Chapter 20

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If my mother and sister suspected that I was lying about having another paid vacation from my boss, they didn't say. I've turned my phone off and haven't talked to a single person. That was three days ago. I haven't been to work. I haven't talked to Mick. I didn't even know what I was doing at this point in my life. I didn't even resign or give notice.

I just stopped showing up. I didn't know if Aries was still heading to work or if he had brought in a replacement. I wouldn't know. I don't know if I cared. He hurt me. My ass in question was less red and the pain wasn't there, but I could feel it sometimes.

I had bought a shelf's worth of cooling gel and ointment and lathered my ass in it night and day and tried hard not to sit down or flinch in pain when I was around my family. I didn't want them asking questions, and it wasn't because of the humiliation I felt, but because I didn't have answers.

Aries and I never made any sense. Not when we were kids and not even as adults. It hurt. The pain that I felt while I was screaming for him to stop...I could still feel it sometimes. I was reduced to crying in the shower or when they both left for work and school.

It was pathetic, I had to say, but it was temporary. I'd figure it out. I always have. The sound of Louie barking loudly had me jolting out of bed and then I heard someone's voice.

"Louie!" I shouted, fear grasping me and freezing me as I stayed in the corner of my bed. "Come here, Louie!"

The dogs barking seized and then my bedroom door swung open, and Louie walked in with Aries by his side. He was petting his head and the stupid dog was wagging his tail as if someone didn't just break into our house. Useless. I looked over to see the man of my dreams and nightmares give me a sheepish smile.

"Did you just break into my house?"

He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Technically."

Technically? What the fuck?

"Stupid, useless dog," I muttered as I got off the bed and ushered for Louie to come to me. The dog ran over to where I was, and I held his face. "You're supposed to attack the people that break-in, not bring them to me." I scolded and he made a low whining sound. I kissed the top of his head and scratched his chin in forgiveness. "Go, get out of here," I said, and the dog barked as he ran out of the room.

"You're not answering your phone."

"Yeah, take the fucking hint."

"Nova, please. I'm sorry. I fucked up. Just fucking talk to me. I can't handle this silent treatment shit."

I sat on the edge of the bed, and he crossed the room to come to me. He got down to his knees in front of me and reached for my hands.

"You can be mad at me. I can handle it, but be mad at me loudly. Yell at me. Hit me. Scream at me. Cuss at me. Just don't do this. Don't ignore me." He leaned down and kissed the top of my hands. "I fucked up. I thought hurting you would make a difference. It fucking didn't. When I hurt you...I hurt myself in the process.

I just want to break free from this cycle of pain and hurt and anger and hate." He looked up at me and his face, those emotions were shining in his eyes that it took my breath away. "I'm sorry for causing you pain. I'm sorry for even putting you in that position to begin with.

Fuck me for being so stupid and childish. You said that you were in love with the old Aries..." He swallowed and I stayed stoic as I watched this man slice his wounds open for me and bare them all to me. "In high school, you loved me?"

"Yes," I admitted. "So much." It came out choked and emotions swirled in those gems he had for eyes, and I melted into them.

"You don't feel that way about me anymore?" He asked, his voice destitute.

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