✧ Movie Theater Fun..

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Murdoc grabbed his keys, and 2D followed shortly after out to the car. They were about to see a movie in theaters, which was exciting because they hadn't gone on a date in a while.

When they arrived, the two men stepped out of the car and walked up to the entrance.

"You're ordering." Said Murdoc, chuckling as he held the door open.

2D pouted but complied nonetheless. They entered, and the building smelt like popcorn and butter, much to Stuart's delight.

They made their way up to the register. Right before Stu could open his mouth, he jolted forward, almost falling right into the counter.

The cashier looked very concerned but probably didn't get paid enough to care as she asked what they'd like to order anyway.

Stu's cheeks flushed, and he shot a glare at Murdoc, who was grinning cruelly with a hand in his pocket. Stu adjusted to the low vibrations passing through him and cleared his throat.

Murdoc hummed to himself as he watched 2D from the corner of his eye. The poor boy was trying to order their popcorn and drinks, but each time he opened his mouth, Murdoc would send a small vibration through him. It was nothing too intense, just enough to make the poor boy stutter.

Murdoc found it amusing, but he knew he had to stop before 2D made a complete fool of himself. He chuckled as he saw 2D's cheeks flush red with embarrassment.

"I would like uh- a uh-"

The vibrations turned up again, and he had to bite his lip to stop himself from moaning.


"A large popcorn and a coke." 2D finally managed to get out, his voice sounding strained.

The girl at the counter nodded and turned to get their order. Murdoc leaned close to 2D, his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of his neck.

"Having fun yet?" He purred, turning up the vibrations again.

2D gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the pleasure building up in his lower abdomen. He could feel himself getting hard, and he cursed Murdoc silently.

The girl came back with their order, and 2D quickly handed her the money; the other man tried not to laugh as he watched 2D try to compose himself. The poor boy was stoll biting his lip in an effort to keep from making any noise.

2D shot Murdoc a glare, but the taller man only grinned in response. He knew he had 2D completely under his control.

The two got themselves situated with a bit of movie theater butter and napkins and made their way to their seats.

They decided to sit in the very back, in an isolated part of the theater. 2D sat down and felt the vibrator grind against his prostate, his eyes widening as Murdoc only let the vibrator continue.

He was standing above the man, enjoying watching 2D squirm and look over to him helplessly, his popcorn sitting on his lap to hide his boner.

The lights couldn't dim any faster for Stu, who was desperately trying to get any sort of friction going on his crotch.

Murdoc watched 2D writhe around uncomfortably in his seat for a few moments before leaning down and whispering, "Are you enjoying the show?"

2D could feel his cheeks flush red as he nodded. Murdoc chuckled softly before sitting down in the empty seat next to 2D. He sat down and pulled 2D onto his lap, successfully grinding the toy against him.

2D let out a shaky breath as Murdoc began to kiss his neck. He could feel himself getting closer, and he knew Murdoc was enjoying it too by the way his cock was pressed against his ass.

Movie Theater Fun [2DOC]Where stories live. Discover now