You and Me

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Chapter Nineteen:

You and Me

Shinara walked down the stairs, stopping just on the last step when she noticed the light snoring coming from the couch. Ai was in the kitchen washing dishes, so she knew it was Kaito, still sleeping soundly.

She walked over to the couch and peered down at the sleeping face. Where he usually had a mask covering his expressions, his sleeping face however was completely open to viewing. You could tell that whatever he was dreaming about wasn't necessarily a good thing. He was tossing and turning and his face was scrunched up in a frown. He seemed to be muttering something but Kudo couldn't hear what it was he was saying, but he seemed a bit distraught.

"Hey, Kaito", she said shaking his arm. She didn't want him to be caught in a nightmare. "Kaito, wake up! Kaito!"

Kaito startled awake, sitting up, panting. He stared straight ahead for a moment and she gave him a second to fully wake up before moving into view so he could see her clearly.

"S-shin-chan", he whispered seeing her.

He sighed in relief as he wiped his forehead that was wet with sweat. He grinned when he looked back up, his mask, she noticed, completely back in place.

"It is so good to see you alright", he said as he stood up a bit shakily, "I was so worried."

She smiled a bit sheepishly as she rounded the couch and hugged him. He seemed to be quivering a bit, so she sat down bringing him with her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, noticing how pale he looked.

He nodded.

"Yeah sorry, just a stupid nightmare", he commented as he looked around and spotted Ai in the kitchen who was completely ignoring the scene happening behind her.

"Ai told me what you did for me", she said, knowing her face was turning cherry red, "T-thanks."

Kaito smiled and pulled her against him with a giggle.

"You are so cute Shin-chan", he said grinning.

She smiled back and relaxed against him. He leaned down near her ear and whispered, tickling her with his hot breath against her skin.

"Say Shin, would you like to join me on a date? A real date", he asked.

She glanced up at him where he softly smiled down at her, "I don't know about you", he replied, "but I could use a good day out for fun."

"I would love to go on a date with you, Kaito Kuroba", she whispered, "no injuries this time."

He laughed and nodded in agreement, "Yeah no injuries if I can help it, especially not to you. I am going to stop at home first to change and take a quick shower. How about I pick you up at..." he glanced at his watch, "around eleven? That gives us both an hour."

"Sounds good", she agreed.

"Alright then" he said with a quick kiss to her cheek, "see you in an hour."

She nodded with a blush as he chuckled and left the house. As soon as the door closed, she rushed up the stairs to get ready. Ai just laughed as she watched her go.

"If anything", she whispered to herself, "They are good humor."

She cackled as she continued with the dishes.


An hour later, Shinara stood waiting at the door. She was dressed in a flowing light green and white skirt with a long sleeved white V-neck and a tan leather vest over top of that. She had light green colored beads around her neck and a tan bandana tied up in her hair, with a pair of small green earrings. Her shoes were white buckle sandals and she had a small tan bag slung over her shoulder. She didn't usually dress up like this, so she hoped he liked it.

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