eyes open and looked around, no one was there? Was she going crazy? She heard the voice once again. "Over here." Rang the voice from a tree in front of her. "Mr...Tree?" She asked tilting her head and stood up. She heard a 'Gah-' sound coming from the tree as a boy pops his head out of no where behind the tree. "No. Me." He said and pointed at himself. She wasn't able to get a look at his face. All she saw was a tall young man who had short-medium length hair that was spiked up in the back and the side bangs barley ended a bit shorter to his jaw it seemed like. He wore a white Okamii Yokai Mask with what it looked like a ancient design. It was a lot different from what she saw at festivals. He wore a black jacket unzipped with a dark gray shirt under it, along with black jeans and sporty shoes. "What are you doing here?" The boy said. Airisu looks up at him "I...I..I was just exploring.."She said stuttering."You know this forest is cursed...Many demons are here that could eat you. And if you get deep into the forest you could be lost forever." He said it to hopefully scare her. Airisu smiled and raised her two tiny fists. "Then I can just fight them!" She said and attempted to punch the air. He looked at her for a moment and took a step back "I'll lead you the way out of here." Airisu smiled wide. "Thank youuu!!!!"She said as she ran to give him a hug.

The boy thought fast and moved away from her touching reach. She looked at him slightly confused and took a few steps forward to touch him. He only dodges. She thinks of it as a cute fun game and she started to run after him laughing a bit. The boy hesitated and grabbed a short thick branch. Bonking her on the head with it. She whined and placed her hands on her head. "Meanie!!" She pouts and looks up at him with a tear at the corner of her eye. The boy looked down at her "I'm...Not human. I live here in the forest. If I get touched by a human, I will disappear...Do you understand?" Airisu looked up at him "So you're a Yokai?" Asks and smiles. He looked away gazed into the distance through the mask. "I guess you can say that....Anyways, I'll lead you home." The little Brunette girl smiles and runs towards him for a hug "Thank you!!-" Another bonk was given to her on the same spot of the head. She fell to the ground, rolling on side to side and groaned. He looked at her as if he was slightly scared. "DIDN'T I JUST TELL YOU!?" Airisu whines and looks at him "I forgot!!! I'm sorry!!"

After the incident she was causing. He handed her the other end of the branch. "Hold onto the other side." It took her a moment until she held onto the end of the stick while he held the other end. They started to walk and towards the entrance of the forest. Airisu was looking around at the beautiful scenery. The boy looked at her and smiled a little. Though he knew she couldn't see his face.

After a long walk, the two finally got to the entrance. "If you go straight in that direction, you'll be able to find the path home." Airisu let's go of the stick and looks up at him "Thank you for leading me out, I'll come back tomorrow to give you a proper thank you present!" She said as she took a few steps to the direction "I suggest you don't come back..Its dangerous. That's what the people say right?" They both stood there silently for a small moment. "Anyways! I'll come back tomorrow for sure!" Of course she didn't listen. Something about him she just liked. He was different than all the boys and girls she has as friends in Tokyo. "I'm Airisu Sanyo by the way!" She said and waved goodbye and ran down the path. "It's Hikaru.." She heard him say. The little girl looked back and saw no one was there. She stood there for a minute before she continued to run.

On her way home, she heard her uncle calling for her name. "Uncle!"She yelled out and reaching out to be in his arms being so relieved and happy to see him again. He looks at her and bonks her on the head. "I told you not to go far! What if you got lost!?" Tears formed at the corners her eyes and she apologised. Her uncle sighs softly and held her tiny little hand. "Let's go back home..." He says as he walked away and she followed. Airisu looked back from where she came and thought of Hikaru.

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