Chapter 3

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  Raven POV

  Flashback continued

      I shrieked and slapped the person behind me. I heard a very unmanly squeal.

   "What is wrong with you and slapping my face!" Ben hissed angrily.

    I was about to remark sarcastically when I heard I soft giggle come from Rosemarie.

    "Dada" she cooed at him. I felt tears spring to my eyes. Her first words and her father isn't here I sobbed internally.

     Once Ben saw the tears in my eyes. He walked towards us slowly as if not wanting to scare us. He looked deep into Rosemarie's eyes and calmly explained

    "No Rose I am not your dada I'm your Uncle Ben-Ben"

    " Unca Be-Be?" Rose I should start calling her that it seems as if she likes it and it is faster to say questions. As soon as Ben asks me silently to hold her my boys started to fuss wanting attention too. (Stopping here cuz I need to sleep and yes the italics are Raven's thoughts I will update this soon and sorry for the long wait for those who care)

    (I am back)  "You can hold Rose, I'll take the boys, then we will talk"  I tried to say calmly. As I held her towards him, seeing that she likes him.

    "Sure, hello Rosie" He baby talked to her. Then I heard a loud smack after I turned my back to them.
      "NO!" Rose scream at him. Looks like she got my temper and attitude. I held Silver and Jem as they squirmed trying to see Ben.

     "What is wrong with you women and smacking my face! I know it's pretty and all but seriously it is getting old!" Ben yelled at me or Rose I'm not sure.

      "All right come on you big baby we have talk about what you said about me being a wolf." I said as I walked towards the couch in the living room. I hope this won't be bad. Oh who am I kidding everything that has to do with me turns out horribly, well except for the triplets.

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