Deal with the white devil

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"What do you mean all my funds are being cut?! Do you not know who I am!" A man asked, screaming into the phone.

Mr. White was a very rich individual who founded his own company. He usually wears a gray suit, red bowtie and is quite plump.

His latest goal has been trying to build the perfect robot to stop Goyjoi and any other threat to the city. Of course, Goyjoi isn't a threat, but to him, that kaiju is a dangerous foe that must be stopped. He doesn't trust a monster that could go rogue during any given moment when it chooses. It was no better than all the situations with Dr. M.

It seemed like the NCDF and GDF are very bad at their jobs because they are never able to catch Dr. M. They couldn't even stop Goyjoi from destroying a big part of northern Neo City. Sure, it was during a kaiju battle. However, that was unnecessary and uncalled for.

"Do you not understand that I need the funding for my newest version of the Mazonnian, for the people to be safe!" He argued.

After hearing negative responses on the other end, Mr. White put down the phone in a rage. He looked at it and buried his face with his palms because everything was all over. His plan to rid the city of Goyjoi couldn't be followed up on without the proper funding. This entire plan would never work and Goyjoi was going to continue destroying precious landmarks and wasting millions of dollars used to construct buildings.

"Why worry about those chumps?" a raspy voice said from behind Mr. White.

He turned around and saw a tall figure staring at him. The figure had a black smile plastered on its face. The grin looked mischievous and not at all friendly.

The man's teeth were pearly white, but his skin was strange because it looked whiter than the full moon on a bright night. Upon further inspection, Mr. White also noticed that the man's nose was long and pointy, and spiky hair, blue in color.

The eyes were also a dark blue and had a dark triangular pattern covering the eyes, while the ears appeared to be long and pointy like an elf's. Perhaps the strangest thing about this mystery man was his outfit. He had a dark slick looking blue jumpsuit on with the same color as his shoes. The man also had on white gloves like a magician would wear.

The man was also very skinny looking. He looked like a clown. A clown that belonged in the circus. It made Mr. White uneasy, but also a little annoyed. This man was dressed up as a clown and in his office, the office where Mr. White does a lot of business related work.

The man walked up to Mr. White and offered his hand to shake. "Don't be shy, Mr. White." He said calmly.

Mr. White was very terrified because he had no idea how this mystery man knew his name. As far as he knew, they never exchanged important information like that. So, he didn't know how this crazy clown knew who he was.

The only possible explanation was that Cheryl gave him his name, or Cheryl was playing a prank altogether. That seemed like a good possibility because why else would a random clown show up in his office? None of that made any sense.

The man was getting very impatient. "Are you going to sit and stare at my hand all day, or are you going to shake it?"

"Who are you and why are you here?" Mr. White got in the man's face. "The circus is in another town buddy. I suggest you take a hike."

"Relax chum, I'm here for business." The man sat down at Mr. White's desk and started messing around with a deck full of cards. He looked at Mr. White with an evil smile. "Wanna play a game while we wait? No? Hmm, okay then I'll just play solitaire like a good little boy then. Reminds me of the good ol' days. Everybody loves a good card game."

Deal with the white devil #15Where stories live. Discover now