Chapter 3: The New Album

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As he walks nearer the blue thing moves down an aisle of the store and out of sight. Jungkook stops in front of the window of the store and looks in searching for the blue mystery man that he had seen. After scanning the area that he could for a few moments he walks over to the store.

His heart begins to beat rapidly as he enters the shop, not sure if he was just scared by the surprise chime of the bell that rang as the door shut behind him or the fear of finally finding what he has been in search of. Jungkook tries his best to compose himself and he walks over to the right side of the shop to look for the album.

The shop was very well-kept and relatively small compared to the massive department stores that were sprinkled around the mall. If you were not looking closely it could be easy to miss it in the mess of stores and signs around it. As a result of the shop's humble appearance, it was not a shock that it seemed so empty.

His fingers gently graze over album covers as he walks down the aisle and scans quickly trying to find the new Black Pink album. After he made his way all the way down the aisle he turns the corner and peers down the next aisle. He was not trying to spy but he just wanted a glimpse of what he had seen earlier, he wanted proof that he wasn't insane, that he did not imagine it.

His heart sank a little when he saw that the aisle was empty but his heart was still beating rapidly in anticipation. While he did not see the blue mystery man he did see a large sign advertising the new album releases so he continued down in search for the CDs.

Immediately he spotted the cover of the album and he picked it up delicately in his hands. The clean plastic wrap was calling for Jungkook to remove it and listen to the CDs inside so he turned on his heels towards the back of the shop to check it out. As he looked down the aisle though, he saw it just a few feet away from him.

Jungkook froze and almost dropped the album. While he believed that they would be in the store because he saw them in the window he still was not prepared to be so close to them. His heart began to beat even quicker and he could feel himself getting hot.

He had no clue what to do.

'Should I approach them? Run the other way?' he thought. All Jungkook knew was that he needed to do something because he had been staring so long that he might be looking a bit odd. Right before he could even make a decision they both made eye contact and Jungkook quickly looked back at the shelf.

Jungkook turned bright red and began to pretend to be interested in something on the shelf but shortly after he heard a crunching noise that grew nearer and nearer. Slowly, he turned back and finally saw them up close for the first time.

He discovered that the blue mystery man was in fact, a sentient bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. He immediately noticed their bright pink eyes and full eyelashes. They greeted Jungkook with a bright smile and they were blushing profusely, just like Jungkook, and they were shining in the light.

Silence filled the air for a moment as Jungkook tried to process what he was experiencing when finally that bag spoke up.

"I-I- noticed you looking at me and I thought that I would introduce myself." they stammered, "My name is Cool Ranch Doritos but you can call me whatever you would like."

"Well," Jungkook began, "my name is Jungkook. I-I- am sorry for looking at you. I hope that I did not come across as rude."

Both of them struggled to do anything close to maintaining eye contact as they spoke to each other. Jungkook could feel his palms sweating and his face becoming an even brighter shade of red.

"Oh no, not at all." Cool Ranch Doritos replied in a rushed tone, "I am new to New York and I have not been able to make any friends yet and I thought that anyone that was into Kpop might want to be my friend." they said with an awkward smile on their face.

"I love to be friends!" he nearly yelled. After he said it he covered his mouth in embarrassment and shock because he did not mean to be so odd and he was afraid that he was leaving a bad impression. Jungkook could tell that their conversation was getting awkward and he wanted to save it any way that he could.

"Um..." Jungkook started, "Do you want to exchange numbers?"

"Sure, I-I- would love to." they said as they reached to pull out their phone. As they entered their numbers into each other's phones Jungkook kept sneaking peeks and glances at Cool Ranch Doritos but he tried to ease his feelings and calm down.

"Well, it was nice to meet you." he replied after they returned their phones to each other. Jungkook knew that Jimin would be in the shop any minute now so even though he wanted to keep talking to Cool Ranch Doritos he knew that unless he wanted to get caught he needed to hurry up and buy the album.

"Okay, maybe we can talk again sometime?" they say before quickly leaving the shop. Jungkook listened to the now familiar bell as they left; he tried to savour every last moment that they were in view before he went to the checkout.

While the cashier rang up his album he tried to calm down but his efforts went without much reward. He grabbed his bag and as he was leaving the store he sees Jimin walking towards him, rolled ice cream in one hand and in the other a large fountain drink cup. As they approach each other Jimin's smile grows larger and larger until it spreads from ear to ear.

"I decided to get you a Coke Zero since you like them so much. I had to get back in line for it but it was worth it-" Jimin stops speaking once they get closer together. "Who are you blushing about?"

Although Jungkook is embarrassed he plays it off as a joke. 

"It is obviously because I saw too many pictures of Black Pink in there. Like seriously how many cardboard cutouts do they need?" he laughed despite the fact that there was not even one cutout.

Jungkook knew that Jimin would find out about Cool Ranch Doritos one day but he wanted to keep things a secret until they got to know each other better.

It Was Only By Chance (Jungkook x Cool Ranch Doritos) BTS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now