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.Tae- bear s-top crying and eat something please"- It's being 2 days since the accident happened..jungkook is now with them and Kim family is also there.currently is trying to feed something tae who is only crying with empty stomach ....
"Momma-i-dont wanna e-at anything"- tae said cryingly
"But baby you have to eat for your baby my son"- said kissing his forehead.
"I don't wan-na eat mom-ma, i miss my woo,,mom-ma..he sa-id he will come to m-e and now he is n-ot here"- tae said and hug Mrs Kim tightly.
"Honey, I want to talk to you about something"- Mrs Kim said to mr Kim locking the door from inside.
"I know what you want to say"- mr Kim said holding her hand .
"I can't see tae like this ,, he is getting weak and he is not eating anything"
"I know, but what about the baby?"-mr Kim ask.
"Abortion"- Mrs Kim said .

•after 2 week•
"Honey, we have to tell tae, tae is now 1 month pregnant "- Mrs Kim said .
"Let's go to talk to him"- they said and headed toward garden where tae is.
"ARE YOU GUYS OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS ABOUT MY BABY???"-tae yelled out of his lungs.
"Tae baby calm down"- Mrs Kim said tried to touch tae.
" should I calm down..! How can you say that momma? HOW?! Hh-ow--ww?!"-tae stared crying .... hearing tae's crying and shouting other came to the garden.
"Oh my what happened tae baby?"- Mrs Jeon said hugging tae.
"How yo-u ca sa-y that abo-ut my baby mom-ma?"- tae said crying and holding Mrs Jeon .
"What did you say to him Mrs Kim?"-mr Jeon ask.
"Mr Jeon what I said is good for tae , look he is now young he has his full life to live ..and we want him to get married . And no one will marry him knowing he is pregnant with other man's child so we tell him to abroad the baby"- Mrs Kim said while tae started crying more..
"What are you saying unnei ?! know that the baby is only a part of our woo,, how can ?!"- Mrs Jeon said ....
"I know unnei but what about tae who will marry him with this baby?"- Mrs Kim said holding Mrs Jeon hand..
When all are talking, mr Jeon didn't said a word jungkook is standing there watching tae crying...



"Jungkook will Marry taehyung"- said mr Jeon.
After thinking about my stories i thought to give my stories an onther change...and so I updated yesterday and I will upload further when I will have yeah if you like it do vote ...😊andddddd please it's a request that don't be a ghost 👻 reader's okay baby's?
Now byby💖

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